May 2019 Minutes Annual Parish Council Meeting

Minutes of the Annual General Meeting held in the Village Hall, Kettlethorpe, on Monday 06th May 2019 at 8.00 pm immediately following the Annual Parish Meeting


Cllr R. Elliott, Chairman,
Councillor R. Barnard,
Councillor L. Flinders
Councillor A. Scawthon
Councillor C. Turner,
Mr. R. Gee, clerk.       

1. Election of Chairman for 2019 

Councillor Richard Elliott was invited to remain in post, due to the current pressure of work   being experienced by the Vice Chairman. He accepted and was proposed by Cllr Richard    Barnard, seconded by Cllr Catherine Turner, and approved by the meeting.


Councillor T. O’Callaghan,


The minutes of the meeting on April 1st had been circulated to all members and were proposed as a true record by Councillor Barnard, seconded by Councillor Elliott and agreed by the meeting. 


4.1 Local Policing issues – The Crime Report for April listed one burglary, 9 thefts, 2 vehicle crimes and one criminal damage but there were no reports relating to this Parish.  (Correspondence item 5.1).  
4.2 Jubilee Park – Fences and barriers.  Richard hoped to make a start on spraying the fence   this weekend, dependent upon the weather and the Chairman offered his help.

Tony mentioned that attention may be needed to a small section of the tarmac in the   play area. 

4.3 Highway Matters i.  Speed Watch equipment & training.  The equipment has not been purchased, as volunteers have not yet been selected.  Once a team of residents with the right commitment has been assembled, and one person has been identified as a possible team leader, everyone will to be invited to a quick briefing of what Speedwatch is all about, and what will be expected of them.   Purchase of the gun and formal training by the police can then go ahead. Richard asked if any special cover would be needed from the Parish insurance company for those residents who operate the gun.  Clerk to check

Catherine offered to prepare a flyer for residents explaining the need to get a team together for Speed Watch and to use the flyer to give news of other Parish activities, such as the Parish Surgery and the plan to set up a Parish Facebook, which will be an ideal vehicle for promoting future events, formerly advertised in Trentside Links.

ii. Fly tipping – reported to WLDC (Ref FTR 112480077 see Correspondence item 5.3).  Now believed to have been cleared.

iii. Main Road drainage - It was pointed out that the offlets draining the Main Road bend appear to be clogged again with leaves etc. and Tony offered to see what can be done. It was also reported that the side road leading to Marsh Lane off the Main Road was almost always flooded in inclement weather.  Clerk to check and report.

4.4 Parish Council Surgery – The April surgery was run by the Chairman and as before, there were no clients, wishing to speak with a Councillor, but he spent a friendly hour, networking with local residents.  The next surgery will take place on 20th May, and the Councillor in the hot seat will be Richard (B).

4.5 Flower troughs – Thanks were offered to Richard (B) and Tim who had managed to level up   the leaning trough opposite Millfield.  

The Chairman mentioned that it was time to think about providing new flower stock and Richard suggested that we should also be thinking about this year’s fees.  Members agreed that the simplest method would be to charge an annual sum, which was settled at £50  per year.  The sponsors will be responsible for watering the plants, keeping the boxes and area tidy, cleaning their own notices etc, whilst the Council will ensure that all stock is replenished, and care provided as necessary.  The clerk was asked to write to each existing sponsor, mentioning the annual fee, their roles and advising them that as existing users, they have been offered first choice, before other sponsors are invited to join the scheme.

4.6 Waste, Hatchery Lane – Richard had been in constant touch with the Environment Agency   and DEFRA throughout the month and was eventually advised that the investigating officer  of the crime is putting together a full file for approval.  Correspondence item 5.2.

A nearby resident had seen lorries visiting Hatchery Lane, picking up waste to take to other sites and Richard suggested to him that it might help if he could make a note of the company name on the side of each vehicle. 

4.7 WLDC – Post Election matters -  The election documents were signed and witnessed  where appropriate, for forwarding to WLDC.

4.8 Parish Council vacancy – names were put forward of residents who may be interested in becoming a councillor and Catherine is to give publicity to this item in her flyer. The clerk was asked to speak to a particular person who had already shown interest.

4.9 Parish Council newsletter –The flyer to be created by Catherine will be an initial form of   newsletter in that it will provide current items of interest e.g.  Speedwatch, Council Surgery,    advance information about Facebook etc.  See item 4.3.i. Para. 2

4.10 Parish Facebook - in hand, hopefully to be set up this month. 


5.1 Police Crime Report for April

5.2 Env: Agency / Cllr Barnard – letters re: waste at Hatchery lane

5.3 WLDC – response to fly tipping report

5.4 LALC – Service agreement to member councils (8 pages)

5.5 WLDC – Date of elections, reminder re: vacancy

5.6 Village Hall – appeal for funds to purchase advertising banner. It was proposed by Councillor   Turner, seconded by Councillor Scawthon and agreed by the meeting that £100 should be   donated towards the purchase of an events banner. 

