October 2019 Minutes
Minutes of the Parish Council Meeting held in the Village Hall, Kettlethorpe, on Monday 07 October 2019 at 7.40 pm
Cllr Richard Elliott, Chairman,
Cllr Richard Barnard,
Cllr Tony Scawthon,
Cllr Lizzie Smith,
Cllr Tim O’Callaghan
Mr. Ron Gee, clerk.
1. APOLOGIES - Councillor Catherine Turner, Councillor Lauren Flinders, PCSO Glenn Patchett.
The minutes of the September meeting had been circulated to all members and were proposed as a true record by Councillor Tony Scawthon, seconded by Councillor Lizzie Smith and fully agreed.
3.1 Local Policing issues – The Crime Report for September listed 6 burglaries, 6 thefts, 3 vehicle crimes and 5 criminal damages, but there were no reports affecting Kettlethorpe Parish. (see Correspondence 4.1). PCSO Patchett had seen that the Community Beat Manager’s role has now been advertised and hoped that the station would soon be back to full strength, as a number of officers known to him have applied for the role.
3.2 Jubilee Park
i. Fences and barriers –– it was agreed that attention is needed before winter, and the clerk was asked to contact a previously used painter to provide a quotation. Eight tubs of Forest Green Ducksback preservative were purchased last year for this job. Tim said that he also knew of someone who could help and is to ask him to quote.
ii. Soft pour tarmac – Richard had found what appeared to be a useful supplier of wetpour repair kits, but suggested that we should wait before ordering, as he is to visit the Saltex exhibition in Birmingham shortly, where he will make further enquiries. (Correspondence 4.3. )
3.3 Highway Matters
i. Speed Watch – An additional leaflet created by Catherine has been delivered to every Parish household, indicating that more volunteers are needed. Tony reported that Mr Duncan Blades has now put his name forward and the Chairman said that he was also interested in taking part. Tim said that he would join, depending on his work situation at the time. [Mr Geoffrey Cleworth, Mr John Kerr, Lizzie and Tony have already volunteered].
The clerk was asked to set the wheels in motion with Lincs Road Safety Partnership and once the information is to hand, to e-mail each volunteer and put posters on the notice-boards.
ii. Fault Reports – A letter was sent last month, inviting Cllr Butroid to meet the Parish Council to discuss uncompleted and unsatisfactory workmanship, regarding faults reported to Highways, but there has been no response, nor any acknowledgement of the letter. Using the gullies at the Main Road bend as an example of unsatisfactory ‘repairs’, Tony said that they certainly had not been jetted out, as the recent flooding at the corner has shown. If we cannot rely on our County Councillor to come and talk, a Highways Inspector is needed, with whom we can discuss all of the problems. The clerk was asked to write and the name of Mr Steve Hudson was mentioned.
3.4 Parish Council Surgery – Unfortunately there was a clash of meetings for the Chairman, who was due to take the September surgery. Members were e-mailed asking if anyone could stand in, but no-one was available, so he advised the Friendship and will deal with the next on November 18th.
3.5 Parish Facebook – This just about operational, following the help given by Catherine and husband Stephen, but it still requires a few ‘tweaks’. Residents will be invited to contribute with advertisements for forthcoming events, news items etc, but personal ads such as items for sale will not be accepted. Lizzie offered to help in completing the set up and in addition, volunteered to look into setting up the Council as a domain with linked e-mail addresses e.g. Richard@kettlethorpepc.org.uk.
3.6 Troughs - As Lauren was unable to attend, it was not known whether she had found a sponsor for the Kettlethorpe Road troughs. It was agreed though, that all others were looking well flower-wise, but as stated by the Chairman, new plants will be needed shortly. He mentioned winter pansies and stocks as replacements, and offered to organise this.
3.7 Planning for Christmas event
i. Saxilby date is November 30th
ii. Kettlethorpe date is December 1st.at 5.00 pm – Jenny, Newton School secretary to be rung – Richard
iii. Floodlights - colleague to be contacted for loan – Richard
iv. Friendship - food e.g. burgers and hot dogs from Friendship - Tim
v. No new ideas were forthcoming, so stay with existing game - Richard
vi. Father Christmas – check with her father - Catherine
vii. The 4 wheeled carriage is a strong possibility – parking to be resolved - Lizzie
viii. Illuminate the carriage using the spare battery tree lights– Richard
ix. Advise police – Tony’s suggestion
x. Npower now disconnected – clerk. Battery pack to be used for tree lights - Richard.
