July 2020 Minutes

Notes in lieu of July 2020  Parish Council Meeting                         


Cllr Richard Elliott, Chairman,                                                                                                                     

Cllr Richard Barnard,            

Cllr Tim O’Callaghan,                                   

Cllr Tony Scawthon,              ,

Cllr Lizzie Smith,

Cllr Catherine Turner,                        

Mr Ronald Gee.                                 



Notes in lieu of the June meeting had been circulated to all members and have been published on the Parish Council website


2.1       Local Policing issues – No Police Report received for March, April, May or June and no response to e-mailed enquiries, assume admin office still closed.    

2.2       Jubilee Park –  i.  Play area still closed under repeat of WLDC instructions 18th May; grassed area left open.

ii.  Park nameplate - on wall below notice board requires attention, wood looking weather-beaten.

iii.  Bridge, Sallie Bank footpath – damaged flagstone reported to Highways 12th May.

iv. Fence painting to start on 3rd June

2.3       Highways  Potholes -  Potholes reported on Kettlethorpe Road now repaired.

2.5       Parish Facebook – The service is up and running, please contact the clerk with any items  for publication.

2.10     Remembrance poppies for 2020 – used for Victory Day celebration.  Taken down later Further 20 ordered, but delivery affected by illness at the home of the British Legion agent.

2.11     Annual Internal Audit –. Accounts now completed and confirmed as satisfactory by Parish Accountant.

Next step  - the approved accounts must be accepted by the Council, as confirmed by ‘wet’ signatures at a live meeting and forwarded for inspection to National Auditors.

No change to the following items

2.2       Jubilee Park -  Soft pour tarmac  / Rocker toys  

2.3       Highways – Speed Van

2.4       Parish Council Surgery

2.6       Troughs – Sponsorship /  Levelling / Cleaning / Compost

2.7       Repairs to Propeller Memorial

2.8       Foreign vehicles / Kettlethorpe

2.9       Parish PC expert – Lizzie  

2.11     Vacancy - following Lauren’s resignation.


All relevant correspondence has been circulated by e-mail.  

3.1       Parish accounts for 2019 / 2020 – hard copy delivered to each Councillor plus Minutes of last Annual Parish Meeting 2019


3.2       Victory Day – request for support from resident / Councillors’ comments

            3.3       Parish Notes for May in lieu of meeting – circulated for Parish website

            3.4       Park notice board requires attention

            3.5       Parish Accounts query / response from clerk

            3.6       Application No 140796 / Consent No 140797 – Parish response to WLDC Planning Dept

            3.7       LALC News

            3.8       Partial re-opening of Waste Recycling Centres.  Appointment must be made.

            3.9       Poppies – suggestion of more (20) required – general agreement.  Now on order.

            3.10     Bridge, Sallie Bank footpath – damaged flagstone reported 12th May

            3.11     WLDC – Covid changes

            3.12     LALC - Online Councillor Training

            3.13     Cllr Barnard – dangerous parking in village.  Details to Police.

            3.14     Arthritis Support group

            3.15     Park fence – positive responses to clerk query, can the painter start / / to start 3rd June

            3.16     Cllr Barnard, Poppies – looking weather-beaten,  taken down, stored in clerk’s office.

            3.17     LALC News

            3.18     Town and parish council newsletter 

4.         PLANNING

4.1       Application No 140976 - for the erection of a storage barn, creation of a manage and relocation of existing horse walker, to the West of Kettlethorpe Hall.   Council response given to WLDC Planning Dept 

4.2       Listed Building Consent No 140977 – given for the above application -  Council response given to WLDC Planning Dept

5.         FINANCE    

5.1       MKS -  Parish grass cutting 13th & 26th May  - £314.40

5.2       Parish Accountant – Undertake Annual Internal Audit - £60

5.2       Npower – cheque received in connection with closure of Parish account - £21.06

5.3       PAYE / Salary for end May– to be paid in accordance with earlier proposal

            The above items were agreed and paid on June 1st

5.4       Parish Accounts – to month ending 31st May. Expenditure to date - £2,049.89, Balance at bank - £18,152.81.

NEXT MEETING     This will take place when coronavirus restrictions have been lifted.  Current event notes to be circulated each month.