January 2021 Minutes

Notes, 1st January 2021  in lieu of Parish Council Meeting                    



                             Cllr Richard Elliott, Chairman,

                             Cllr Richard Barnard

                             Cllr Tony Scawthon,

                             Cllr Tim O’Callaghan,

                             Cllr Lizzie Smith,

                             Cllr Catherine Turner,                          

                      Mr Ronald Gee, Clerk    


Notes in lieu of the December meeting and the minutes of the Special Meeting on 22nd December were circulated to all members and passed for publication on the new Parish Council website.


2.1       Local Policing issues –  No Police Report received, but Smiley Sid was provided by the Police on Propeller Island in December, in addition to a number of extra 30 mph limit signs on lamp standards, seen when approaching Laughterton from the  Torksey direction

2.2       Jubilee Park –  i.  Play area - Play areas can still be used with Covid precautions.  Notices exist on the Parish notice board and at the Play Area . Will be updated should circumstances change.

ii.   Park nameplate – The wood is looking shabby and requires attention.

iii.  Christmas competition – D/Cllr Ellis walked round the Parish with the Chairman and the clerk, and eventually decided that the winning lighting display was on Kettlethorpe Rd, Laughterton.  A £20 voucher was delivered to the owners. Notice to Parish notice board.

2.3       Highways – i. Request for footpaths  - Waiting further information from LCC Highways.

            ii. Footbridge, Sallie Bank footpath – considered dangerous, closed by LCC, pending repair.

2.5       Parish Facebook –  Contact the clerk with any items for forwarding

2.6       Flower troughs - This item was covered extensively in the Special Meeting in December.  As a result the possibility of a new scheme is to be discussed with the owners of each business.

2.7       Repairs to Propeller Memorial – no response

2.11     Parish Website – New style website now up and running.         


                        All relevant correspondence has been circulated by e-mail

            3.1       Report – Problems with Christmas tree light control box

3.2       Noted  – LRSP Speed Vehicle at Marton again

3.3       Remembrance poppies taken down, stored with clerk

3.4       Parish website – correspondence relating to privacy matters

3.5       Council members – Unhappy at decision on trough advertising.

3.4       W.L. Citizens Advice – Request for donation

            3.5       WLDC - to erect free range poultry unit, Naylor’s Hills Farm, see 4.1

            3.6       WLDC - Register of Electors - Electoral Portal Access

            3.7       FCC Funding Opportunities – Funding for good quality community projects

            3.8       D/Cllr Ellis – Agreed to judge Best Parish Christmas Lighting display

            3.9       Planning Application no: 141755 – resident’s complaint re various new changes

3.10     Application no: 141755  – response sent to concerned resident and WLDC

311      Christmas lighting – decision made by D/Cllr Ellis, agreed £20 voucher prize / TKU sent

3.12     Planning Application no: 142026 – Comments from Parish Council recorded

3.13     Christmas lighting prize – house, Kettlethorpe Rd. Poster to notice boards, to  Facebook

3.14     Final claim for Precept – meeting requested  - to take place on Zoom.

3.15     Agenda for Zoom meeting, Monday 21st December

3.16     Lincs Schools – Admission policy

            3.17     Application no: 142026  - PC response to chicken farm sent to WLDC planning

3.18     LALC E News

3.19     WLDC News

3.20     LALC News

3.21     Camping & caravan site to be set up ??, Main Rd., Laughterton – to WLDC planning notified / Enquiries by Chairman, planning permission apparently not required for 5 sites or less

3.22     Douglas Hogg – grandson’s letter to LCC re: ‘sewer‘ footbridge and their response.

4.         PLANNING

4.1       Application No: 142026 - to erect. free range poultry unit,etc – This application was discussed at length at the December Special meeting. Decision made to print and distribute fliers to each Laughterton household, announcement to Parish notice Board, Facebook and resume to D/Cllr Ellis.  

Official response already sent to WLDC Planning, based on input from Council members’ and residents.

5.         FINANCE

5.1       Items agreed for payment - PAYE / Salary for end December / Voucher prize for Christmas competition / Christmas tree lighting box - approved at the Special meeting 22nd Dec: to be paid on 01st  January 2021.

5,2       Parish Accounts – Balance at the bank to month ending 31st December 2020 is £12,915.11, with an expenditure of £7,802.99.


                                It was agreed that the next meeting will take place by Zoom at 7.30 pm on Monday 1st February