February 2019 Minutes
Minutes of the Parish Council Meeting held in the Village Hall, Kettlethorpe, on Monday 04th February 2019 at 7.40 pm
Cllr Richard Elliott, Chairman,
Cllr Richard Barnard,
Cllr David Byrne
Cllr: Lauren Flinders
Cllr Tim O’Callaghan
Cllr Tony Scawthon,
Mr. Ron Gee, clerk.
PC Martin Doherty, PCSO Glenn Patchett.
The minutes of the January meeting had been circulated to all members and were proposed as a true record by Cllr David Byrne, seconded by Cllr Richard Barnard and approved by the meeting.
3.1 Local Policing Issues - The Police Report for January listed 8 burglaries, 3 thefts, 2 vehicle crimes and 1 criminal damage, none of which were in this Parish. (Correspondence item 4.1)
3.2 Jubilee Park –
i. Fence painting – waiting an improvement in the weather.
ii. Overhanging trees – MKS had quoted £120 plus VAT to cut back the trees, but after some discussion between members, the Chairman and Richard had carried out the work themselves including trimming a number of other trees around the Park. Thanks were offered by the meeting.
3.3 Highway Matters i. Tesco grant for speed equipment - Tony had contacted Tesco and learned that if the application is successful, the work must be completed within one year. The amount available from Tesco is not known at this stage but he offered to make further enquiries. Richard suggested that if we get all the purchase money that’s fine, but asked if fund raising for this purpose is really worth doing, considering the lack of interest shown by residents in last year’s survey. Catherine mentioned that the majority implied that they would not be happy if Council money was spent to support speed equipment. On the other hand, as pointed out by Tim, certain residents are very passionate about speed control for Laughterton and this Council has a responsibility for the protection of children.
Depending upon the type of speed equipment being planned, i.e. the pole mounted speed indicator or the gun, it was thought that approval from Highways and a risk assessment may be needed. David suggested that the guns can definitely help reduce speeding, as the police will have the evidence for prosecution on camera, but their success is dependent upon continued interest by the volunteers who operate the them.
The Chairman said that we do not know the cost of the speed gun or if there is a charge for training volunteers, but Tony suggested that sharing with other villages, for example, Torksey and Fenton could be beneficial. In summing up, David said that we need to know three things:- i. the cost of speed guns, ii. the cost of training, iii. what back up there is.
ii. Newark Road verge problems - Residents of Newark Road were less than happy at the poor quality of workmanship when LCC contractors moved street lighting poles from the opposite side of the road into verges outside their homes. Despite the verges being highways owned, residents had always kept the grass neatly mown and tidy, but on completion of the job, the verges had been left rutted and unkempt with manhole covers standing proud above the grass. When help was sought from the Parish Council, Tony and the Chairman visited to look into the problem. Photographs were taken and a full report sent to the Highways Fault Reporting agency, and in addition, a letter of complaint was sent to the Executive Member for Highways, Councillor Richard Davies.
Whilst supporting the residents in their complaint, the Parish Council also thanked LCC for providing better lighting and a safer approach to the village.
3.4 Flower trough to reset – Tim and local resident, Mr Mike Bernard had met with some difficulty when they tried shifting the trough back into place using a teleporter, but they eventually got the job done by means of muscle power, with help from Richard, who had built a new solid wooden platform for it to stand on
3.5 Parish Council Surgery –resume’ The first Surgery was taken by Catherine, who enjoyed a very pleasant hour or so in the Friendship, sadly uninterrupted by any Parishioner’s questions. The next Surgery will be taken by Tim on 11th February from 7.00 to 8.00 pm for which the clerk will provide notices for the Parish and Village Hall notice boards.
3.6 Parish Council Dinner – all food orders have now been received, and the list will be taken to the Friendship in readiness for the meal on Friday 8th February, 7.00 for 7.30 pm.
3.7 Parish Council Facebook – The Chairman had spoken with one or two residents who, it was hoped, might have better contact details for Alex, with a view to asking him to de-activate the old Facebook. The clerk, Catherine and her husband are to meet up with the hope of stopping the existing site and opening up a new one.
4.1 Police Crime Report for January
4.2 Bassetlaw D.C. – Draft Bassetlaw Local Plan
4.3 WLDC – Agenda for forthcoming meeting
4.4 Jubilee Park – overhanging trees)
4.5 WLDC – Parish Council Elections – Thursday 02 May 2019
4.6 LCC – Communicating better on planning
4.7 LCC – various grants
4.8 MKS – Quotation to trim Jubilee Park trees
4.9 Verge reinstatement – Cllr Scawthon/Chair/Cllr Barnard/clerk letters
4.10 Request- for information on PC meetings under Freedom of Information
4.11 LALC – Power supply for defibrillator
4.12 TESCO grant
E-mailed items for January – see list appended to these minutes
6.1 Parochial Church Council, grass cutting - £556.60 (1/3 of total). After some discussion, a donation of £556.60 was proposed by Councillor Tim O’Callaghan, seconded by Councillor Richard Barnard and agreed by the meeting.
