Minutes July 2024

Kettlethorpe Parish Council


Minutes of the meeting of the Parish Council held on Tuesday 9th July 2024

in Kettlethorpe Village Hall


Cllt C Turner

Cllr R Elliott

Cllr R Barnard

Cllr C McGowan

Cllr P Bussoopun

Cllr T O’Callaghan

Mr G Cleworth, Clerk

D/Cllr R Pilgrim




The Minutes of the meeting held on 11th June 2024 had been circulated to all councillors and were proposed, seconded and approved by the meeting.




Emergency plan

The meeting compiled a list of the possible issues which might need to be covered by an emergency plan:


heavy snow

excessive heat

major power outage

major road traffic accident or plane/helicopter crash

threat to water supply



An idea was raised in respect of pandemic, in that households could be issued with red and white cards and asked to display the red when they required assistance.


For some situations, it might be worthwhile to compile a list of farmers who have the appropriate equipment and are willing to assist.


Various potential refuges were discussed, including the Village Hall, the Friendship Inn, Millfield Golf Club and the Church.


Each Councillor could be allocated a portion of the villages along the lines of the leaflet drop team, which would initially deliver leaflets detailing proposals and take on the co-ordinatio of an evacuation.


Implementing the plan would involve the Council having emergency kits and space blankets. The Clerk will enquire with LCC. D/Cllr advised that emergency materials were also available via WLDC.


The Clerk will prepare a rough draft plan for further discussion/amendment.


Jubilee Park

The work had still not commenced. Cllr Barnard will chase up..

The overhanging trees in front of Home Farm had been trimmed.

Mr Willis has the cutting back of trees on our property in hand.

Someone unknown had weedkillered the weeds on the walkway.

The Clerk advised the meeting hat the barriers in the chicane to Main Road was is deteriorating condition, with rust and bare metal. Cllr Bussoopun will assess what is needed.



There had been no progress on the rewilding.


The Chair had spoken to the Clerk to Fenton PC. She will advise when their next meeting takes place.


Village Hall

There had been no progress, Mrs Wilcox having been unavailable to attend the meeting.


The meeting discussed Mrs Wilcox’ email dated 7th July. The Chair will contact her to discuss what was said at the meeting. This would involve moving the Hall’s banner around the villages, drawing up a proforma leaflet for editing by Mrs Wilcox, and .the Clerk to become a friend of the Hall’s Facebook page when opened.


Water ingress to properties on Main Road, Laughterton

There had been no progress. D/Cllr Pilgrim will approach C/Cllr Butroyd for assistance.


Laughterton bus shelter refurbishment

There had been no progress.


Proposed Solar Farms

Cllrs Turner and Elliott had attended a consultation in South Clifton and reported. This was noted and we await further developments.



Correspondence for June/July to date had been circulated to all councillors.

Clerks and Councils Direct



nothing to report




The payment of the following invoices for May/June were agreed by the Council:

already paid: HSBC ,monthly charge £8.00; All Round Gardens re grass cutting £476.00; Cllr Elliott reimburse cost of plants £32.00; Newland Cobbler re new key for Village Hall notice board.


Clerk – PAYE AND SALARY for June



end of May: income £11568.10; expenditure £3491.65; balance £18111.56

These were agreed and accepted by the meeting



(a) Mr R Brownlow advised the meeting of a private sewer installed at a property on Westmoor Lane, with inspection chamber access on his property. This did not have a proper cover and was smelling. He had contacted Severn Trent Water and LCC Highways, but nobody appeared willing to assist. D/Cllr Pilgrim advised that the approriate body was WLDC Environmental and would take this up with them on Mr Brownlow’s behalf.


(b) D/Cllr Pilgrim advised the meeting that he had finally found a solution to late night lorry movements, albeit not a satisfactory one.

As Moy Park now had their own entrance, any restrictions in the planning grant relating to hours of operation have lapsed. Effectively, there are no restrictions relating to hours of lorry movements on the site. There is no recourse to Environmental Health as the incidents only happen every 10/12 weeks. He had advised the complaining resident of this.


(c) Cllr Elliott advised that the pads for the defibrillator will shortly reach the end of their useful life. He had costed replacements at £132. This was agreed and he will proceed.


(d) The Clerk asked if he should contact the Rt Hon Sir Edward Leigh MP to offer the Council’s congratulations on his becoming Father of the House of Commons. The meeting felt that this would be inappropriate for a politically neutral parish council and was denied.




The next meeting will take place in Kettlethorpe Village Hall on 10th September 2024.


The Chair closed the meeting at 8.30pm.