December 2021 Minutes
Kettlethorpe Parish Council
Minutes of the Parish Council Meeting held on Tuesday, 7th December 2021 at 7.00 pm in
Kettlethorpe Village Hall
Cllr Richard Elliott, Chairman,
Cllr. Richard Barnard,
Cllr. Tim O’Callaghan
Cll Cllr Catherine Turner,
Mr. R. Gee, Clerk. C/Cllr Richard Butroid
Cllr Lizzie Smith. Cllr Jez Willis, D/Cllr Jane Ellis.
The Chairman welcomed County Councillor Richard Butroid, who said that he felt it was about time that he popped in to see us again. He had been checking the problems of Kettlethorpe Road and Kettlethorpe Lane (see. Highways item 3.3i) as details had been forwarded to him from this Council via D/Cllr Ellis.
He was also aware of the problem of the tractors carrying offensive waste through Laughterton and other villages. (See item 3.19)
He C /Cllr Butroid asked what the Council thought about the new bridge on the Sallie Bank footpath and members agreed that a good job had been done which had been completed sooner than expected.
The minutes of the November meeting had been circulated to all members and were proposed, seconded, and approved by the Meeting.
3.1 Local Policing issues – Prior to receiving the Crime Report, the following message, abridged by the clerk had been placed online by the police :-
“There have been several thefts recently around Torksey / Newton on Trent areas. Sheds have been targeted along with building sites, plant equipment has been stolen and electrical tools from sheds. There is no evidence at this stage that the offences are linked to the same offenders, but this is the time of year when offences of this nature increase. Residents should be aware of the security of their property, in particular any vulnerabilities that may be identified”.
The November Crime Report listed the following items, 4 burglaries, 7 thefts, 3 vehicle crimes and 3 criminal damage, but none of the events took place in this Parish.
3.2 Jubilee Park i. Play area repairs – Abacus had given an estimate of £2,169 + VAT to repair the tarmac but warned that remedial work might be needed to the sub-base and Sutcliffe’s had estimated £3,250 + VAT to change the two Springies (rocking toys)
Before the Christmas lights switch on, on December 5th the Chairman welcomed guests and told them of the problems with the play area, which could cost over £5,000 i.e., more than half of our yearly income. He advised that we hoped to obtain a grant from what is commonly known as the Landfill Tax, but the backing of the community had to be demonstrated. He said that a successful application would mean the Parish Council would only have to pay a small percentage of the total cost, and to that end, some of our members will be circulating to ask for your support by signing the Council petition.
ii. Doing the work ourselves – it was asked at an earlier meeting if we were to purchase replacement equipment from the original company and fit it ourselves, would we be covered by insurance in the event of a child suffering an injury, say for example from a protruding bolt or similar, that has been inadvertently overlooked.
The clerk had contacted Came & Co, the Parish insurance company who gave the following response:- “If RoSPA advise that specialist installation is NOT required, subject to the Council accepting responsibility for them and their actions, anyone carrying out the work on behalf of the Council will be covered by our policy and any injuries or property damage resulting from the equipment should be covered”.
iii. Park Trees - good progress is being made on pruning the trees and disposing of the clippings.
3.3 Highways.
i. Speed limit request – Cllr Butroid explained that he had been to check Kettlethorpe Lane and Kettlethorpe Road and is in support of the Parish Council’s request for a speed limit. He also said that he understood the need for a footpath for those children who must walk the route in the dark after being dropped off from the school bus and has forwarded details for investigation as per the Parish Council request. He was also looking into a joint approach by Fenton and Torksey Lock on a similar topic and anticipated that there would shortly be a reduction in the speed limit on the A 156
It was explained to C/Cllr Butroid that Kettlethorpe Road could be at least 3 foot wider if the verges were cut back and trenches had recently been dug into the grass to find the edge of the tarmac. Subsequent photographs which proved the point have been forwarded to D/Cllr Ellis.
ii. Newark Road – It was also mentioned that bad flooding occurs on Newark Road, each time it rains due to the grips not being cut in the correct places in the verges. It was suggested that Highways should visit in rainy weather and peg out where the grips should really be cut, which would be obvious by the numerous puddles.
iii. Chicken Farm –– The Chairman pointed out the sequence of events which meant that the chicken farm buildings were being erected in breach of planning regulations, before the new road had been completed and a residential road was being used to deliver their equipment. Councillor Butroid said he was up to date with the situation and would take it up with a West Lindsey authority.
iv. Solar Farms – The inherent problems of solar farms, were not just devaluation of property, but problems for the whole agricultural industry, with reduction in the need for farm machinery, numbers of farm workers, equipment suppliers, etc yet the public remained generally supportive, as they were not aware of the sheer scale of the plans. West Burton and Cottam power stations are likely to be used, because of their existing distribution networks, but it would be better if the adjacent slag heaps could be cleared and this land used rather than taking valuable agricultural land.
3.6 Flower Troughs – Remove from agenda
3.8 Parish Cemetery - The total cost of the bench is £489.60, including ancillary items and VAT. Agri-cycle had advised that the account should be paid in advance of delivery. The purchase had been fully agreed by the Council at the October meeting and the clerk will organise payment. (See FINANCE 6.2).