6.2 PAYE / Salary for end January - It had agreed at the start of the financial year, that these items should be paid monthly and consent was given by the meeting for their payment.
6.3 Parish Accounts - The clerk reported that £7,098 had been spent to date, leaving £12,045 remaining in the bank, as confirmed by the Parish Accounts’ Sheet and the HSBC bank statement. It was agreed by the meeting that the Chairman and the clerk should sign the accounts.
7.1 Tree lights – Richard reported that the battery powered lights he had bought and put on test in mid - December are still lit to date, (4th February) although a little dimmer. They had been running continuously since purchase under the control of a 6 hour a day timer It was agreed that a spare control box and battery should be obtained in case of any future problems.
Catherine and the clerk will look into advising Npower as soon as possible that their services will no longer be required when the contract runs out in November this year and Richard offered to check the circuit breaker in the connection pillar to ensure that the incoming supply can be totally disconnected
7.2 Smells from waste – A resident had complained to David about the dumping of waste, creating smells close to Hatchery Lane, thought to be from chicken waste. Tim said that he had already had some involvement in this issue and had advised those concerned to log deliveries and get in touch with Environmental Health at WLDC giving them full details. The Chairman said he was also aware of the problem and felt that the site had already been in operation for longer than the permitted period and was being used as an unlicensed transfer station of other operatives’ waste. Richard suggested that the Environment Agency and the Rural Payments Agency would be interested in the way this site is being run..
7.3 Apologies - The Chairman offered his apologies as he may be absent for the next meeting.
This will take place in Kettlethorpe Village Hall on Monday March 4th at 7.40.pm.
As there was no further business, the meeting closed at 8.45 pm.
E-mails circulated - January
Date |
Subject |
from |
07-Jan |
Parish Surgery - suggested rota, plus apologies for meeting |
Catherine |
08-Jan |
Funding letter from LCC via LALC |
clerk |
" |
Fliers - offer to print |
Richard |
" |
Fliers for Parish Surgery – Catherine has printed them |
clerk |
" |
Advice to Councillors that bills have been paid |
clerk |
" |
Planning Application Ref:138686 - Parish Council response to WLDC |
clerk |
" |
Planning Application Ref:138698- Parish Council response to WLDC |
clerk |
10-Jan |
Invitation to Chair to attend Buckingham Palace garden party |
clerk |
" |
Telephone Fraud - Lifeline Alarm - Duncan |
clerk |
" |
Advice to Catherine on distribution of fliers and maps |
Richard |
" |
Follow up on Play Area training to Dave |
clerk |
11-Jan |
Invitation to Buckingham Palace tea party - declined |
Chair |
12-Jan |
Minutes of meeting 7th January |
clerk |
14-Jan |
Problems for village with O2 service |
clerk |
15-Jan |
Trees at Jubilee Park need trimming |
Richard |
16-Jan |
Request to MKS for quotation |
clerk |
" |
Maybe do trees ourselves |
Richard / Chair |
" |
Quotation from MKS re Jubilee Park trees |
clerk |
" |
Police - Invitation to Meeting + report Smiley Sid not working |
clerk |
" |
Notice of forthcoming election for all Parish Councillors |
clerk |
18-Jan |
Apology from Police for non attendance at Meeting |
clerk |
21-Jan |
Reminder to order meals for PC Dinner |
clerk |
" |
Food order |
Lauren |
22-Jan |
Non attendance at dinner |
David |
" |
Advice to David on details of Play Area training Course |
clerk |
" |
Poor reinstatement of verge after street lighting work |
Tony / Chair / clerk |
23-Jan |
Power supply for defibrillator cabinet |
clerk |
24-Jan |
Complaint & comments re: street lights Newark Rd / letter , report to LCC |
Richard / clerk |
30-Jan |
Modern Slavery & Human Trafficking - posters |
clerk / WLDC |
" |
Agenda for next meeting |
clerk |
" |
Request regarding Parish Ccl meetings under Freedom of Information Act |
Resident / clerk |
" |
Update from LCC Highways re: verge problems after lighting shift |
clerk |
30-Jan |
Power supply for defibrillator |
Tony / clerk / Chair |
" |
Awareness of Crime / Stop the Trafficking - posters |
WLDC / clerk |