May 2020 Minutes
Notes in lieu of May 2020 Parish Council Meeting
Cllr Richard Elliott, Chairman,
Cllr Richard Barnard
Cllr Tony Scawthon,
Cllr Tim O’Callaghan,
Cllr Lizzie Smith,
Cllr Catherine Turner,
Mr Ron Gee, Clerk
Notes in lieu of the April meeting had been circulated to all members and have been published on the Parish Council website
2.1 Local Policing issues – No Police Report received for March or April, no response to enquiry, assume admin office still closed.
Police were requested to visit an area in Laughterton in response to a report of campers being seen. Police had advised later that the area was clear.
2.2 Jubilee Park – Jubilee Park play area was closed in response to instructions from WLDC, stating “Communal places within parks such as sports courts, playgrounds and outdoor gyms should have been closed to protect everyone’s health”. although a message on the BBC from Robert Jenrick MP indicated that parks should remain open.
Until the District Council advises otherwise, it is felt safer to leave the play area closed but leave the grassed half of the Park still open.
i. – Fences / barriers / ii. Soft pour tarmac / iii. Rocker toys – all work postponed until restrictions are lifted.
2.3 Highways – i. Speed Van, awaiting information from LRSP as to when this vehicle will be sited on Newark Road, following statistics achieved recently using Archer Traffic Recording equipment.
ii. Pothole - Repair of the reported pothole on the Kettlethorpe Road bend has moved a stage closer….it now has yellow paint around it
2.4 Parish Council Surgery – postponed during isolation period. Discussion to take place later as to the viability of this scheme
2.5 Parish Facebook – The service is up and running, please contact the clerk with appropriate items for publication
2.6 Troughs – i. Sponsorship ii. Levelling iii. Cleaning iv. Compost – on hold
2.7 Repairs to Propeller Memorial – to be dealt with after isolation period
2.8 Foreign vehicles / Kettlethorpe – Awaiting response from Nutrel and LCC Highways
2.9 Parish PC expert – A Councillor has accepted this position which will be for Parish purposes and advice only.
2.10 Remembrance poppies for 2020 – held by the clerk for use at the appropriate time.
2.11 Vacancy – Notices of the vacancy are still on each board – no response received. WLDC suggest that the Parish Council can co-opt suitable applicant.
All relevant correspondence has been circulated by e-mail
Chairman – letter of condolence to Sharon’s relatives
Lauren request - can her children hang paper rainbows on village trees – agreed providing appropriate care is adopted
D/Cllr Ellis - District newsletter
C/Cllr Butroid – advice that LCC Cllrs can offer grants to help the community
Clerk – painter advised not to attempt deal with Park fence until after isolation period.
WLDC – Bulletin
Zoom – use for meetings ?
LALC News update
Approval for March minutes
LCC – Covid message put on Facebook by Lizzie and on Parish website by Duncan
HSBC – details of all Parish Councillors requested, in connection with general bank enquiries on money laundering – persistent problem resolved by Chairman.
LALC News update
LCC Newsletter
D/Cllr Ellis – timetable for WLDC virtual meetings
WLDC – Coronavirus bulletin
Came & Co – Renewal of Parish insurance / Council responses
PKF Littlejohn – Annual External Audit information
WLDC – Bulky waste collections / CallConnect service
s) The TED team
t) WLDC – new waste depot
u) Parish Council - invoices to pay & monthly statement / responses
4. PLANNING -none
5.1 MKS - Parish grass cut 14th & 28th April, Invoice No 1819 – £314.40 PAID
5.2 Came & Co - Renewal of Parish Council insurance - £347.09 - PAID
5.2 Parish Accounts – to month ending 30 April. Expenditure - £950.90, Balance at bank - £19,.248.97
5.3 PAYE / Salary for end April – to be paid in accordance with earlier proposal - PAID
NEXT MEETING This will take place when coronavirus restrictions have been lifted. Current event notes to be circulated each month.