June 2019 Minutes
Minutes of the Parish Council Meeting held in the Village Hall, Kettlethorpe, on Monday 03rd June 2019 at 7.40 pm
Cllr Richard Elliott, Chairman,
Cllr Richard Barnard,
Cllr Tim O’Callaghan,
Cllr Lauren Flinders
Cllr Catherine Turner
Cllr Tony Scawthon,
Mr. Ron Gee, clerk Mrs L. Smith, Potential Councillor
PC Martin Doherty, PCSO Glenn Patchett .
The minutes of the May AGM had been circulated to all members and were proposed as a true record by Councillor Tim O’Callaghan, seconded by Councillor Catherine Turner and agreed by the meeting.
3.1 Local Policing issues – The Crime Report for May listed 5 thefts, 3 vehicle crimes, 3 burglaries and 2 criminal damages, but no offences were reported for Kettlethorpe Parish. See Correspondence 4.1
3.2 Jubilee Park – Fences and barriers Richard suggested that if the weather is suitable, the forthcoming weekend might be a good time to spray the fencing. Help was offered by the Chairman and Tim.
It was mentioned that the edges of the soft pour tarmac in the play area are beginning to lift and could become a hazard. The clerk is to obtain a quotation from the play equipment company.
3.3 Highway Matters
i. Speed Watch. Owing to circumstances, Catherine had been unable to complete the flier, but she will finish it shortly and planned to explain the need for dedicated volunteers to operate Speedwatch and to include a mention of the Parish Facebook which, it is hoped, will be up and running very soon.
ii. Main Rd bend flood - Tony had attempted to rod the offlets from inside the ditch and found that one or two were clear, allowing water to flow through, but others had blockages in the pipe between the ditch and the kerb edge gully. Clerk to report details to LCC Highways.
iii. Main Rd - Marsh Lane link flooded – It is suspected that flooding is caused by the grating located opposite Vine Cottage being blocked with silt, preventing water from draining away. Clerk to advise LCC Highways.
3.4 Parish Council Surgery – i. The duty Councillor for May was Richard (B), but unfortunately, as before, there was a dearth of clients. Catherine volunteered to cover the Surgery for June on the agreed date of 17th and Lauren offered to deal with the next in July, which was provisionally set for the 15th. There was some discussion as to the value of the Surgery, but it was eventually agreed to continue running it, but at two month intervals instead of one. This decision places the next in September.
3.5 Vacancy – Mrs Lizzie Smith had accepted an invitation to attend the meeting as a prospective Councillor and after confirming her interest in joining, was proposed by Cllr Tony Scawthon, seconded by Cllr Catherine Turner and fully approved by the meeting. Lizzie is to complete the official papers which are then to be forwarded by the clerk to WLDC.
3.6 Waste – Hatchery Lane. There had been no further response from the Environment Agency, other than a comment that a report was being put together. Richard had heard that a lot of the manure had been shifted, but as Tim pointed out, it was still there, but further away. No ownership of the visiting lorries had yet been recorded, but more residents will be asked to keep a lookout.
3.7 Parish Council newsletter / Facebook – Catherine is to start work shortly on providing a flier in the form of a newsletter. She will mention Speedwatch and the need for dedicated volunteers and the hope that a Parish Facebook will be up and running very soon, in which local items of information, news about forthcoming events etc can be published. Contact numbers will be made available for residents’ use.
3.8 Pumping engine noise – this has not been heard since the last meeting, but checks will continue to be made.
3.9 Plant Troughs 2019 / 20 – The Chairman, with the agreement of the meeting offered to purchase a selection of flowers to replace those currently in the troughs. The clerk reported that payment of £100 for two troughs for Gem Cars had been received and banked, but there had been no response from the letter sent to EZ Grass regarding their sponsorship for this year. Catherine offered to check if they are still interested, but in the meantime, other possible sponsors are to be sought.
4.1 Police Crime Report for May
4.2 Hatchery Lane problems
4.3 PC insurance and response to Speedwatch volunteer query
4.4 LCC Highways – Flood report, Newark Rd to Marsh Lane link
4.5 Newton News – item of interest
4.6 Npower and cancellation
4.7 Plant troughs letter & payment – Gem Cars & Nellie’s Cafe
4.8 WLDC – Election of District Councillor
4.9 LCC Amenity Grass – Public liability insurance
4.10 Parish Council - Letter to ex- Councillor Byrne
4.11 Village Hall, thank you letters
4.12 Clerks & Councils Direct - magazine
4.13 LCC Highways – Road improvements to A1133, golf course to Sand Lane
After agenda printed
4.14 Query to MKS on grass cutting costs.
4.15 Book launch – 23 June,’ Katherine’s House’
4.16 Trent Valley Internal Drainage board - Newsletter
E-mailed items for May, circulated on June 3rd
6.1 MKS Groundcare Invoice No 1414 - 3 cuts in May - £471.60 The clerk had queried this amount with MKS and the number of cuts, as it left only 4 to the end of the year. After some discussion, payment was proposed by Cllr Tim O’Callaghan, seconded by Cllr Tony Scawthon and approved by the meeting.
6.2 Npower from 01/04/2018 to 31/03/2019 – Invoices No LGWCHF2B and 2C totalling £79.08. Payment of these invoices was proposed by Cllr Catherine Turner, seconded by Cllr Tim O’Callaghan and agreed by the meeting.
6.3 Defibrillator pads etc - £50 authorised – delay at supplier.
6.4 Setting up Speedwatch - £500 Held in abeyance.
6.5 PAYE / Salary – for end May. Payment approved by the meeting as per proposal in April.
6.6 Parish Accounts – for end May. A balance of £17,474 with an expenditure from 1st April to date, of £2,505 was confirmed by the HSBC bank statements and the corresponding accounts sheet. It was agreed by the meeting that the monthly Parish Accounts sheet should be signed by the Chairman and the clerk.
7.1 Neighbourhood Plan – Quite by chance, the Chairman had been approached for information about this subject, in which W.L. planners are obliged to take account of locally derived information and needs. Attempts to set up such a Plan in this Parish had failed due to lack of continued community interest.
7.2 Newark Road reinstatement – A Newark Road resident had complained to Tim that following the reinstatement of the road recently, rainwater was running down his driveway instead of along the gutter, due to the lack of a lip at the kerb edge to direct water to the drain,. Tim offered to photograph the issue and forward details to the clerk for passing to LCC Highways.
The next meeting will take place in Kettlethorpe Village Hall on Monday 1st July 2019 at 7.40 pm
As there was no further business the meeting closed at 8.50 pm