September 2021 Minutes
Kettlethorpe Parish Council
Minutes of the Parish Council Meeting held on 6th September 2021 at 7.40 pm in Kettlethorpe
Village Hall
Cllr Richard Elliott, Chairman,
Cllr Richard Barnard,
Cllr Tim O’Callaghan,
Mr. Ronald Gee, Clerk. Mr Roger Brownlow, Member of Public
A resident wished to raise the issue of dog noise which he can hear at his home in Kettlethorpe from the kennels on Newark Road, Laughterton. It was said that they are run by Mrs Hook, and it was known that there had been several complaints in the past, but it was said that the dogs are normally well kept, and it was wondered if anything had changed. The Chairman felt that the best solution would be if he had a personal chat with the owners.
Cllr Catherine Turner, D/Cllr Jane Ellis
The minutes of the July meeting, which had been circulated to all members were proposed, seconded, and approved by the Meeting.
3.1 Local Policing issues – The July Crime Report forwarded by the police and circulated to members listed 6 burglaries, 6 thefts, 7 vehicle crimes and 2 criminal damage. There were three reported crimes for Kettlethorpe Parish, and in the first, offenders jumped out of a vehicle in Laughterton and appropriated a ‘Stihl’ saw that had just been placed down; in the second, offenders stole a car without the need for keys from a drive in Kettlethorpe and in the third, after an argument, an offender in drink in Laughterton had damaged a car, breaking the rear window and a door mirror.
The Police Crime Report for August, also circulated to members listed 3 burglaries, 4 thefts, 5 vehicle crimes and 2 criminal damages, with no offences recorded for Kettlethorpe Parish.
Further visits were noted of the Lincs Road Safety vehicle to Newark Road during August.
3.2 Jubilee Park
i. Springies – The Chairman suggested that it is possible to get a grant from FCC to deal with the repair of the Springies and the tarmac. In their leaflet on 'How to Apply for Funding.' it was explained that if we were offered a grant of say £7,000, a service charge to ‘run’ the scheme would be levied at 10.75% of the project costs, i.e., £752.50 that would have to be found by the Council.
ii. Tarmac – Checks are to be made for someone said to have knowledge of the procedure
iii. Park Trees – It was mentioned that the Park trees bordering the road may need attention and the Chairman offered the use of long reach pruners.
iv. Play Safety Report – it was pointed out that a crack in a swing’s rubber seat was listed in the Play Safety report, yet members had been advised not to bother with similar cracks of a limited size.
3.3 Highways.
i. Sallie Bank Footbridge – In a letter from LCC, the Parish have been advised that replacement of this footbridge will start in mid-September and will take approximately 2 weeks. Details have been entered on the Parish Facebook.
ii Chicken Farm – It was reported that the new road into the development is now drivable.
3.6 Flower Troughs – It was suggested that there is a need to keep the weeds down around the bottom of the trough on a regular basis to make the adverts for Gem Cars and Nellie’s Café more visible.
The clerk is to ask MKS to strim the area when they next deal with the Amenity Grass. The Chairman mentioned that the troughs could do with a few new plants such as Winter pansies.
3.7 Propeller Memorial – The Memorial has now been repaired by a helpful resident taking about 3 days to treat the concrete plinth with a restoring product; filling in the damage on the propeller and repainting it with a satin finish, It was pointed out that due to the differing types of metal, corrosion of the blade and the ‘boss’ will recur, but we will keep our eye on it.
It was suggested that the Council could show its gratitude by presenting him with a suitable gift.
