July 2019 Minutes

Minutes of the Parish Council Meeting held in the Village Hall, Kettlethorpe, on Monday 01st July 2019 at 7.40 pm   


Cllr Richard Elliott,  Chairman,
Cllr Tim O’Callaghan
Cllr Catherine Turner

Mr. Ron Gee, clerk        


Councillors Richard Barnard, Lizzie Smith, Tony Scawthon and Lauren Flinders, PC Martin Doherty,    PCSO Glenn Patchett . 


The minutes of the June meeting had been circulated  to all members and were proposed as a true     record by Councillor Catherine Turner, seconded by Councillor Tim O’Callaghan and agreed by the    meeting.


3.1 Local Policing issues – The Crime Report for June listed 6  thefts, 6 vehicle crimes, 3 burglaries and    2 criminal damages, but  no offences were reported for Kettlethorpe Parish. See Correspondence 4.1   Tim mentioned that the Hume Arms, Torksey had been closed for the weekend recently, during which    time several items had been stolen. 

3.2 Jubilee Park – Fences and barriers – The weather had taken a turn for the worse on the previously planned date and a new weekend will be agreed shortly.   

3.3  Highway Matters

i. Speed Watch.  Two residents had shown an interest in joining Speedwatch, Mr John Kerr and Mr Geoffrey Cleworth. (See Correspondence item 4.11) 

ii.   Flood  – Main Rd bend and Main Rd link to Marsh Lane.  These two items have been reported to LCC Highways 

iii.  Rain water running down drive instead of gutter – Tim to forward details and photographs to the clerk for notification to LCC Highways.

iv. Tree branch hiding road sign (Corr 4.8).  Although he had been unable to attend the meeting, Tony advised the clerk earlier that he had made a start on this issue and would complete it shortly

v. Request from residents to cut verge grass on Kettlethorpe Rd (Corr 4.10) – to be investigated and the clerk to respond.

3.4 Parish Council Surgery – i. Catherine covered the Surgery on 17th June, but as with other councillors  her hour was quiet and no parishioners turned up. Lauren will be in the ‘hot seat’ on July 15th. 

3.5  Waste – Hatchery Lane. - Richard reported at the last meeting that the Environment Agency were  compiling a report, but due to his absence, nothing further is known.

3.6 Parish Council newsletter / Facebook – Catherine had created a flier / newsletter which had been  distributed to each household in the Parish.  In it, she had pointed out the need for a number of  dedicated volunteers to operate Speedwatch and mentioned the progress being made with Facebook,  which should go a long way towards the idea of having a Parish Newsletter.

3.8 Pumping engine noise – As discovered by the Chairman, the owner of the pumping engine was a  Main Road resident who had official permission to extract water from the drain.

3.9 Plant Troughs 2019 / 20 – The Chairman had purchased a selection of flowers at a reasonable  discount, and it was fully agreed that the annual sponsor’s fee for this year should be reduced from  £50 to £40 per trough.  The clerk is to reimburse Gem Cars the sum of £20, i.e. £10 per trough and  will bank the £80 from Nellie’s Cafe, which had been collected by Tim.  A printed receipt has been /  will be given.


4.1 Police Crime Report for June

4.2 Central Lincolnshire – Local Plan

4.3 Npower disconnection

4.4 Reports to LCC, Link Rd to Marsh Lane flooded;  pothole, Kettlethorpe Rd

4.5 Community Speedwatch flier - Catherine

4.6 Playsafety inspection, Jubilee Park – date of next visit in August

4.7 LCC – report of repairs to be made to link road

4.8 LCC – request for trees to be cut and help with shift of ‘A’ boards

4.9 LCC – Temp: road closure - Laughterton

4.10 Resident & Parish Clerk Fenton – request for verges to be trimmed, Kettlethorpe Rd, 

4.11 Resident – Interest shown in Community Speedwatch

4.12 Kettlethorpe Village Hall – notification of price increase

4.13 Sutcliffe Play – quotation for repairs to wet pour

After agenda printed

4.14 Enquiry regarding Jim Paige Scout Camp

4.15 WLDC – Agenda for Council meeting

6.5 See Finance - WLDC – Charges for May elections - £115.83

E-mailed  items for June, circulated on July 01


5.1 Planning Application No. 139584 - replacement cladding to external facade and erection of car port.   Nilgiri, Main Rd, Laughterton.   There were no objections to this application.
5.2 Planning Application No:139624 - To create an agricultural access road on land to the West of A1133   Newark Road, Laughterton.  It was not evident from the associated plan where this road will run and a   site visit was necessary by the Chairman, in order to ascertain further details.  It  was learned that   poultry huts are to be installed, but it is not known where, or how many.   There was considerable   concern that a manure site may be developed close to dwellings, which is already an issue with the   same farmer at a different location. 


6.1 MKS Groundcare –  Grass cut for June - Invoice No 1452 - £157.20. 

6.2 Troughs – replacement flowers, £36 – Reimburse Councillor R. Elliott

6.3 LALC – training course for Cllr Flinders – invoice No 9605  £15.00

6.4 WLDC – Charges for May elections, invoice No 1356290018 - £115.83

Payment of the above invoices was proposed, seconded and agreed by the meeting

6.5 PAYE / Salary – for end June – It had been  proposed, seconded and agreed in April that these items   should be paid each month.

6.6 Parish Accounts – for end June. The clerk reported that the expenditure from end March to date is   £3,493 and the balance on the Parish accounts sheet is £16,689, as confirmed by the bank statements.  It was agreed by the meeting that the accounts sheet should be signed by the Chairman and the clerk.

6.7 Defibrillator pads etc – donated by LIVES at no charge.


7.1 Katherine’s House – A message of thanks had been received from Baroness Sarah Hogg for the    publicity and distribution of information regarding her book launch.

8.     DATE OF NEXT MEETING There will be no meeting next month, as August is classed as  the  Council summer recess.  The next meeting will take place in Kettlethorpe Village Hall on  Monday 2nd September 2019 at 7.40 pm

As there was no further business the meeting closed at 8.45 pm