May 2021 Minutes

Kettlethorpe Parish Council

Minutes of  the Parish Council Annual General Meeting held by Zoom on 4th May 2021

  immediately following the Annual Parish Meeting at 7.30 pm                                                                      


                            Cllr Richard Elliott, Chairman,                                                 

                            Cllr Lizzie Smith,

                            Cllr Catherine Turner,                          

                            Mr Ronald Gee, Clerk                                                              Prospective Councillor Mr. Jez Willis                    


The Chairman explained that due to current pressure of work, the Vice Chairman, felt that he would be unable to do justice to the role of Chairman, consequently it was agreed and confirmed by members, that Cllr Richard Elliott should continue as Chairman for the following year.

2.         APOLOGIES -

Cllr Richard Barnard, Cllr Tim O’Callaghan, D / Cllr Jane Ellis.


            Acceptance of the minutes of the April meeting, which had been circulated to all members was proposed, seconded, and approved by the Meeting.


4.1       Local Policing issues

i.  New 30 mph signs  Thanks had been forwarded to the Lincs Road Safety Partnership for the provision of the new style 30 mph camera signs in Laughterton.

ii.  Police Reports  A response was awaited from the police at Saxilby who were asked why no monthly Police Reports had been sent since last October.

4.2       Jubilee Park  

i.      Park sign – Some months ago a resident had offered to clean up the Jubilee Park name plate but    being unable to find the time to deal,  a member of the Council offered to look into it.

ii.     Block paving  - it was agreed that the clerk should approach MKS for a quote to clean weeds and grass from the paved path through the Park.

iii.    New Springies – A decision was needed whether to just replace a damaged rubber seat on one Springy, or to seek a grant for the replacement of both, but with the absence of the Councillor who normally deals with Park matters, it was decided to postpone any decision until the next meeting.

iv.    Shabby Covid 19 Notices – replaced by the clerk.

v.     Community fund – to purchase new items for Play Area   A positive response had been received from the Community Fund, but it was decided to postpone any decision until the next meeting.

4.3       Highways  .

            i.    Footpaths and Footbridge, Sallie Bank – With both items waiting attention from LCC for some time, it was decided that the Council should send a strong letter to LCC, particularly in respect of the unsafe footbridge which prevented full use of the public footpath.

            ii    Entry to the Chicken Farm site from A1133. A letter had been received from a Newark Road resident (Correspondence item 5.30) describing the danger caused by the entry to the new road from the A1133 and how she had witnessed a near collision between two heavy lorries.  The clerk had advised WLDC Planning and Lincs Road Safety Partnership, who each offered to investigate the matter. It was suggested that if nearby residents should log any incidents, and pass details to the clerk, as it may help the Council to achieve a safe solution. The clerk was to ask the originator of this complaint and if she and her neighbours were prepared to help.  

4.6       Flower Troughs

i. Trough signs – Now operational, with the new signs mounted, with thanks to Gem Cars who supplied the trough paint.

ii. Sponsorship - A fee of £100 per annum for each sponsor had been agreed and the clerk was asked to create the invoices.

4.7       Propeller Memorial  

            i.   Repairs - Waiting an improvement in the weather.

ii.  Wreaths - Due to the poor condition of some of the wreaths on the Propeller Memorial, the Chairman agreed remove them into safe custody.

4.8       Parish Council vacancy  - Mr Jez Willis of Home Farm Close had previously shown an interest in becoming a Parish Councillor and had been given a pack of information relating to the role of a Parish Councillor.  He was officially nominated, seconded, and fully approved by the meeting.  The clerk is to forward the necessary papers to WLDC.


All relevant items were circulated round the Council during April and a full list was forwarded at the end of the month.   

6.         PLANNING

6.1       Application 142026 – Naylor’s Hills Chicken Farm, Laughterton to provide a free range poultry unit. The Chairman had been advised that neither Parish Councils nor individual objectors are allowed to appeal a planning decision.  Only the applicant is allowed to appeal, should the decision go against them.

6.2       Application No 142892 – to erect a single and a two storey side extension, The Rosary, Kettlethorpe Road, Laughterton, Lincoln LN1 2LB.  Having seen and discussed the plans, it was agreed by the Council that no objections would be raised.

7.         FINANCE

7.1       MKS grass cutting April 6th & 21st - £314.40 incl: VAT

7.2       Lister’s  - posts for trough sign - £13.70 incl: VAT.  Reimburse Chairman

            7.3       Derek Clark FAAT – Annual internal audit - £55.00

7.4       Came & Co Parish insurance £431.96, premium, including first time cover for the play equipment and Park area.

                        Payment of each of the above items was proposed, seconded, and agreed by the meeting

7.5       PAYE and Salary - Approval for payment of these items was given as per proposal at the April meeting.

7.6       Parish Accounts – The balance at the bank to month ending 30th April 2021 is £19,780.25 with an expenditure of £1,033.34


7.1       Messy seat, (bird lime)  and slippery path at the Church – The Chairman offered to look into the problems and suggested that the PCC could supply proprietary moss killer for the path.

7.2       Dove nuisance, Home Farm Close – Despite enquiries round the village, the owner of the birds is still unknown. Although the situation does not appear as bad, a number of birds are still around, sometimes hampering traffic when gathering in the middle of the road.  It is known that one particular resident is still feeding them.


The next  meeting will be held on 07th June 2021, but it has yet to be clarified, whether it will be by Zoom or face to face in the Village Hall – the availability of the Hall is to be confirmed.

Meeting closed 8.30 pm