3.8 Parish Cemetery i. messy seat, (bird lime) At the last meeting it was mentioned that the seat could be moved from under the trees onto a new base nearby or perhaps have some form of roof provided to protect it from the bird droppings. A tentative price of £2,400 has been quoted by one supplier for a simple roof. It is possible to move the seat but as mentioned, it will either be directly in the sun or under other trees, giving the same problem. It was asked, although it may sound callous, how many people are likely use this seat. If it is made of wood, we could move it elsewhere in the Parish and buy a seat made from reconstituted plastic that would be easier to clean. The clerk was to obtain prices, from Agri cycle at Caenby Corner.
ii. Moss on path - Various methods and types of machinery were discussed, some of which might damage the tarmac. It was thought that MKS may help, and if so how much they would charge. It was mentioned that the path is Church property so perhaps the PCC would be willing to share any cost. It was noted that the weeds are coming back on the Park path, so perhaps MKS could be prevailed upon to spray that at the same time.
3.9 Bird nuisance, Home Farm Close – The Parish Council have been advised that an Environmental Officer from WLDC had visited a house on Home Farm Close in July and left written guidance. No evidence of feeding was apparent at the time, although the remains of a dead bird were seen nearby in the road. One member mentioned that he had access to an ultrasonic bird-scarer that he could use and was willing to loan out if wanted.
3.11 Queen’s Jubilee event –
Next year, the Queen will be the first British Monarch to celebrate a Platinum Jubilee – 70 years on the throne and celebrations are to be held nationally in June 2022. It was suggested that the Parish Council could invite residents by fliers and Facebook to set up street parties with other roads in proximity e.g., Home Farm / Main Road, Swynford Close / Aspen Close, Marsh Lane / Newark Road. The Council are hoping to be able to supply Street party packs of bunting, paper plates, balloons etc and enquiries are to be made of various sources to see if such items will be readily available.
3.12 Kettlethorpe village sign – reported as being in a poor state. The sign appears to have faded, more so than the one in Laughterton. The Chairman said he has a long brush and will see if he can brighten it up.
3.13 Community Defib - Service membership scheme, £100 per annum. The Chairman said that it is necessary to change the defib battery and the pads every three years, or after each time the equipment has been used. He asked that the decision whether to join be left to him, as he already does similar work on the defib, and the Council can always join later if there are any second thoughts.
Relevant items were circulated during July / August and a full list was forwarded at each month end.
Application ref no: 143471 - to replace veranda including enclosed front porch and single storey rear orangery extension, Crofton House, Main Road, Laughterton, Lincoln. LN1 2JZ. The application was discussed but no problems were envisaged. Clerk to advise WLDC.
6.1 MKS – grass cutting 11th and 25th August – Invoice 2697 £314.40 incl: VAT. Payment was proposed, seconded, and agreed by the meeting.
6.2 RoSPA – Play Safety equipment inspection – Invoice 58135 - £103.40 incl: VAT. Following a discussion, payment of this account was proposed, seconded, and agreed by the meeting
6.3 HSBC – To raise charges for Parish accounts - this is believed to be about £5 per month, with the added possibility of costs for certain transactions. HSBC promised to send a brochure listing charges and details of the new scheme, but despite the Chair and the clerk chasing for information, a satisfactory response has not been received from the bank.
6.4 PAYE and Salary – Payment of these items was agreed in accordance with the proposal made at an earlier meeting.
6.5 Parish Accounts – The balance at the bank to month ending 31st August 2021 is £16,257.60 with an
expenditure of £4,756.60.
7.1 Clerk and Chairman away – As the Chairman and the clerk are away for a similar period next month, it was agreed that the next meeting would take place on 18th October.
7.2 Christmas tree lights – it was asked whether under covid circumstances if it was thought possible to hold the same Jubilee Park ceremony as in other years, with children singing, games and Father Christmas. It was felt that at the very least we could ask everyone to switch on their Christmas lights at the same time as the tree lights and offer a prize for the house with the best lights. It was suggested that by October at the next meeting with more members present, the circumstances could be a lot clearer.
7.3 Community Speedwatch – this scheme was held up due to covid, and the clerk is to make enquiries when it may be started again.
8.1 The next meeting will take place on Monday18th October at the usual time of 7.40 pm in Kettlethorpe Village Hall.
Meeting closed 9.25 pm