December 2019 Minutes
Minutes of the Parish Council Meeting held in the Village Hall, Kettlethorpe, on Monday 02 December 2019 at 7.40 pm
Cllr Richard Elliott, Chairman,
Cllr Richard Barnard,
Cllr Catherine Turner,
Cllr Tony Scawthon,
Cllr Tim O’Callaghan,
Mr. Ron Gee, clerk.
District Councillor Jane Ellis.
1. APOLOGIES - Cllr Lauren Flinders, Cllr Lizzie Smith, PCSO Glenn Patchett.
The Chairman welcomed District Councillor Ellis to the meeting and thanked her for attending tonight and the Switch-On at the Park yesterday. Cllr Ellis replied that she had found it a charming ceremony which she had thoroughly enjoyed and thanked the Council for inviting her. She asked if help was needed with any problems and took details of the current difficulties being experienced with LCC Highways, saying she hoped to attend the next PC meeting and could possibly bring County Councillor Butroid with her
The minutes of the November meeting had been circulated to all members and were proposed as a true record, seconded and agreed by the meeting.
3.1 Local Policing issues – The Crime Report for November listed 9 x burglaries, 7 x thefts, 3 x vehicle crimes but no criminal damages. There were no reports in respect of this Parish. (see Correspondence 4.1).
3.2 Jubilee Park – i. Fences / barriers - the painter is hoping for several fine days’ weather before attempting to deal with the fences and is to be asked if he will de-rust and paint the Park barriers at the same time. ii. Soft pour tarmac – It was agreed by the meeting that a product known as Tiger Seal, which is a heavy-duty silicon should be purchased and tested on a small area of the faulty tarmac.
3.3 Highway Matters
i. Speed Watch – Lincs Road Safety Partnership has been advised that the Kettlethorpe Parish now has 7 volunteers and awaits information regarding the next stage.
ii. Flattened Road sign and bollards – It was pointed out that the broken edge of the post is sharp and could cause injury to playing children. LCC Highways had been advised of this with accompanying photographs and had e-mailed back to say that attention will be given shortly, See Correspondence item 4.6. The Chairmen had visited the LCC depot at Sturton, where as part of a contingency plan, he had obtained two of the spare bollards returned there by the Council last year.
3.4 Parish Council Surgery – The Surgery on 18th November had been covered by the Chairman and once again, there were no clients. The next is due on 20th January.
3.5 Parish Facebook – the Councillor dealing with Facebook advised of extreme pressure at work and once this period is over, hopes to fully complete the Facebook set up. Notices are to be placed on the boards and a leaflet created for Parish distribution, advising how to access the system, once it is up and running.
3.6 Troughs – The Chairman reported that all troughs have now been planted up and that more compost may be needed in the Spring. He had noted that one of the troughs on Newark Road needs levelling.
It seems unlikely that the expected sponsor will take up use of the Kettlethorpe Road troughs and it was suggested that perhaps the Parish could advertise on them e.g.” Welcome to Laughterton” or “Please drive carefully through our village”.
3.7 Christmas event - It was felt by all, that the evening had been particularly enjoyable; simple with a great atmosphere, but above all - effective. The children loved it when Santa turned up in his 4-wheel sleigh, carefully driven by Mrs Christmas, and they all had a great time searching under floodlights for cut-outs to earn their chocolate prizes. The whole evening would not have been as successful, were it not for the schoolchildren’s choir and all the effort put in by the volunteers, to whom thank you letters are to be sent.
There was a small surplus of the chocolate prizes, and these are to be passed to the organiser of a Children’s Christmas Eve disco. It was pointed out that as the tree is considerably taller now, an extra length of lights will be required for next Christmas and a new supply of baubles. It was suggested that we will be able to use Facebook next year to publicise the event.
3..8 Repairs to Propeller Memorial - Robin Summers of Tuxford has contacted the Council to say that the cost of materials is minimal and because of what the Memorial stands for, he will repair it free of charge. He is to start when there is an improvement in the weather and will contact the clerk.
3.9 Remembrance
i. Poppies for 2020 –The clerk is to make enquiries as to the availability of large ceramic or plastic poppies as seen in some other villages.
ii. Wreath – Discussion took place on who had provided the wreath on the Propeller Memorial in the past, and it was thought proper if the Council were to supply one for 2020.
E-mailed items for November – circulated 02 / 12 / 2019
4.1 Police Report for November
4.2 Parish agreement to cut Amenity grass for 2020
4.3 Broken dog bin
4.4 Speedsters in Laughterton
4.5 Propeller Memorial – Robin Summers
4.6 LCC – Give way road sign flattened, (reported)
4.7 Cllr Barnard – Report on flood water levels
4.8 LCC, Kettlethorpe Rd – verges causing narrowing of road
4.9 Playground surfacing repair kit – (from earlier meeting)
4.10 LCC – Consultation on schools’ admission arrangements
4.11 Environment Agency - Flood Warning Service
4.12 Central Lincs – Village Profiles Accuracy Check
4.13 Clerks & Councils Direct – magazine
Items received after agenda printed
4.14 Call Connect Service over Christmas & New Year (put on notice boards)
4.15 Land off Kettlethorpe Road, Laughterton
4.16 Report to Lincs Road Safety
5.1 Application No 140283 – extensions and alterations to Blossom Farm.
5.1 Application No 140283 – extensions and alterations to house including conversion of out building to living accommodation, Blossom Farm Main Rd., Laughterton. This application was discussed in full and following examination of the plans, it was agreed that no objections would be raised.
6.1 Precept for 2020 – Following a discussion highlighting the possible expenditure for next year, it was proposed, seconded and agreed by the meeting that the final claim for next year’s precept should be £9,250 as outlined at the last meeting i.e. a small increase of £250. The clerk is to forward the final application to WLDC.
6.2 MKS Groundcare - Trim Parish Cemetery hedge - £48 incl: VAT. Acceptance was proposed and seconded.
6.3 Christmas lights - Switch-on expenditure
i. Spare batteries for the tree lights, £8 – payment proposed and seconded
ii. Chocolate prizes £65 – payment proposed and seconded.
Payment of all the above items was fully agreed by the meeting.
6.4 PAYE / Salary – for end November. Monthly payment of these items was approved by the proposal in May and agreed by the meeting
6.5 Parish Accounts – for end November. The clerk listed the expenditure to date which is £7,418 with a remaining balance of £13,233, as confirmed by the HSBC bank statements and the corresponding accounts sheet. It was agreed by the meeting that the monthly Parish Accounts should be signed by the Chairman and the clerk.
7.1 The Chairman reported that despite all the efforts by this Council to deter heavy goods vehicles from trying to access Park Farm via Kettlethorpe village, the odd one or two had still been seen going in the wrong direction, with drivers who relying on their satnavs. To be placed on next month’s agenda.
7.2 Considering the success of the Christmas Switch-on, members felt that we could consider holding another function early next year, say at Easter for example, maybe a Treasure Hunt for parents and children around the village, or even a scarecrow competition, perhaps with a symbolic policeman with Speed Gun in hand.
In closing the meeting at 9.25 pm the Chairman wished everyone a very Merry Christmas and a Happy New Year.
The next meeting will take place in Kettlethorpe Village Hall on Monday 6th January 2020 at 7.40 pm