3..8 106 bus service – letters have been sent to Stagecoach, local resident Alexander Sacks, and LCC Transport, but there has no answer yet from LCC and a reminder is to be sent.
The Chairman is to contact WLDC regarding the loss of service and look into the value of a petition. It was asked why single-decker buses were not used when the service was operational, rather than double.
3.9 Repairs to Propeller Memorial – Local resident, Mr Richard Moore had reported to the Council that the Propeller is beginning to show signs of wear and mentioned a company that may be able carry out a repair. Funding enquiries had been made by the clerk to LALC and suggestions of the Lincolnshire Funding Portal and the War Memorial’s Trust were offered. To be followed up.
Richard (B) also knew of Premier Alloys as a suitable repair company.
3.10 Breach of Planning - It had been noted that a two-piece wooden lodge and a caravan had been delivered to site and a large steel fence erected along the back of nearby residents’ gardens on Kettlethorpe Road. Questions were asked about the water supply to the buildings; what means of disposal there is for the sewage and what had happened to the large containers left on site, previously seen to be infested with rats.
Letters had been sent to WLDC about this breach of planning, and it was evident from a mis-directed letter received by a household in the vicinity, that West Lindsey are aware of the state of affairs. Richard had visited a resident who was enquiring about this situation, to offer advice and explain the role of the Parish Council. (Correspondence 4.11)
Mention was made that Kettlethorpe Road residents had got together and were trying to buy some of this land to increase the length of their gardens
4.1 Police Crime Report for September
4.2 LCC – advice of remittance re: Amenity Grass and purchase order
4.3 Wetpour repair kit – Cllr Barnard
4.4 106 bus service – letters & responses
4.5 Festive lights – power contract ended
4.6 LCC – Highways 2020 contracts - recommendations
4.7 Volvo
4.8 Clerks & Council - magazine
4.9 WLDC – Persons nominated for election as District Councillor
4.10 LALC - Conference and AGM, Bentley Hotel, Tues 15th October
4.11 Resident – Has permission been granted for structures nearby ?
4.12 Refurbishing Propeller Memorial See Correspondence 3.9
E-mailed items for September – circulated 01 / 10 / 2019
5.1 Application Ref: No. 139624 – grant of permission for agricultural road off A1133, Newark Road. Item noted.
5.2 Application Ref No. 140012 – for erection of barn, creation of manege and relocation of horse walker, land to west of Kettlethorpe Hall. The general opinion was that the planned construction appears to be of similar design to existing buildings in the area and will blend in. No objections .
5.3 Application Ref 140013 – Listed building consent for above – issue already resolved – noted..
6.1 MKS Groundcare – 3 x grass cuts - Invoice No 1566 - £471.60 – Payment proposed by Cllr Tony Scawthon, seconded by Cllr Tim O’Callaghan and approved by the meeting
6.2 PAYE / Salary – for end September. Having been proposed / seconded in May that these items should be paid each month, the meeting approved the payment
6.3 Parish Accounts – the clerk reported that expenditure to the end of September was £6,803, leaving £13,845 in the bank, as confirmed by the accounts sheet and the bank statement. It was agreed by the meeting that the monthly accounts sheet should be signed by the Chairman and the clerk.
7.1 Brexit candidate – Lizzie said that a candidate for the forthcoming election, Mr Nick Pearson had used the Friendship Inn as a backdrop on his election publicity literature, which seemed to indicate that it had some affiliation with his party. This is not the case and the pub had received a number of phone calls from people seeking information about the Brexit Party. The candidate had apologised, but did not see the need to issue any retraction. Consequently, the matter is to be referred to the Elections Officer for Torksey Ward at WLDC.
7.2 Points from residents –
i. One resident had asked Tony why there were no PC representatives at the recent Church Harvest Festival
ii. Another had suggested that speed limit for Newark Road should be increased to 40 mph as far as the bend at the top of Marsh Lane, where the 30 mph limit should begin.
iii. Tim mentioned a resident throwing his grass mowings into the verge on the opposite side of Newark Road.
iv. Richard had carried out some research into high hedges, which block light and are generally anti-social, and found the following very helpful websites, which could useful to those affected:-
https://www.gov.uk/government/publications/high-hedges-complaining-to-the-council/high-hedges- complaining-to-the-council
The next meeting will take place in Kettlethorpe Village Hall on Monday 4th November 2019 at 7.40 pm
As there was no further business the meeting closed at 9.35 pm