January 2020 Minutes

Minutes of the Parish Council Meeting held in the Village Hall, Kettlethorpe, on Monday 06 January 2020 at 7.40 pm


Cllr Richard Elliott, Chairman,                                     

Cllr Richard Barnard,

Cllr Lauren Flinders,                 

Cllr Catherine Turner,                                       ,          

Cllr Tim O’Callaghan,

Mr. Ron Gee, clerk.                 

District Councillor Jane Ellis

County Councillor Richard Butroid.                 

The Chairman welcomed Councillors Ellis and Butroid and opened a discussion on the highways’ problems experienced by the Parish in recent months.  Mention was made of the flooding at the Main Road bend, caused by the inadequacy of the blind ditch (as confirmed by recent photographs shown); the loss of the 106-bus service from Laughterton; the narrowness of Kettlethorpe Road, due to the encroaching verges and the danger to residents, walking to catch a bus at Fenton without a footpath; large pools of water on the A 1133, Newark Road, due to verge grips being cut in the wrong places; promised, but not provided, ‘count down strips’ in the main road at each end of the village.

Also mentioned was the plan to set up Speed Watch and the ongoing question of why the Lincs Road Safety Speed Bus can be seen regularly in Marton, but rarely visits other villages such as Laughterton, despite the recent accidents.

As there was no further business involving Richard and Jane, the Chairman thanked them for attending and for their offer to help.

1.         APOLOGIES - Cllr Lizzie Smith, Cllr Tony Scawthon and PCSO Glenn Patchett.


The minutes of the December meeting had been circulated to all members and were proposed as a true record by Councillor Catherine Turner, seconded by Councillor Tim O’Callaghan and agreed by the meeting.


3.1       Local Policing issues – The Crime Report for December itemised 3 x burglaries, 3 x thefts, 4 x vehicle crimes and 1 x criminal damage, but no reports were listed for this Parish. (see Correspondence 4.1).  

3.2       Jubilee Park – i. Fences / barriers - The painter has been asked to deal with the rusty ‘gate’ barriers at the same time as the fencing but has been unable to make a start due to the damp wood and inclement weather.

ii. Soft pour tarmac - Rather than going to the expense of purchasing Tiger Seal, a privately-owned product is to be tried.

iii.  Rocker rides – The rockers are to be checked again to see if they can be repaired locally, as prices obtained from Sutcliffe Play are too expensive e.g. £690 to £1,000 + VAT, plus installation charges in the region of £1,000, (see Correspondence 4.5). 

3.3       Highway Matters i. Speed Watch – the Parish, having advised Lincs Road Safety Partnership that there are now 7 volunteers is awaiting information as regards the next stage. (See Correspondence 4.2)

                        ii. Flattened Road sign and bollards – LCC Highways had been informed of the results of this accident with accompanying photographs and had e-mailed back to say that attention will be given shortly. (See Correspondence item 4.6). 

                        iii. Bus service – Persons had been seen waiting at the Laughterton bus stop, and were advised that there is now no service, despite the official Stagecoach website still listing the service as operational.

                        iv. Potholes on A1133, Newark Road – already reported, Ref: No. 414079.

3.4       Parish Council Surgery – The January Surgery which will be covered by Cllr Scawthon, is due on the 20th and the next will be on 16th March, for which Cllr Turner will be in attendance.

3.5       Parish Facebook – To be followed up as time permits.

3.6       Troughs – i. Sponsorship - As the expected sponsor did not take up the offer, it was agreed at the December meeting that the Council should advertise on the Kettlethorpe Road troughs. A quote had been requested from create@blades-ltd.co.uk and a special price had been given for two signs, which was agreed as acceptable by the meeting.  The suggestion of “Laughterton welcomes safe drivers” was agreed.  

            ii.  Levelling of the Newark Road trough – To be dealt with when there is an improvement in the weather.

            iii.  Compost – Additional compost to be provided during Winter planting.

            iv. Cleaning – It appeared that some of the troughs are beginning to look ‘mossy’ and will need cleaning.  The Chairman offered to have a look and deal if necessary, as the weather improves.

3.7       Repairs to Propeller Memorial – another item that is waiting for better weather.

3..8      Remembrance poppies for 2020 – the clerk had discovered that large, reasonably priced poppies of 45 cm diameter can be obtained via British Legion. (See Correspondence 4.4).  After discussion, it was agreed an order should be placed for 10 that will be fixed to poles / lamp standards by cable ties.

 3.9      Foreign vehicles / Kettlethorpe – a resident had reported to the Chairman that another large lorry had entered Kettlethorpe village looking for Nutrel Products and in turning, had rutted the church grass verge.  This is despite the multi-language, no entry signs on Kettlethorpe Lane, Nutrel’s headed notepaper and the changed post code for the village. 

The Chairman visited Nutrel to discuss the problem with a view to providing larger signs and the clerk will consult LCC Highways for advice on signage.

4.         CORRESPONDENCE             

            4.1       Police Report for December

4.2       Speedsters in Laughterton plus new info on Speedwatch (see extra folder)

4.3       WLDC – Flooding, November 2019

            4.4       Poppies

Cost of rocker toys
Resident’s letter on 106 bus service and Council response          
4.8       Kettlethorpe vehicles / Park Farm         

4.9       LALC - Community Collaboration Project Local Council Clustering

4.10     Trough - quote for Council signs to be fitted on troughs

            4.11     WLDC – Notice of Meetings

            4.12     WLDC – Declaration of result of Poll

            4.13     WLDC – New Chief Executive of WLDC - Mr Ian Knowles appointed  

4.14     Kettlethorpe Rd - More tyres fly tipped (now cleared)

4.15     Citizen’s Advice – help offered to residents, to notice board      

            Items received after agenda printed  

            4.1       Police Report for December

            4.16     Clerks & Councils Direct - magazine

4.17     Sovereign Playgrounds – wetpour repair

5.1       Planning Application No 140354 – East View Farm,  

E-mailed items for December – circulated 01 Jan 2020

5.         PLANNING

5.1       Application No 140354 – East View Farm, change of use of agricultural land to equestrian for the keeping and grazing of horses, removal of an existing redundant agricultural building and erection of  two berth timber stables, and the creation of a manege including low level post and railing fencing and lighting.  Following a discussion and examination of the planned layout, this application was approved by the meeting.

6.         FINANCE

6.1       PAYE / Salary – for end December – Payment of these items was agreed in accordance with the proposal made in May 2019.

6.2       Parish Accounts – Expenditure to the end of December is £7,978 with a balance remaining of £12,675.  After confirming this with the accounts sheet and the HSBC bank statements, the Chairman and the clerk were invited to sign the monthly Parish Accounts.



7.1       Parish Council dinner – With a view to supporting local business, it was agreed to hold the dinner at the Friendship Inn on Friday 31st January at 7.00 for 7.30 pm.  The landlord is to be contacted.

7.2       May meeting – Due to the shift of the May Bank Holiday from early May to the 25th, it was asked because of earlier arrangements, if the PC meeting could be moved from the first Monday in the month to the 2nd.  This was agreed by the meeting.



The next meeting will take place in Kettlethorpe Village Hall at 7.40 pm on Monday 3rd February 2020.

 As there was no further business the meeting closed at 9.15 pm