April 2021 Minutes

Kettlethorpe Parish Council

        Minutes of  Parish Council meeting held by Zoom on 6th April 2021  at 7.30 pm                                                            


                            Cllr Richard Elliott, Chairman,                                                                                                 

                            Cllr Richard Barnard,                           

                            Cllr Tim O’Callaghan,                          

                            Cllr Catherine Turner,                          

                            Mr Ronald Gee, Clerk  

1.         APOLOGIES - Cllr Lizzie Smith,


            The minutes of the March meeting had been circulated to all members. Acceptance was proposed, seconded, and approved by the meeting


3.1       Local Policing issues – As the Lincs Road Safety Speed Van had visited Laughterton on a number of occasions during January and February, Lincs Road Safety Partnership had been asked whether this qualifies the village for provision of the new style 30 mph camera signs. The Council is currently waiting for their response

3.2       Jubilee Park  

i.     Play area – i. Parish insurance – should full protection against damage or wear and tear be purchased ? If so, monthly equipment checks will be needed, and a risk assessment.  To be discussed further at the next meeting when renewal of the insurance is due.

ii.     Park nameplate – It was thought that the volunteer resident had forgotten, and a reminder is to be given.

iii.  Funding opportunities - The clerk is to check if the Communities Foundation (Correspondence item 3.23), which offers funding in certain situations, could help with repair or replacement of the rocker toys one of which is in a particularly poor state.

iv.   Shabby Notices - as the original template is no longer available, the clerk is to run off several

 copies using the only remaining notice and laminate them to replace those at the Play Area..

3.3       Highways  - Request for footpaths and attention to Footbridge, Sallie Bank - waiting LCC attention.


3.6       Flower Troughs - i. Sponsorship fee, £100 p.a. accepted by each of the customers.

ii. Start date  - May 1st 2021.

iii. Notices – The new trough signs have been delivered to the Chairman (Finance item 6.4) who has offered to purchase the fixing posts for Newark Road..

iv. Resettling and painting troughs  - work now completed. 

3.7       Propeller Memorial – A local resident volunteered to deal with the problem in better weather when the propeller has had a chance to dry out.

                        The poor condition of some of the wreaths was mentioned and one member and offered to remove them into safe custody.

3.11    Treasure Hunt for Easter  - Unable to follow through.


                        All relevant items were circulated during the month - list appended to Agenda.               

5.         PLANNING               

5.1       Planning Application No 142642 to provide storage building for organic fertiliser and parking area with drainage scheme, Park Farm, Kettlethorpe. This had led to some unease amongst Park Farm residents, who already ‘suffer’ from heavy lorries on their private road, which they have to pay to maintain.  The Chairman had spoken to one or two homeowners who were also worried about the additional traffic and the possibility of smells. WLDC are to be advised of their concern.

5.2       Planning Application No 142026 – Naylor’s Hills Chicken Farm, Laughterton.  Conditional approval was given by WLDC to provide a free range poultry unit with ancillary feed silos, generator, hardstanding, and access, with all qualifying conditions listed in the officer’s associated report.

One Councillor felt so strongly about West Lindsey’s attitude, and their total disregard of the views of the Parish Council and residents’, that he was considering offering his resignation.   He asked, what is the point of having a Parish Council, whose local knowledge and that of their residents is just ignored.  The result makes a mockery of the Parish Council in the eyes of the residents we are trying to help..

It was asked if there is any method of appeal, whereby we should be able to highlight the lack of a proper, approval procedure.  There had been absolutely no respect for local feeling and no opportunity to address the Planning Committee. It is to be investigated whether there is a process whereby this application can be challenged.

The Chairman was to speak to D/Cllr Jane Ellis about these problems and the lack of an invitation to the planning meeting, but he had a suspicion that even if the issue is resubmitted,  the eventual result would be the same.

6.         FINANCE

6.1       Village Hall rental for 2020 - £8.00 Payment proposed and seconded.

6.2       MKS grass cutting 18/03/2021 - £157.20 incl: VAT Payment proposed and seconded

6.3       Trough signs x 4 – Blades Advertising & Marketing - £80.64 incl: VAT Payment proposed and seconded

6.4       PAYE / Salary for end March - Approval for payment of these items on a monthly basis had been given as per proposal at the last AGM.

            All above payments were discussed and approved by the Council

6.5       Clerk’s salary / Expenses – The clerk vacated the room during a discussion on these items and on his return he was advised that with the full agreement of the meeting, the salary had been raised by £25 paid monthly, and expenses for last two years had been agreed.  Proposed, seconded, and approved by the meeting.

6.6       VAT-  the clerk reported that he had submitted a claim for the refund of £418.90 VAT paid during the last financial year.

6.7       Parish Accounts – The balance at the bank to month ending 31st March 2021 is £10,894.59 with an expenditure of £9,823.82.


7.1       Prospective Parish Councillor – The Council had learned that a resident from Home Farm Close had shown an interest in becoming a Parish Councillor and he is to be invited as a guest to the next meeting.


7.2       Easter Egg Challenge 2022 – When one of the Councillor had passed through a nearby village, he noticed trees decorated with coloured cardboard eggs, and hedges with bunting of chicks and rabbits.  It was thought that this might be a good friendly Easter themed Parish competition for next year, with Easter eggs given as prizes.

It could be something for all ages and abilities, as people can walk around and view the decorations and those with health limitations could participate from their own homes. Plain-card egg shapes are available in a variety of sizes and if  the Council were to cover their cost, cut-outs could be distributed to each house, asking residents to decorate them and hang them outside over the Easter period, but if not interested, to pass them to a neighbour.

7.3       Resignation of Councillor – Since the last meeting, Councillor Tony Scawthon had felt it necessary to resign from the Council for family reasons.  His letter of resignation had been sent to WLDC and notices provided on each board.  The Chairman was to write a letter of thanks to Tony for his services to the Council.

7.4       Chairman / Vice Chairman for 2021 / 2022 –  the Vice Chairman, felt that due to his workload he could not satisfactorily undertake the position of Chairman for next year and as a result, the present Chairman, Cllr Richard Elliott agreed to remain in post. To be confirmed at the next meeting.

7.5       Annual Parish Meeting.  The Chairman advised that the next meetings will again be by Zoom and will be the Annual Parish Meeting, immediately followed by the AGM.

Due to current legislation, these must be held before 7th May, as virtual meetings will not be allowed after that date.  Covid 19 rules will still prevent the use of the Village Hall until later in May, even if permitted then.             

8.         DATE OF NEXT MEETING – These meetings will take place by Zoom, starting at 7.30 pm on the agreed date of Tuesday 4th May 2021 as the normal meeting day of Monday is a Bank Holiday.

See LALC E News, item 3.33 for problems with future use of Zoom and meeting venues.

Meeting closed at 8.40 pm