Minutes January 2024
Kettlethorpe Parish Council
Minutes of the meeting of the Parish Council held on Tuesday 9th January 2024
in Kettlethorpe Village Hall
Cllt C Turner Chair
Cllr R Elliott
Cllr R Barnard
Cllr C McGowan
Clle T O’Callaghan
Mr G Cleworth, Clerk
D/Cllr R Pilgrim attended part of the meeting.
Apologies Cllr P Bussoopun
The Minutes of the meeting held on 12th December 2023 had been circulated to all councillors and were proposed, seconded and approved by the meeting.
Jubilee Park
The Clerk had not as yet approached Hutchinsons of Gainsborough regarding the renewal of the soft pour tarmac and replacement of bricks, due to the Christmas break and subsequent flooding. He will do this as soon as conditions allow.
The treatment of the fence panels remains in abeyance pending advice of date from LCC.
RoSPA report
There had been no progress on the replacement of the bearing on the see-saw.
Cllr Bussoopun has the repairs to the fence panels in hand.
Rewilding of Cemetery
there had been no progress.
Devolution proposal
The Chair was given the proposals for the devolution scheme. The Council will await developments.
Community Policing
Cllr McGowan had joined in a Zoom meeting on the Council’s behalf. The polioce priorities seemed to be more CCTV for Lincoln city centre and a clampdown on “County lines” gangs, whose activities were spreading to rural communities. The issues raised from the floor was overwhelmingly related to speeding.
Street lighting on Main Road and Broom Hills, Laughterton
The lighting remained inoperable. Enquiries with LCC had produced a report that the issue with with LCC’s electrical contractors. No remedial work had taken place but the contractors had advised a 28 day action period. This will be monitored.
Poor state of Westmoor Lane
This had been referred to LCC. Progress will be monitored.
Hedge trimming at The Gables, Main Road, Laughterton
Cllr O’Callaghan had spoken to the owners wife, who advised that the trimming was in hand.
Donation from Kettlethorpe United Charities
Not yet received. The meeting felt there was nothing further that the Council could do.
Correspondence for December/January to date had been distributed to all Councillors
nothing to report
The payment of the following invoices for December were agreed by the Council:
already paid: F5 COMPUTING x2 – domain maintenance and advice re laptop issue £49.44 & £19.50; HSBC monthly charge £8.00; LALC re Chair’s course
Clerk – PAYE AND SALARY for December
end of December – income £12166.62; expenditure £9195.02; balance £11802.22
These were agreed and accepted by the meeting
The Clerk had been chasing LCC since September for payment of their grant towards the Council’s grasscutting costs for 2023, amounting to £561.62. He had finally received a reply advising that LCC would only accept invoices in PDF format, which is not loaded on the laptop. It can be downloaded, but at a cost of £26. The clerk and chair will liaise as she has PDF.
The precept for 2024-25 was set at £11,000
(a) In view of the recent flooding, Cllrs Turner and Barnard expressed interest in participating in a meeting regarding LCC’s emergency planning. The Council will await developments.
(b) The Clerk had received a request from GoCompare to add a link to them to our website. This was declined, although the meeting felt that links to local tradesmen on the website might be beneficial.
(c) D/Cllr Pilgrim updated on the current position with regard to lorries accessing Park Farm road for the Wood View site at unsocial hours. WLDC are willing to intervene, but would require the keeping of a diary by householders to record when this occurs. He will write to householders to advise this.
(d) The Chair advised that an issue arising from her course at LALC was the need to advertise to members of the public attending meetings that they are open to the possibility of being recorded. The clerk will produce a suitable sign.
The next meeting will take place in Kettlethorpe Village Hall at 7pm on Tuesday 13th January 2024.
The Chair closed the meeting at 8pm.