3.10 Queen’s Jubilee event – The Chairman had spoken with the secretary of the WI who advised that their event would be taking place in Mr Hogg’s garden. It was generally felt that the Council should organise their own event based on streets and closes holding their own parties, hopefully with bunting and goodie packs supplied by WLDC. The WI are to be asked what day their party was taking place as we would not wish to coincide.
3.11 Village signs – A request has been received from a parishioner to change the Parish signs for something more picturesque, but the Chairman had been unable to contact the lady concerned. In answer to a question from the Chairman whether West Lindsey or LCC could provide village signs, Cllr Butroid thought this was unlikely, as WLDC only install and replace street and road name plates.
Councillor Butroid felt that white gates, such as at Sturton, not only look good, but can also help to slow traffic down. Members agreed but pointed out that it is quite an expensive exercise with planning applications and the need for qualified staff to install. Cllr Butroid agreed that was the case but if the job is done properly by private contractors, it is unlikely that there would be any come-back from Highways.
3.12 Community Speed watch – A former Councillor who oversees the Speed Watch team said that he was still waiting for a response from 2 more individuals, as 6 is the minimum number. One councillor suggested that 2 or 3 more would be needed to cover holidays and illnesses.
3.13 Dog Kennels – Noise, resident’s complaint - the owner had been contacted and was surprised to hear the complaint. He suggested that the barking only occurred at feeding times or when a fox had got into the kennels, but he would keep his eye on it.
3.14 Land behind Kettlethorpe Road – reference report No. WLGE_372700216. The following items are causes for concern in relation to the planning application No 143951, to change the use of paddock land to garden at the rear of Fairview house.
On the plans of the land adjacent to the area of agricultural land, (also owned by the applicant), there is a log cabin listed, for which the floor area is about the size of most houses in this district as shown on Google earth. The Council is not aware permission was granted to allow this log cabin to be put there and despite it being raised with Planning Enforcement by this Council, it is still there. There is also a camper van parked next to this. Since the wooden cabin was erected on the paddock land, the owner has arranged a water and electricity supply, shortly after the road through the village had been resurfaced that would not normally have been permitted. This was a new supply and at the time of installation, the landowner did not own any property attached to this paddock, just the land.
It has also come to light that this paddock has been issued with a postal address, which is very unusual as there are no legal properties on the land and the notes state potential campsite.
The proposed garden site runs along the back of four properties and only has a single car width attachment to Fairview house. It is hoped that restrictions are placed on this land in relation to any activity other than a garden, because as stated most of it backs onto several other properties.
There are also concerns that the landowner may only wish to include this as his garden to enable him to extend his current property, as it is unlikely to have sufficient land to enable the owner to build an extension.
Building permission has been refused on this land in the past on environmental grounds, as well as village splay and access matters. There is concern that the applicant is now trying to use the house as a route into the property and it is suspected that a further application for building works will follow. If this is the case, it is hoped that a clause can be inserted, that building permission will be refused for the same reasons that it was refused for previous applications on this land, by the same landowner
Should the plan be accepted however, then it must be pointed out that the frontage of Fairview is very close to the junction with the traffic island at the A1133. If travelling from the South and turning towards Kettlethorpe the corner is quite blind and a further estate road joining close by would make it very dangerous.
3.17 Creation - of a native woodland. The organiser has been advised that the Parish Council support his project.
3.18 Christmas Ceremony – It was felt that the evening had gone well with a good running order, despite no teachers being present which limited the number of children who attended. This meant that some chocolate prizes were left over, but the remainder were passed to the organiser of a children’s Christmas disco. Members agreed that this was the best solution.
It was noted that the timer for the lights needed sorting out and because of the height of the tree, perhaps a net of lights will be needed next year.
3.19 Waste rendering – Cllr Butroid was asked if he was aware of the problem where smelly liquid waste from slaughterhouses is being transported by Pears tractors from Low Marnham through the Parish to Lincolnshire fields. It would normally be injected into the soil, but during Winter with hard ground it just remains on the surface. Cllr Butroid said he knew of this and agreed the smell was horrendous. It was queried why this county permits use of the product, even to the extent of providing a storage lagoon near the A 57, when an adjacent county, does not allow its use although the actual processing takes place there.
A list of e-mails and notices circulated during November was forwarded at the month end
5.1 Planning Application No:143951 for change of use of land to domestic garden area. Fairview House Kettlethorpe Road Laughterton Lincoln LN1 2LB. Item 3.14 gives the Parish response to this Application
6.1 MKS - pruning cemetery hedges – Invoice No 2893 - £48 incl: VAT
6.2 Agri-Cycle - Cemetery bench – Invoice No 5288 £489.60 incl: VAT
Payment of the above items was agreed, proposed, and seconded by the meeting
6.3 Parish Precept – The meeting agreed with the final figure of £9,750 as submitted on the estimate form. Clerk to forward the details to WLDC
6.4 Lights switch on – Councillors’ expenditure (to be dealt with next month)
6.5 PAYE and Salary - Payment of these items was agreed for the year in accordance with the proposal made at an earlier meeting.
6.6 Parish Accounts – The balance at the bank to month ending 30th November 2021 is £14,207.97 with an expenditure of £7,304.05.
7.1 Defibrillator – The Chairman reported that the defibrillator battery will need changing shortly at a cost of £110.
8.1 The next meeting will take place on Tuesday 4th January 2022 at 7.00 pm in Kettlethorpe Village Hall.
Meeting closed 9.45 pm