September 2020 Minutes
Parish Notes in lieu of September 2020 Parish Council Meeting
Cllr Richard Elliott, Chairman,
Cllr Richard Barnard,
Cllr Tim O’Callaghan,
Cllr Tony Scawthon, ,
Cllr Lizzie Smith,
Cllr Catherine Turner,
Mr Ron Gee, clerk.
Notes in lieu of the August meeting were circulated to all members.
2.1 Local Policing issues – No Police Report received since February. Queried - Message from PCSO Glenn Patchett in response, stated that they are without any volunteers, hence no Police Reports.
2.2 Jubilee Park – i. Play area - Now in limited use. Covid advisory notices provided
ii. Park nameplate - requires attention as the wood is looking shabby. A former councillor has offered to attempt repair.
2.3 Highways – i. Request for footpaths - A mail drop of petitions was carried out to each Parish household in respect of footpaths i. Laughterton / Newton ii. Laughterton / Fenton. Approx. 90 residents responded – forwarded to D/Cllr Ellis and C/Cllr Butroid for LCC.
ii. Fly-tipping, Kettlethorpe Rd - Dumped racking collected by WLDC shortly after Parish report. Reference FTR_232578032.
iii. Bridge, Sallie Bank footpath – damaged flagstone reported to LCC 12th May, (ref 371264). Further enquiries 31 July. Visited by WLDC building control officer ( 01427 676672 who confirmed a slab is in very poor condition and needs fixing.
iv. Street light – o/s No 1 Swynford Close faulty - Reported to LCC (ref: No 374882), cleared 21 August
v. Flood – Swynford Close. Water leak repaired by Anglian Water, 17 August.(ref: No 18740691).
2.5 Parish Facebook – Contact the clerk with any items for forwarding.
2.6 Troughs – Sponsorship. The A57 café have asked for their trough signs to be moved from opposite the golf course to the back of the troughs on Newark Road, to avoid constant misdirection of customers. However, queries had been raised by residents as to whether it is proper for the Council to be supporting commercial advertising. Discussion had already taken place within the Council about withdrawing the facility and providing the notices that relate to Parish issues e.g. speeding, safety etc.
2.6 Troughs – Levelling / Cleaning / Compost Kettlethorpe Road troughs tidied up and the Chairman planned to check on others for replacement of plants and compost.
2.7 Repairs to Propeller Memorial – Further e-mail sent to contractor on 17th August, no response to date.
2.10 Remembrance poppies – 30 extra poppies ordered and collected from the British Legion representative following some problems with supply. Payment made, see Finance item 5.2.
2.11 Parish Website – Volunteer Councillor has agreed to undergo the training and run the website.
2.2 Jubilee Park - Soft pour tarmac / Rocker toys
2.3 Highways – Speed Van
2.4 Parish Council Surgery
2.8 Foreign vehicles / Kettlethorpe
2.9 Parish PC expert
2.11 Vacancy - following Cllr Lauren Flinders’ resignation.
3. CORRESPONDENCE All relevant correspondence has been circulated by e-mail
3.1 Notes for August meeting
3.2 LALC – Remote meetings
3.3 Acceptance by National Auditors of Kettlethorpe Parish Annual Accounts
3.4 Came & Co – insights during present crisis
3.5 WLDC – Business Brief
3.6 Lincs Police & Crime – Youth commission
3.7 Resilient Lincs – next steps in the event of a local outbreak
3.8 Help offered with Parish website temporarily
3.9 Footpaths – e-mails / petitions received from residents
3.10 Footpath e-mails / petitions – all sent to D/Cllr Ellis & C/Cllr Butroid / then to LCC
3.11 WLDC – latest information on running a play area
3.12 LALC Newsletters. (2)
3.13 Water leak, Swynford Close, plus streetlight out, same road – both repaired
3.14 Poppies – the British Legion contact has obtained some poppies
3.15 Clerk / Police – no staff at Saxilby to provide Police Reports
3.16 Propeller Memorial – further message to contractor – no response
3.17 Complaints from residents – Stoneleigh garden appropriating grass verge – sent to LCC
3.18 To Chair / Vice Chair – need for a meeting
3.19 LALC News – item – disqualification, if no meeting attended for 6 months, despite Covid
3.20 Special Parish Meeting agreed for 5.00 pm, 28th August, Kettlethorpe Village Hall
3.21 LCC – New Parish website – no Kettlethorpe rep: has accepted training / in hand
5.1 MKS - Parish grass cutting on 5th and 24th August – invoice No 2008 - £314.40
5.2 Poppies – 20 British Legion poppies at £3 each - £60.Purchase approved 25th August
5.3 PAYE / Salary for end August – to be paid in accordance with the Council proposal.
Payment of the above items was agreed by members and will be paid accordingly
5.4 Parish Accounts – to month ending 31 August. The balance at the bank is £15,201.80 and the expenditure £5,024.59.
NEXT MEETING This will take place when coronavirus restrictions have been lifted. Current event notes to be circulated each month.