5.7 Pumping engine - Complaints had been raised about a ‘stationary engine type’ noise heard   around the village, often at unsocial hours. Comments were passed as to what it could be and   where it may be sited.  The Chairman offered to make enquiries. 

5.8 David Byrne – retirement as a Councillor. Although an e-mail of thanks had been sent shortly  after David had resigned from the Council, it was felt that perhaps a more formal letter    would be appropriate. Clerk to deal.  
After agenda printed

5.9 WLDC – European Parliamentary Election

5.10 Northern Powergrid – estimated annual consumption – see item 8.2 Npower 


6.1 Application No 139252 – erect stable and change use of land – 3 Lincoln Court, Fenton.  Observations as a neighbouring Parish were invited but no comment was made, other than it was thought that the job had already been completed.


7.1 Speedwatch - £500. Purchase of this item was postponed until further arrangements have    been made

7.2 MKS Groundcare – grass for April 4th and 17th, Invoice No 1386 - £314.40 incl VAT.    Payment of this invoice was proposed by Cllr Barnard, seconded by Cllr Flinders and    approved by the meeting

7.3 D. Clark, auditor – Annual Internal Audit, plus PAYE set up for 2019 / 20 - £90  Payment   was proposed by Cllr Turner, seconded by Cllr Scawthon and approved by the meeting.

7.4 Defibrillator pads etc - £50 authorised.  Purchase delayed until next month.

7.5 PAYE / Salary for end April – As approval was given at the last meeting to pay these items monthly throughout the year, agreement was given.      

7.6 Parish Accounts – for end April.  The clerk reported that there was currently £18,751 in the   bank of which £270.58 was a refund of VAT from 2017/18 and that expenditure for April   was £1,225.  These figures were confirmed by the Bank Statement / the Parish Accounts and   the meeting agreed that the Accounts Sheet should be signed by the Chairman and the clerk.

7.7 Came & Co, Parish insurance - the option, was offered to sign with the same company for a   period of 3 years, which would reduce the premium from £353.62, (the one year payment)   to £338.44, for each of the 3 years.  It was proposed by Cllr Scawthon that the 3-year option   should be accepted, seconded by Cllr Turner and payment of £338.44 was agreed by the    meeting. The clerk pointed out that this figure was £3.50 less than last year’s payment. 


8.1 Village Hall – Request for PC representative - Lauren said she would be willing to give it a   trial period, although she is quite busy at the moment.  

8.2 Npower – Catherine suggested that we need to contact Npower as early as convenient, to    explain that this Council would not be renewing the contract when it expires in November.


The next meeting will take place in Kettlethorpe Village Hall on Monday 3rd June 2019 at  7.40 pm

As there was no further business the meeting closed at 9.30 pm






Enquiry to Tony re Parish Surgery, after apology for April Meeting



Apology from Lauren - unable to attend meeting - unwell & response



E-mails to four local organisations requesting Parish Reports



Updated Street Lighting Policy - LCC



Requests to other local organisations for Parish reports



Apology from Catherine, unable to attend meeting - unwell & response



E-mail to members re: quorum



Forthcoming events - LALC



Community Pain Service - LALC



Networking meeting - details to Chairman



Enquiry to Tony - interested in Play Area training course ???



Armed Forces Day



Request to LALC to include Tony on Play Area Training course



Richard (B) e-mails to and from Richard Sainsbury, Environment Agency

Richard (B)


Advice to Tony of his acceptance on Play Area course



Clerk moved back into former home / change of phone No



WLDC list of election candidates to notice board / one member short



Richard (B) suggests Roger Brownlow etc as possible candidate for PC

Richard (B)


Richard (B) comments on waste / Tim + letter to Environment Agency

Richard (B)


WLDC - Social rented Housing



LALC, launch of weekly newsletter



£1m to be invested in Highways

LCC / clerk


WLDC -Business Brief



LALC - Saving the Usher Gallery and places to visit in Lincs



Env Agency - Richard (B) request for written response

Richard (B)


Parish Reports - LIVES and PC Chairman Report - Richard (E)

Richard (E)


Village Hall - Parish Report - comment re: need for P.C. Representative

Ann Close


Irrigation pump type noise

Richard (B) / Richard (E)


PCC - Parish report



Sarah Hogg's historical book on Kettlethorpe



Notes re: letter to David on his retirement

Richard (B)/clerk/Chair


Police Report for April



 Weekly News Update" from LALC.



Mr Roger Brownlow - Parish Councillor - no // have to check elsewhere - Chair



Annual Resilient Communities Conference - LALC
