Minutes June 2024

Kettlethorpe Parish Council


Minutes of the meeting of the Parish Council held on Tuesday 11th June 2024

in Kettlethorpe Village Hall


Cllt C Turner

Cllr R Elliott

Cllr R Barnard

Cllr C McGowan

Cllr P Bussoopun

Cllr T O’Callaghan

Mr G Cleworth, Clerk

D/Cllr R Pilgrim




The Minutes of the meeting held on 14th May 2024 had been circulated to all councillors and were proposed, seconded and approved by the meeting.




Jubilee Park

The Clerk had tried to contact Robert Marshall & Sons Ltd regarding repairs to the soft pour tarmac without receiving a reply. Cllr Barnard will chase them up.


Rewilding of Cemetery

The Clerk had researched grants from the Lincolnshire County Council Community Fund. The maximum grant was £500 for 75% of the project costs and would not become available until September 2024. There had been no progress elsewhere.


The cemetery and Fenton Parish Council

There had been no progress. Cllr Turner had attempted to contact the Clerk to Fenton PC to discuss, without success. She will chase this up and possibly attend a forthcoming meeting of Fenton PC. D/Cllr Pilgrim has been appointed to join Fentoin PC due to reducing numbers and advised that the next meeting might not take place until September 2024. He will advise Cllr Turner when he knows the date.


Lorry movements at unsocial hours

D/Cllr Pilgrim updated the meeting. Moy Park had restrictions in therir planning grants, but as they now had their own dedicated access road, these were rendered redundant. WLDC cannot trace records for planning in respect of other occupiers of the site, and there is uncertainty as to the actual owners of the land. Effectively, there are no restrictions in place for vehicles accessing the site from the A57. There would be no remedy available via Environmental Health due to the irregular times of occurances.

The meeting decided to omit this from future agendas pending developments.


Village Hall

There had been no progress by the Village Hall Committee. The meeting discussed a number of possibilities to increase usage and involvement in the Hall. The Clerk will contact the Hall committee to invite them to the next meeting to offer guidance to them.

Blocked pipe on Kettlethorpe Road/Lane junction

The Clerk had been advised that the remedial work had been completed. This will be removed from future agendas, although D/Cllr Pilgrim advised that WLDC had work schedulled for the month of June.


Water ingress to properties on Main Road, Laughterton

There had been no progress. The Clerk will approach C/Cllr Butroyd for assistance.


Laughterton bus shelter refurbishment

Cllr Barnard will assess what is needed to effect repairs.


noxious smell in Laughterton

The issue continues to arise. The Councillors affected will start diaries to monitor and the Clerk will use Facebook to ask other villagers to join in.


new links on website

LALC had loaded these


Emergency Plan

Councillors were asked to provide ideas on what arrangements might be needed in the event of an emergency. This will be placed at the top of next month’s agenda.



The Clerk had received a report from Lincolnshire Police detailing instances of speeding during one week in May. Given that Laughterton receives regular visits from the Police to catch speeding offenders, this will be left pending further developments.


Renewal of domain name

This had now been resolved. The Clerk had paid the fee to F5 Computing.


Proposed Solar Farms

The Clerk had responded as instructed by the last meeting. He was aware of a number of other proposals regarding solar farms, none of which directly affect us.




Correspondence for May/June to date had been circulated to all councillors.



nothing to report




The payment of the following invoices for May/June were agreed by the Council:

already paid: F5 COMPUTING – domain renewal £120.00; HSBC ,monthly charge £8.00; Cllr Barnard reimbursement re new padlock for Jubilee Park; All Round Gardens re grass cutting £476.00; AJ Gallagher re insurance renewal £578.46


Clerk – PAYE AND SALARY for May



end of May: income £11535.45; expenditure £2975.65; balance £19119.91

These were agreed and accepted by the meeting


There had been a substantial increase in the LCC grant in respect of grass cutting.




(a) The Clerk had received an email from Mr & Mrs R Brownlow covering two points:-

(i) The WI was making knitted poppies and the Council is asked if these could be displayed at the propellor memorial on Armistice Day. This was agreed.

(ii) The lime trees along Rector’s Walk were all in leaf. This was noted.


(b) The Clerk brought to the Council’s attention the trees on the frontage of Home Farm, Laughterton, which were overhanging to an extent which makes passage difficult for users of the pavement beyond the Farm’s fence. He was asked to write to the householder asking for them to be trimmed.

One of the offending trees was actually in the playground and elsewhere in Jubilee Park, trees were growing into each other. Cllr Barnard will ask Mr J Willis to inspect and advise on action.


(c) Cllrs Bussoopun and Elliot had planted out the boundary sign flower boxes. Expenditure of £32.00 by Cllr Elliott in respect of flowers was agreed.


(d) Lock on Village Hall notice board defective




The next meeting will take place in Kettlethorpe Village Hall on 9th July 2024 at 7pm.


The Chair closed the meeting at 8.20pm.