December 2020 Minutes Special Meeting

Minutes of the Special Parish Meeting held by Zoom

        Tuesday 22nd December 2020 at 7.30 p.m.


Councillor Richard Elliott, Chairman,                                        Councillor Lizzie Smith,

Councillor Richard Barnard,                                                      Councillor Tim O’Callaghan,

Councillor Catherine Turner,          Mr. Ron Gee, clerk               Councillor Tony Scawthon,

1.         APOLOGIES  - None


2.1      Chairman - Referring to the Agenda, the Chairman explained that as members are aware, this special meeting was called to decide upon the Precept for 2021; to ensure continued qualification for all Councillors and to clear up one or two outstanding issues.          

2.2       Flower troughs – After some discussion, it was decided that the Council would continue to allow trough advertising by Gem Cars and Nellie’s café, but with some changes. New signs would be needed, with a phrase that would emphasise safe driving in Laughterton, with a prominent message such as:- “Drive carefully through our village”, with ‘as sponsored by Gem Cars (or Nellies Café) beneath.

                        Nellie’s Café owner had asked if his sign could be moved from opposite the golf course, where customers were being misdirected up Kettlethorpe Road, to a better location, possibly on Newark Road.  It was recommended that if the new notices for Gem Cars were fitted on the A 57 side of the troughs where they are now, they will be seen by traffic entering Laughterton from the Newton direction, Nellie’s Café signs could be fixed on the reverse of the troughs, where they would be seen by drivers leaving Laughterton, which would correctly direct them to the café on the A57 layby.  It was further suggested that the space vacated by Nellie’s Café signs at the other end of the village, could be offered to Gem Cars if they wished, where signs would be seen by drivers entering Laughterton from the Torksey direction.  

                        The issue is to be discussed with the owners of each business.


                        This is being circulated and will be listed in the January notes

4.         PLANNING               

4.1       Application reference no: 142026 - application to erect. free range poultry unit with ancillary feed silos, generator, hardstanding and access, Naylor’s Hills Farm, Laughterton.  

                        There is much resentment in the Parish to this application for a number of reasons, odours, noise, etc with a recommendation that it should be installed in the farmer’s own Parish, on land in Newton on Trent.  Many residents have contacted members of Kettlethorpe Parish Council and West Lindsey Planning Dept., to object.  Leaflets have been  distributed by the Council to residents on Marsh Lane, who are the nearest to the site, to advise of the application.

The poor siting of the official announcement had been queried, as it is posted about 20 m inside the village boundary, by the new approach road, where it is unlikely to be seen from moving traffic, or by pedestrians.

                        It was agreed to create and distribute fliers to all Laughterton residents, to advise of the problem, to also enhance the issue on the Parish Facebook and to bring District Cllr Jane Ellis into the picture.

A full 4 page response based on input from Council members and residents has already been sent to WLDC Planning Dept.

5.         FINANCE      

5.1       Precept – to confirm estimate for 2021 – It was item was proposed, seconded and fully agreed by the meeting that the Council should apply for £9,500 as per estimate submitted earlier in the year..

5.2       PAYE / Salary for end December – to be paid in accordance with earlier proposals

5.3       Christmas lights’ competition – Refund cost of voucher prize - £20.00,.

5.4       Christmas tree lighting box  - reimburse cost of replacement  - £18.00,

            Above items proposed, seconded and agreed by the meeting, and will be paid after month end.

5.5       Parish Accounts – Balance at the bank to month ending 31st December 2020 is £12,915.11, with an expenditure of £7,802.99.

It was agreed that the next meeting will take place by Zoom on Monday 1st February

                                 The meeting closed at 8.10p