November 2020 Minutes

Notes in lieu of Parish Council Meeting, 1st November 2020  


Cllr Richard Elliott, Chairman,                                                                                                                           

Cllr Richard Barnard,     

Cllr Tim O’Callaghan,                           

Cllr Tony Scawthon,                   ,

Cllr Lizzie Smith,

Cllr Catherine Turner,                            

Mr Ron Gee.  Clerk


Notes in lieu of the October meeting were circulated to all members and forwarded to the Parish website.


2.1       Local Policing issues – Guidance for Halloween was received from the Community Beat Manager.

2.2       Jubilee Park –  i.  Play area -  Now in use. Covid advisory notices provided on site and on the notice board.  Renewed each time new information is received.

ii.   Park nameplate - requires attention as the wood is looking shabby. A former councillor has been contacted regarding a repair.

iii.   Christmas lights - The question of this year’s switch-on ceremony was raised, and in response, the Chairman suggested that it will most likely have to be cancelled.  He further suggested that notices should be provided early in November on Facebook, the Parish notice boards, the Parish website and advice passed to Newton school.   It was thought that the actual switch-on could be done at a socially distanced meeting.  It was asked if Father Christmas will be coming to Laughterton or if out of the question, could visits could perhaps be organised to each child, using a small decorated truck e.g. a gator or golf type buggy.  

2.3        Highways – i. Request for footpaths  - Waiting for further information from LCC Highways.

            ii. Bridge, Sallie Bank footpath – The Council had been advised that the damaged flagstone is in a much worse condition. Earlier reports made to LCC - 12th May, ref 371264,  reminder - 31 July, but no response.  A new report sent on 10th October citing as dangerous was given the reference 377863. The bridge is now closed pending repair.

iii. Speed Van – assistance sought from new Community Beat Manager for provision of this Vehicle in Laughterton

2.5        Parish Facebook –  items for Facebook should be forwarded to the clerk.

2.6        i.  Troughs – Sponsorship.  Further discussion is required about withdrawing the facility; advising the sponsors and providing notices that relate to Parish issues e.g. speeding, safety etc.

2.7       Repairs to Propeller Memorial – Additional request sent for assistance with repair, but no response yet

2.11      Parish Website - Training is being given on the new style website.


2.2        Jubilee Park -  Soft pour tarmac  / rocker toys   

2.4       Parish Council Surgery

2.8       Foreign vehicles / Kettlethorpe

2.9        Parish PC expert

2.11      Vacancy

3.         CORRESPONDENCE All relevant correspondence has been circulated by e-mail

3.1        Clerk - October notes circulated to Council and for Parish website   

3.2        Lincs Police – New Community Beat Mgr., PC Rachel Harrison / welcome e-mail sent by clerk

3.3        D/Cllr Ellis – Lincs Wolds Festival for next year

3.4        LALC – Community right to reclaim land (Right to Contest)

3.5        Trent Bank land – e-mails Chairman / Vice Chairman / Laneham clerk seeking information

3.6        Query – Yellow markings on Kettlethorpe Road ? / LCC answer – it means it’s  a provisional site for dressing

3.7        WLDC – Notice of Meetings (2)

3.8        LCC – Notice of payment for Amenity grass cutting

3.9        WLDC – Update on dog fouling measures

3.10      Chairman – Cancellation of Christmas lights switch-on ceremony – measures to be taken.

3.11      Is Father Christmas coming to Laughterton – to be discussed

3.12      LALC – Highway and lead local flood authority as consultees in planning

3.13      Chairman – Problems with defib cabinet / Repaired – Chairman and Cllr Barnard

3.14      LALC – Coronavirus posters – to notice boards

3.15      Chair – Christmas lights / solutions ???

            3.16      WLDC – Press release on managing homelessness and sleeping rough                     

3.17      Clerk to/ LCC Highways – Report on dangerous condition of footbridge slab / Chairman

            3.18      GOV.UK – COVID-19: Guidance for managing playgrounds

            3.19      GOV.UK – Local COVID Alert Level Posters

            3.20      WLDC – Setting Parish Precept for 2020 /2021 plus spreadsheet

            3.21      Chair – The defibrillator now works

            3.22      WLDC – Business Brief  newsletter                                                                                 

3.23      Mr Tom Southorn – Queries on Planning application Ref 141755 / answered by clerk

            3.24      WLDC – Newsletter

            3.25      Baroness Hogg– Rural gigabit scheme for Parish ? (2 letters)

3.26      Lincs Police – Recruitment campaign

3.27      LALC – Lalc News (2)

3.28      Chairman – Deployment of Remembrance poppies

3.29      Northern Powergrid – who to contact in a power cut

3.30      LCC – Schools Admissions Policy

3.31      WLDC – Lincs for warmer homes

3.32      NHS - Upgrade existing Gainsborough Minor Injury Unit to an Urgent Treatment Centre.

            3.33      Chairman – Superfast broadband (see 3.25 Baroness Hogg)

            3.33      Lincs Police – Guidance for Halloween

            3.34     WLDC – Funding available to households for improvements e.g. loft insulation, boiler change etc

            3.35     Problems experienced with superfast broadband company

4.         PLANNING

            4.1        Ref: 141755 Outline Planning application to erect up to 4 dwellings - all matters reserved.   

Land adjacent The Paddocks, Laughterton Lincoln. Members made several points namely:-

i. Poor position of site exit ii. Need for developer provided footpath iii. Need to cut down conifers

iv. Safety barrier required  Further issues can be seen on e-mail sent to WLDC 28/10/2020

4.2          Ref:  PL/0093/20 - Construct two organic manure lagoons and associated banks and roadways, on  land adjacent to the A57, Kettlethorpe. Members agreed that despite butyl coverings over the lagoons, the consequent smell could be an issue for Park farm residents.

5.         FINANCE       

5.1        MKS -  Parish grass / hedge cutting on 14th & 29th October– Invoice No  £205.22 including VAT

5.2        PAYE / Salary for end October .

Payment of the above items was agreed by members and was paid accordingly

5.3        Claim submitted by Parish Council to LCC for Amenity grass cutting - £491.23, received and banked

5.4        Parish Accounts – to month ending 31st October.  The balance at the bank is £14,040.08 and the expenditure to date is £6,677.79


6.1        Defibrillator – Damage reported, unable to enter cabinet. It was found that considerable force had been used in attempts to get into the box.  The latch was bent and the spindle to the outside handle severely twisted.  Both items were straightened, put it back together, and it is now operational.

NEXT MEETING     This will take place when coronavirus restrictions have been lifted or as controlled circumstances permit.  Current event notes to be circulated each month.