June 2021 Minutes
Kettlethorpe Parish Council
Minutes of the Parish Council Meeting held on 7th June 2021 at 7.40 pm in Kettlethorpe
Village Hall
Cllr Richard Elliott, Chairman,
Cllr Richard Barnard,
Cllr Tim O’Callaghan,
Cllr Catherine Turner,
Cllr Jez Willis,
Mr Mr. Ronald Gee, Clerk..
APOLOGIES - Cllr Lizzie Smith, D/Cllr Jane Ellis.
Acceptance of the minutes of the May AGM, which had been circulated to all members was proposed, seconded, and approved by the Meeting.
3.1 Local Policing issues
The Police Report for April listed 5 burglaries, 12 thefts, 3 vehicle crimes, 7 criminal damage items and stated that a number of people had been working as a group in Laughterton to steal motor vehicles. In the May Report, received later the same month, there were 3 burglaries, 4 thefts, 1 vehicle crime, 3 criminal damages and an attempted burglary in Laughterton.
3.2 Jubilee Park
i. Park sign – The Park name board had been rubbed down and painted, preparatory to remounting on the park wall.
ii. Block paving - MKS had cleared weeds etc from the path across Jubilee Park for an agreed fee of £90 including VAT (See Finance item 6.2).
iii. New Springies and other play equipment – A quotation had been received from Sutcliffe’s to replace the Springies and it was felt that prior to applying for a grant, we should obtain a quote from a different supplier for comparison and include repair of the soft pour.
iv. Community fund – The clerk was to confirm with FCC Communities Funding if more than one quote would be needed for the application.
3.3 Highways
i. Footpaths and Footbridge, Sallie Bank – The clerk was asked to check if any response had been received from LCC, regarding when repairs will be undertaken. It was felt unlikely that LCC will deal in the near future, but if the Council keeps in touch on a regular basis, the job will be kept uppermost in their minds when the next allocation of cash is due.
ii Entry to the Chicken Farm site from A1133 – The new road from A1133 to the site was reported to the Parish Council as being dangerous with a near collision taking place recently between two heavy lorries. Residents on Newark Road had agreed to report any events to the clerk, and assistance has been requested from Lincs Road Safety Partnership and WLDC planners. No reports have been received to date.
It was commented that building work has already taken place on the site which is not allowed to begin until the access road has been completed. The clerk was asked to report the fact to West Lindsey Planning Enforcement and to the Planning Officer, Mr George Backovic, who dealt with the original application.
3.6 Flower Troughs
i. Sponsorship – The fees of £100 per sponsor have been received and banked.
Thanks were offered when it was noted that weeds had been cleared from around the troughs to make the signage more visible. The Chairman is to order bedding plants to refresh the boxes, using available manure.
3.7 Propeller Memorial
i. Repairs - The Chairman offered to have a chat with Mr Moore to see when he is likely to start the refurbishment work.
3.8 Messy seat, (bird lime) and slippery path (moss) at the Church – Attempts had been made to clean the seat by the Chairman, but being directly under a tree it was an almost impossible task and needs be re-sited to a better location, for which a new base, concrete or paving slabs will be required
Although the path it is not too slippery in the present weather, the PCC have been asked if they would supply the Council with a product to kill the moss..
3.9 Dove nuisance, Home Farm Close – It was said that in addition to the Parish Council, two persons had made a formal complaint to West Lindsey and the clerk was asked to check if Mr Nigel Periam of WLDC had any progress to report. It was asked if throwing bread out into the road could be classified as a littering offence.
One option mentioned was to play a recording of a bird in distress, or could we possibly hire a falconer !!!!?
All relevant items were circulated during May and a full list was forwarded at the month end.
6.1 MKS grass cutting May 7th & 19th - £262 +: VAT – £314.40 Payment proposed, seconded, and agreed by the meeting.
6.2 MKS – Clear weeds etc from block paving, Jubilee Park - £75 +VAT - £90 Payment proposed, seconded, and agreed by the meeting.
6.3 PAYE and Salary - Payment of these items was agreed in accordance with the proposal made in April 2021.
6.3 Parish Accounts – The balance at the bank to month ending 31st May 2021 is £18,696.60 (including £200 sponsorship cash) with an expenditure of £2,317.15.
8.1 Tipping rubbish – The Council had been advised that certain residents had been seen tipping grass cuttings, weeds, and other rubbish into the verges on the opposite side of Newark Road. It was asked why these people do not use their green bins, as officially, this is fly tipping. A flier is to be distributed to residents, advising that this is an illegal practice.
8.2 Drive cleaning – The Council had been made aware of undesirables offering to clean residents’ drives. It was known that one Home Farm Close resident had already informed the police as they had been seen putting a standpipe into a public hydrant. It was suggested that perhaps a warning could be put on Facebook.
8.3 Queen’s Jubilee – It was asked if anything is being done in the Parish to commemorate the Queen’s Jubilee, and one idea put forward was that if Mr Hogg’s grounds are available, we could arrange something in coordination with the PCC with the proceeds (less Parish costs) going to the Church funds. The use of a marquee was mentioned, and it was said that the event could also be known as “Coming out of Lockdown” in conjunction with the Queen’s Jubilee.
The next meeting will be held on Monday 5th July 2021 at 7.30 pm.
Meeting closed 8.50 pm.