February 2021 Minutes

Minutes of  meeting held by Zoom on 1st February 2021  at 7.30 pm    



                             Cllr Richard Elliott, Chairman,                                                                                                                              Cllr Richard Barnard

                             Cllr Tony Scawthon,

                            Cllr Lizzie Smith,

                             Cllr Tim O’Callaghan,                         

                             Cllr Catherine Turner,                          

                      Mr Ronald Gee, Clerk    


Notes in lieu of the January meeting were circulated to all members, accepted, and passed to for publication on the new Parish Council website.


2.1       Local Policing issues –  No Police Report has been received since October last year. The LRSP Speed van had been in operation on Newark Road several times during January and Smiley Sid has been set up at various locations.  It was asked if the visits by the Speed vehicle gave the Parish the right to erect Speed Camera 30 mph signs similar to those now set up in Marton. Clerk to write.

2.2       Jubilee Park –  i.  Play area.  – Use of the Play Areas is still permitted, providing that Covid precautions are observed. Explanatory notices have been  provided but have suffered weather damage and  replacements are to be provided.

ii.   Park nameplate weather-beaten – Checks are to be made to see if the resident concerned still has this job in hand..

2.3       Highways – i. Request for footpaths  - Waiting further information from LCC Highways.

            ii. Footbridge, Sallie Bank – Still closed by LCC, pending repair, although ramblers have been seen climbing over the barriers. It was said that there must be someone we can approach with a view to keeping the footpath open and one Councillor reported that e-mails had just been sent to ramblers.org and to righttoroam, seeking their advice. It was agreed that it might be a good idea to approach Highways for a progress report in April, as it is known that monies are often held back from the budget in case of major incidents.

2.5       Parish Facebook –  In answer to the Chairman’s question, it was said that anyone can view the Parish Facebook, even if they are not signed up to it.

2.6       Flower troughs  A fee of £50 p.a. per box, i.e. £100 per customer was agreed with new signs, to be created comprising a Road Safety statement, with the customer’s ad below, using their artwork, e.g. “Sponsored by Gem Cars”.

                        It was mentioned that if the Café notice is moved to the rear of the trough on Newark Road, it may not be visible because of the post for the 30 mph sign.  To move the troughs will require some heavy lifting equipment because of their weight, but it was pointed out that one of them needs levelling in any case.


2.7       Repairs to Propeller Memorial – There had been no response to a further e-mail sent recently, and the clerk was asked to try an alternative company.

2.11     Parish Website – Thanks were offered for all the hard work carried out in setting up the new style Parish Council website see:-     https://kettlethorpe.parish.lincolnshire.gov.uk

It was asked  if “parts of Fenton” could be removed from the title of the website and if Park Farm could be included.  An attempt will be made to rectify this.

3.         CORRESPONDENCE The full list was circulated with the agenda

4.         PLANNING

4.1       Application No: 142129 - To erect 11m shed - the Hatchery, Newark Road Application withdrawn 04 Jan 2021,  new plans submitted. 

The Council were informed that a new application had been created, No. 142236 in which  the barn is to be sited further down Hatchery Road.  It will be 11m high x 24.5m x 18.8m, sited immediately behind the garden of ‘Woodland View’ and will be used to store agricultural equipment, bird feed, grit, and cockleshells. The maps used for this application are so out of date, that the A1133 is still shown as going through Newton on Trent, with no bypass and give wrong ownership of the fields adjacent to Hatchery Lane.  The Consent to Proceed document associated with the Application (29/01/2021), states that prior approval is not required for the development and the opening page of the Application Query result, states “Comments closed”.

4.2       Application no: 142026 – Council response and those from residents have been submitted to WLDC No further information to date

4.3      LCC Application no: 14841 – Granted, for two organic manure lagoons, associated banks and roadways, location: land adjacent to the A 57, Kettlethorpe - noted.

5.         FINANCE

    5.1        Graveyard St. Peter & St. Paul Church -  a maintenance donation of one third of the full account £1,560 was requested by Kettlethorpe PCC - Payment of £520 was proposed, seconded, and agreed by the meeting.                      

                The idea was put forward of planting part of the Parish Council cemetery with seeds to become a wildflower area and reduce the need for mowing..

5.2       PAYE / Salary for end January - Having been approved for monthly payment at the start of the year, consent was given by the meeting for these items to be paid.

5.3       Parish Accounts – The balance at the bank to month ending 31st January 2021 was £12,438.99 with an expenditure of £8,278.49, which the Chairman suggested was on track. 


6.1       Easter celebration –  As the community had responded so well to the Christmas competition, it was proposed that perhaps the Council should think of holding something similar in Spring e.g. a Treasure hunt ? the best garden? window design? or maybe a scarecrow?.

The idea of a Treasure Trail seemed the most popular notion, with such items as little lambs, eggs, chicks, and bunny rabbits, being placed in house windows with numbers say from say 1 to 15, with all 15 locations to be collected over a set period, with an Easter Egg as a prize.  The Chairman asked about the best way of getting the information out, maybe fliers ? but it was suggested that Facebook could be used.  A description of the competition would be given, a little map drawn, and publicised on Facebook.  It will run over the Easter weekend, i.e. Good Friday April 2nd, to Easter Monday April 5th.  

6.2       Village Hall – It was asked[3PP1]  [3PP2] if the Village Hall had received support funds from the Government similar to other groups, such as the Scouts who had received a cash allocation for non-use of the facility, due to Covid 19. The clerk is to check                          

Meeting closed at 8.25 pm


Next meeting will take place by Zoom at 7.30 pm on March 1st, 2021

