March 2020 Minutes

Minutes of the Parish Council Meeting held in the Village Hall,

Kettlethorpe, on Monday 02 March 2020 at 7.40 pm


Cllr Richard Elliott, Chairman,                                                                                                                      

Cllr Tony Scawthon,

Cllr Lizzie Smith,

Cllr Catherine Turner,                        

Mr. Ron Gee, clerk.                           

Mr David & Mrs Jackie Cook, members of the public          

Kettlethorpe residents, Mr and Mrs David Cook had asked to speak to the Council about flood water that almost reached their home during a recent storm and said that it was the second time they had suffered this problem.  When the sewer was rodded with the help of a neighbour and Severn Trent, it was discovered that on this occasion, sanitary products had proved to be the cause of the blockage.  Members thought that perhaps it could also be that water was not getting through the duct under the road and offered a number of helpful suggestions.

The Chairman and the clerk are to visit to check the situation within the next two days.

APOLOGIES – Councillor Richard Barnard, Cllr Tim O’Callaghan, PCSO Glenn Patchett, District
 Councillor Jane Ellis.


The minutes of the February meeting had been circulated to all members and were proposed as a true record by Councillor Tony Scawthon, seconded by Councillor Richard Elliott and agreed by the meeting.


3.1       Local Policing issues – The Crime Report for January listed 4 x burglaries, 3 x thefts, 4 x vehicle crimes and 3 x criminal damages, but nothing in respect of this Parish. (see Correspondence 4.1).  

3.2       Jubilee Park – i. – Painting fences / barriers – it is still not possible to start this job, due to the damp weather.

ii. Soft pour tarmac – A product already owned by a member is to be tried, to see if the damage can be repaired, rather than going to the expense of buying Tiger Seal,

iii. Rocker toys – It was suggested at the last meeting that a rubber tractor seat could be tried instead of going for an expensive purchase, but in the absence of the Councillor who was dealing, this will have to be  followed up next month.

3.3       Highways i.  Speed Watch training dates (Correspondence item 4.3).  Following a short discussion on members’ availability, members decided that a Friday evening would be the most convenient for the training sessions.  The clerk is to inform the Community Speedwatch representative.

ii. Speed Van (Correspondence item 4.2) John Wise of LRSP installed the Archer Speed Equipment on Newark Road and hopes to have to results coordinated by the end of March.  The Parish warned Mr Wise that Saxilby police had set up Smiley Sid close by, and that this could affect the Speed Equipment readings.

3.4       Parish Council Surgery – Cllr Turner is to cover the Surgery on March 16th and Cllr Scawthon will deal with the next on May 18th.

3.5       Parish Facebook – Further attempts are to be made to set up Facebook and organise the domain procedure.

3.6       Troughs – i. New notices – Compliments were offered regarding the current daffodil / primula display, but replacement plants have yet to be investigated.

The new notices have been fitted to the Kettlethorpe Road troughs.

                        Nellie’s Café was said to be under new ownership, and it is not known if they wish to continue the sponsorship.  Enquiries are to be made.  Gem cars is also to be contacted, to check if they wish to carry on sponsoring (£40 p.a.), which, the Council has been advised, is an integral part of advertising their business

            ii.    Levelling / Cleaning / Compost – Newark Road trough is to be levelled up when time permits, and each trough is to be cleaned and additional compost provided. 

3.7       Repairs to Propeller Memorial – In hand, waiting for an improvement in the weather.

3.8       Foreign vehicles / Kettlethorpe – The Chairman had visited Nutrel last month to discuss the possibility of them providing a new sign, and is to check progress with the manager and ask for the inclusion of ‘7.5-ton limit applies, except for access’ as suggested at the last meeting

                        The Parish has asked Highways for their help with this issue and have received an acknowledgement, but nothing further.

3.9       Parish PC expert – An interpretation of the title was requested and it was agreed that it would be for internal purposes only, offering help with any Council PC problems.

3.10     Remembrance poppies for 2020 – The poppies have been delivered from the British Legion to their representative, who has asked that they be collected from his home, with payment to be made by cheque.  The clerk offered to deal.


            4.1       Police Report for February

4.2       Lincs Road Safety Partnership / Parish Ccl – various speed van letters

4.3       Speedwatch Training

            4.4       C / Cllr Butroid – Public Assurance Meeting

4.5       WLDC – Looking to adopt a new Parish Charter

4.6       Lincoln Arthritis Group – New Group for people with arthritis

4.7       Parish Ccl – Thank you letter to 8-year-old litter collector - It thought wrong that an 8-year-old girl should be left to collect litter in the Parish and that the Council should form a Community Litter group. The Chairman offered to contact the W.L. manager, Simon Smoothey and ask about obtaining grabbers and bags.

4.8       Burial plot owner – change of plan – (See item 7.1 – ITEMS FOR DISCUSSION)          

4.9       Lincs Best Kept Village Competition

            4.10.    WLDC – Meeting agenda 

Items received after agenda printed  

4.1       Lincs Police Report for February

4.11     Cllr Lauren Flinders - Letter of resignation – clerk to advise WLDC

4.12     Cllr Richard Barnard – Community Emergency Action Plan (See item 7.2)

E-mailed items for February 2020 – 02 March

5.         PLANNING

5.1       Application No 140593 – to raise roof to allow for bedroom accommodation within roof space, replace conservatory with sun room and internal alterations – 3, Swynford Close,Laughterton.  The resident at this address vacated the room and returned following a short discussion to learn that there were no objections.  Clerk to advise WLDC.

6.         FINANCE    

6.1       LALC – Annual subs - £150.69 Payment was proposed by Cllr Turner, seconded by Cllr Scawthon and agreed by the meeting

6.2       Remembrance Poppies – 10 @ £3. 00, – £30.00 with payment requested by cheque. Approval was given by the meeting, following a proposal by Cllr Smith, seconded by Cllr Scawthon.

 6.2      PAYE / Salary – for end February.  Payment of these items was agreed in accordance with the proposition approved at the April meeting earlier in this financial year.

6.3       Kettlethorpe Parish Church – donation requested (grass) £635.00.  There was some surprise at the amount requested (1/3 of a total of £1,905), and the Chairman offered to visit the secretary to suggest that if any future account is expected to be this high, then the Council should be informed in advance. A sum such as this will need to be considered, when discussing the next year’s precept.

6.4       Parish Accounts – for end February.  It was reported that expenditure to the end of last month was £8,886 with £11,770 remaining at the bank, with the figures being confirmed by the Parish Accounts and the bank statements.  The Chairman and the clerk were invited to sign the accounts sheet.


7.1       Resident - change of burial plan.  In Correspondence item 4.8, a local resident had asked to relinquish his family’s Exclusive Right of Burial in the Parish Graveyard, as he and his wife wished to have their ashes scattered at a favourite ‘hiking’ spot. It was agreed by the meeting that this should not pose any problems and the clerk was asked to respond to the letter.

7.2.      Community Action Plan – further to Correspondence item 4.12, it was recommended that with its heating, lighting and cooking facilities, the focal point for the Parish should be Kettlethorpe Village Hall, which is between 4 m and 6 m above sea level, in the event of any local flooding

It was suggested that part of the plan should be about offering reassurance to residents for which a list of phone Nos will be needed.  It was said that as in other crisis situations, emergency services will usually take control offering advice, warnings, etc.  and that what is needed is a ‘broad brush ‘plan covering all basic information, and this will be firmed up at the next meeting.

NEXT MEETING     This will take place when coronavirus restrictions have been lifted

As there was no further business, the meeting closed at 9.10 pm