February 2020 Minutes

Minutes of the Parish Council Meeting held in the Village Hall,

Kettlethorpe, on Monday 03 February 2020 at 7.40 pm


Cllr Richard Elliott, Chairman,                                              

Cllr Richard Barnard,            

Cllr Tony Scawthon

Cllr Tim O’Callaghan,

Mr. Ron Gee, clerk.                                                               

District Councillor Jane Ellis

The Chairman welcomed District Councillor Jane Ellis to the meeting and initiated a discussion on speeding. Various incidents in Laughterton were mentioned, and it was agreed that the Speed Van should be requested.  Councillor Ellis said that she would back the application and asked to be ‘copied in’ to the e-mail to be sent Lincs Road Safety Partnership.

A short debate took place on Community Speedwatch, in which Cllr Ellis was brought up to date on the current state of affairs.


1.         APOLOGIES - Cllr Lauren Flinders, Cllr Catherine Turner, Cllr Lizzie Smith, PCSO Glenn Patchett.


The minutes of the January meeting had been circulated to all members and were proposed as a true record by Councillor, Tim O’Callaghan, seconded by Councillor Tony Scawthon and agreed by the meeting.


3.1       Local Policing issues – The Crime Report for January listed 2 x burglaries, 8 x thefts, 2 x vehicle crimes and 6 x criminal damages, but there were no reports in respect of this Parish. (see Correspondence 4.1).  

3.2       Jubilee Park – i. Fences / barriers - The painter has agreed to deal with the rusty barriers at the same time as the fencing and has a stock of a suitable metal paint.  He hopes to make a start in March if there is an improvement in the weather, as the fence is currently too damp.

ii. Soft pour tarmac - A seal from a company known as Nottsport is to be investigated shortly but the tarmac surface is currently not dry enough for adhesion.

iii.  Rocker rides – The specialist seats from play equipment companies are proving to be too expensive and the idea of using certain types of rubber tractor seats is to be explored.

3.3       Highway Matters i. Speed Watch – Community Speedwatch now has its 7 volunteers, and the date for training is to be organised. One night during the early weeks of March was suggested, as the nights will be getting lighter, and the team may need to move out of doors, for any demonstrations.

Team members are to meet up in the Friendship or the Village Hall (to be decided), and the clerk is to contact the organiser to make the arrangements.  Although the eventual co-ordinator must be one of the volunteers, the clerk is to advise that any initial paperwork should be sent to him for distribution,

                        ii.. Potholes on A1133 – now repaired.

                        iii. Flattened Road sign and bollards – LCC Highways advise that the work has been assessed and a job allocated.

3.4       Parish Council Surgery – Circumstances had prevented the ‘duty’ councillor from attending the Surgery on January 20th, but the next will take place on 16th March, and the following on 18th May.

3.5       Parish Facebook – This will be pursued when time permits, and one Councillor is to be asked to become the ‘go to’ expert for any IT queries within the Parish Council. (See Correspondence item 4.6).

3.6       Troughs – i. New signs – Two notices reading “Laughterton welcomes safe drivers” had been created for the troughs on Kettlethorpe Road (See Finance 6.1) and will be fitted shortly.

                        It was suggested that instead of small flowers for the troughs, perhaps conifers and grasses could be provided later in the year instead, as they would be more visible and would save a lot of time, effort and expense.   

                        Following up this idea, it was suggested that as the cost of maintaining the boxes will minimal, it was felt that the scheme should be closed down when the current sponsorship is due for renewal.  Sponsors are to be be thanked for their support and advised that the scheme is no longer practical. Signs promoting road safety in the village could be provided as an alternative. 

            ii.    Levelling / Compost / Cleaning – Still waiting for an improvement in the weather. It was suggested that as some of the boxes are beginning to show signs of wear, perhaps a new two-step version could be created when they reach the end of their useful life,

3.7       Repairs to Propeller Memorial – In hand, waiting for an improvement in the weather

3.8       Remembrance poppies for 2020 – The clerk had ordered 10 large poppies, of approximately 45 cm diameter to be delivered later in the year, at a recommended donation of £3 per item to the British Legion.

 3.9      Foreign vehicles / Kettlethorpe – After a visit from the Chairman, Nutrel are to consider creating a more visible sign which includes the words, 7.5-ton limit applies, except for access. 

The clerk had raised the issue with LCC Highways with the hope that a similar notice could be provided which also includes the same phrase.

3.10    Parish Council dinner -resume’ – It was agreed that it had been a pleasant sociable evening, with good company


4.1       Police Report for January

4.2       LCC Highways – Signage request, Kettlethorpe village

4.3       LCC – Highways grass cutting agreement

            4.4       WLDC – campaign to scrap fly tipping

4.5       Poppies for Kettlethorpe Parish

4.6       LCC – Important information about Parish websites / plus website training dates. A member is to be asked to be the Parish PC expert (see Matters 3.5) and if willing, is to go on one of the training courses listed in this letter, to operate the Parish website, if our consultant is unable to continue under the new scheme.  Although the information states only one representative per Parish would two be permitted if each attend on a different date?

4.7       WLDC – Agenda for Council Meeting

4.8       Lincs Road Safety – Request for training dates        

4.9       WLDC – Community Awards

4.10     LCC Highways – Update on flattened road sign

            4.11     LALC – Monthly defib sheet

            4.12     November 2019 Flooding      

Items received after agenda printed             

4.1       Police Report for January

4.13     LCC Highways - pothole on Kettlethorpe Road

E-mailed items for January – circulated 01 February 2020

5.         PLANNING

5.1       Application No 140283 – Permission granted for extensions and alterations to Blossom Farm and outbuilding to living accommodation, Main Road, Laughterton LN1 2JZ.  The grant of this application was noted by the meeting.

6.         FINANCE

6.1       Blades Advertising & Marketing – Signs for flower troughs x 2 – Total £33.60 incl: VAT. 

6.2       PAYE / Salary – for end January - Payment of these items was approved by a proposal at the May AGM.

            Payment of the above items was proposed, seconded and agreed by the meeting.

6.3       Parish Accounts for end January– It was confirmed by the accounts sheet and the HSBC bank statements, that the expenditure to the end of January was £8,415 with a balance remaining of £12,239.  The Chairman and the clerk were invited to sign the monthly accounts.


7.1       Kettlethorpe Rd – It was hoped that building work is not starting on property behind the homes on Kettlethorpe Road, as services have been seen to be extended from the Main Road. In the Chairman’s opinion, West Lindsey are fully aware of the situation

7.2       Works on Newark Road – This was said to be initial clearance of the area in advance of dealing with Application No 139624, to create an agricultural road.


The next meeting will take place in Kettlethorpe Village Hall on Monday 2nd March 2020 at 7.40 pm

As there was no further business the meeting closed at 9.10pm

It was hoped that building work is not to be started on property behind the homes on Kettlethorpe Road, as services have been seen to be extended from the Main Road. In the Chairman’s opinion, West Lindsey are fully aware of the situation