March 2021 Minutes

Kettlethorpe Parish Council

Minutes of  meeting held by Zoom on 1st March 2021  at 7.30 pm



                            Cllr Richard Elliott, Chairman,                                                                                                                              Cllr Richard Barnard

                            Cllr Tony Scawthon,

                            Cllr Lizzie Smith,

                            Cllr Catherine Turner,                          

Mr Ronald Gee, Clerk    

1.         APOLOGIES - Cllr Tim O’Callaghan,


            The minutes of the February meeting had been circulated to all members. Acceptance was proposed, seconded, and approved by the meeting


3.1       Local Policing issues – As the Road Safety Speed Van had visited Laughterton on a number of occasions during January and February, Lincs Road Safety Partnership had been consulted as to  whether this now qualifies Laughterton for provision of the new style 30 mph signs. The clerk is to check if this has been agreed.

3.2       Jubilee Park  

2.2.i.     Play area -  There are no changes to the regulations, but new notices are required as the existing items are looking weather-beaten.  To deal.

2.2.ii.   Park nameplate – requires attention., The resident who had offered to repair this is to be reminded

3.3       Highways

3.3 i.- Request for footpaths  - Laughterton, Newton and Fenton.  This issue is still with LCC and no further information is known.  It was suggested that the Chairman and the clerk should contact Newton on Trent to see if they are aware of any movement on the provision of the A1133 footpath and if not, to jointly contact LCC Highways, perhaps Sir Edward Leigh, or the Chairman of LCC as necessary.

3.3 ii - Sallie Bank Footbridge – It was felt that LCC will continue to put back the repair of the bridge and that this Council should be seen to be doing something more positive about getting it completed, perhaps by serving a Section 56, but this can only be done by an individual person.  The Chairman thought it best to keep badgering LCC Highways, especially before they do the budget for 2021 / 2022, and before it comes into operation in April 2022.  He volunteered to look into setting up a petition and it was mentioned that there is a guidance available for this purpose with LCC or West Lindsey, and details are to be forwarded.

It was stated the bridge is currently more unsafe by present day standards than it may appear, considering the poor state of the side rails, the corrosion of the supporting ironwork and the crumbling slabs.


3.5       Parish Facebook / Litter – The Parish Facebook has recently been brought into service and the Council’s thanks were offered for the good work carried out in organising and setting it up.

The Council offered thanks via Facebook to those families who recently did such a sterling job, litter picking round the village.  The Chairman said that if further equipment is needed in future, he had sufficient H.V. vests and pickers for 3 people, and the clerk advised that if more are required, WLDC may be prepared to help.

3.6       Flower Troughs – To overcome the problem of the 30 mph post blocking the Café sign in its new location, it was suggested that two stakes could be provided at the back of the troughs and the notice screwed to them.  Members agreed to meet up this weekend to see what could be done, including painting, and levelling up the troughs.

            The sponsorship fee had been agreed at £100 p.a. for each pair of troughs, which could be levied at the start of the new financial year, could create the new signs, once the artwork is supplied, with the theme of safe driving through our village, as sponsored by etc., etc.

3.7       Propeller Memorial – Lincs Aviation, East Kirkby had been consulted, and offered suggestions (Items 3.9 and 3.20).  A local resident offered to deal when there is an improvement in the weather and the propeller has had a chance to dry out.

3.11    Treasure Hunt for Easter – It was said that a start had been made on this competition and details would be circulated as soon as completed


                        All relevant items were circulated during the month - list appended to Agenda.               

5.         PLANNING               

5.1       WLDC – Planning Application 141755 to erect 4 dwellings adj: to The Paddocks refused -  noted

6.         FINANCE

6.1       LALC – Annual Membership fee - £150.33.  Payment of this fee was proposed, seconded, and approved by the meeting

6.2       PAYE / Salary for end February - Approval for payment of these items on a monthly basis had been given as per proposal at the last AGM.

6.3       Parish Accounts – Balance at the bank to month ending 28th February 2021 is £11,482.33 with an expenditure of £9,235.99.


7.1       Village Hall – The Secretary had advised the clerk that government support funds have been received.

            7.2       LALC – Training Scheme for 2021 / 2022 is offered to the Council (£85 + VAT) if required.


8.         DATE OF NEXT MEETING – this will take place by Zoom at 7.30 pm on the suggested date of

Tuesday 6th April in lieu of Monday which is a Bank Holiday.

Meeting closed at 8.10 pm