August 2020 Minutes

Notes in lieu of Parish Council Meeting,  August 2020  


Cllr Richard Elliott, Chairman,                                                                                                                         

Cllr Richard Barnard,  

Cllr Tim O’Callaghan,                         

Cllr Tony Scawthon,                ,

Cllr Lizzie Smith,

Cllr Catherine Turner,                         

Mr Ron Gee.  clerk


Notes in lieu of the July meeting were circulated to all members and have been published on the Parish Council website.


2.1       Local Policing issues – No Police Report received since February (as queried again on 03 July).

The police installed Smiley Sid on Main Road, Laughterton early in July, but it did not work, and the police were advised later the same day

2.2       Jubilee Park –  i.  Play area -  A Special Meeting was held on Saturday July 4th to open the Play Area and  accept the Annual Accounts, (see Minutes 4th July).  All ‘rides’ were thoroughly cleaned; notices created and displayed, advising the appropriate caution to be adopted as per national guidance.

ii.   Park nameplate - requires attention as the wood is badly weather-beaten.

iv.  Fence painting -  work now completed including repainting of the child barriers.

2.3       Highways – i. Request for footpaths A resident had contacted the Council about the need for a footpath between Laughterton and Newton and the clerk circulated the Parish Council for support.  The request was later extended to include Laughterton to Fenton and passed to LCC Highways who suggested getting the District and County Councillors to back the issue.  E-mails were sent to D/Cllr Ellis, inviting her help, (also copied to C/Cllr Butroid) and a petition from the Chairman was left at Newton on Trent PO, which received two A4 sheets of signatures and was sent to D/Cllr Ellis and C/Cllr Butroid.  Criticism by Newton Parish Council of the procedure was resolved by the Chairman. 

A further petition was later created by the clerk, printed and distributed to Parish residents by hand.  

            ii. Fly-tipping on Kettlethorpe Rd - The clerk was advised of the fly-tipping of metal racking  and passed it to WLDC, Reference FTR_232578032 given.

iii.  Bridge, Sallie Bank footpath – damaged flagstone reported to Highways 12th May, reference 371264.  Further enquiries made to LCC 31 July. Visited by WLDC building control officer ( 01427 676 672 who confirmed that one slab is in very poor condition and needs remedial works

2.5       Parish Facebook –  Contact the clerk with any items for forwarding.

2.6       Troughs – Sponsorship.  Nellie’s Café ask if their signs could be shifted to the back of the Newark Road troughs, as motorists are misdirected in their present location.

2.7       Repairs to Propeller Memorial – No response from reminder e-mail sent to contractor on 19th June,

2.10     Remembrance poppies for 2020 – 30 ordered from British Legion representative, illness at the rep’s home causing delay. No response to a recent e-mail.

2.11     Annual Internal Audit – The Annual Accounts for 2019 / 2020 have been completed and confirmed as satisfactory by the Parish Accountant. They were accepted by this Council at a Special Meeting on 04 July and submitted to the national auditors on 06th July.

2.12     Resident – Requested the refund of the £63 paid to the Council for the Exclusive Right of Burial in the Parish Graveyard in October 2006, as he and his wife wished to have their ashes scattered elsewhere.  Agreed by the members on 17th July 2020.


2.2       Jubilee Park -  Soft pour tarmac  / Rocker toys  

2.3       Highways – Speed Van

2.4       Parish Council Surgery

2.6       Troughs – Levelling / Cleaning / Compost

2.8       Foreign vehicles / Kettlethorpe

2.9        Parish PC expert – Lizzie   

2.11     Vacancy - following resignation.

3.         CORRESPONDENCE All relevant correspondence has been circulated by e-mail

3.1       Parish Notes for July circulated // also sent to Parish website      

3.2       LALC News

            3.3       NALC – face to face meetings

            3.4       Came & Co – advice on exiting lockdown

            3.5       WLDC – Survey on climate and environment

            3.6       WLDC – Business briefing

            3.7       Clerk – Request for small meeting to sign accounts  - to Chair / Vice Chair initially / then all members

            3.8       Chairman – poultry shed to be built in Laughterton

            3.9       Minutes of Special Meeting to clean and open Jubilee Park and accept Annual Accounts

            3.10     Councillor - to publicise above on Facebook

            3.11     LALC News.

            3.12     Parish website training

3.13     LCC – Recycling Centres to open for more days

            3.14     LCC – Parish website, training -

            3.15     Current helper – wishes to relinquish running Parish website / request to a councillor to take over

            3.16     Porn on Parish website – asked LCC to deal

            3.17     LCC – warning of fake traders offering to fill potholes etc

            3.18     Newton clerk – problem concerning Parish survey in Newton / resolved by Chair

            3.19     LALC – re-opening play areas

            3.20     Face covering in shops compulsory

3.21     Play area inspection due in August

            3.22     Council members / District Cllr Ellis – e-mails on petition, wording, quantities   

4.         PLANNING


5.         FINANCE      

5.1       MKS -  Parish grass cutting on 7th and 28th July, invoice No 1944 - £314.40 incl: VAT

5.2       Resident – reimbursed the sum of £63, as per Matters item 2.12

5.3       PAYE / Salary for end July – to be paid in accordance with the Council proposal.

Payment of the above items was agreed by members and will be paid accordingly

5.4       Parish Accounts – to month ending 31 July. The balance at the bank is £16,076.56 with expenditure to date of £4,149.69.

NEXT MEETING     This will take place when coronavirus restrictions have been lifted.  Current event notes to be circulated each month.