Minutes May 2024
Kettlethorpe Parish Council
Minutes of the Annual General Meeting of the Parish Council held on Tuesday 14th May 2024
in Kettlethorpe Village Hall
Cllt C Turner
Cllr R Elliott
Cllr R Barnard
Cllr C McGowan
Cllr P Bussoopun
Cllr T O’Callaghan
Mr G Cleworth, Clerk
D/Cllr R Pilgrim
Cllrs Turner and O’Callaghan were re-elected as Chair and Vice Chair respectively, proposed by Cllr R Barnard and seconded by Cllr R Elliott.
The Minutes of the meeting held on 9th April 2024 had been circulated to all councillors and were proposed, seconded and approved by the meeting.
Jubilee Park
Cllr Barnard obtained a quote for the soft pour tarmac from Robert Marshall & Sons of Newark. This was £650 + VAT and was agreed by the meeting. The Clerk will contact them to finalise details.
The fence panel repairs and treatment by LCC were complete. There was a small surplus of treatment and this will be used on the fencing by the footpath.
The padlock on the large gate had been replaced. Reimbursement of £14.49 to Cllr Barnard was agreed. The code for the padlock remains the same as previously.
The Clerk had been advised of an incident involving children throwing the loose bricks in the playground. Cllr Barnard and Mr G Peel had removed the loose bricks to safe storage.The remainder will remain in place and the tarmac contractor asked if he would replace all of these with a flag top. If not, consideration would be given to reviving the previous quote obtained.
Rewilding of Cemetery
Cllrs Barnard and Turner had met Lincolnshire Wildlife Trust to discuss the project. Their advice was discussed. The Lincolnshire County Council Community Fund may provide funding for the work. The Clerk will investigate.
The work would require a turf cutter and hire costs will be investigated.
There were two planting options, the costs of each will be obtained. All Round Gardens had been asked if they would continue to cut the grass paths and had confirmed.
The cemetery and Fenton Parish Council
There had been no progress. Cllr Turner will contact the Clerk to Fenton PC to discuss.
Lorry movements at unsocial hours
D/Cllr Pilgrim had received two emails from a parishioner again complaining about this issue and he updated the meeting. There seemed to be ongoing reluctance to gather evidence of these occurances, which limits the action that WLDC can take. They currently believe that the farm involved is a leasehold and are trying to find out who the freeholder is.
Village Hall
There had been little progress by the Village Hall Committee, although they were looking to erect an advertising banner on the main road. At a number of upcoming social events, there will be raffles in aid of the Village Hall. D/Cllr Pilgrim will provide a list of organisations who match village halls with bodies seeking to hire them. Cllr Turner will construct a draft flyer to try to get new people involved with the Hall.
Blocked pipe on Kettlethorpe Road/Lane junction
D/Cllr Pilgrim advised that a date to carry out the remedial work had been set and should be complete by the end of June.
Water ingress to properties on Main Road, Laughterton
There had been no progress. The Clerk will chase.
Laughterton bus shelter refurbishment
there had been no progress. The damage and work required will be assessed.
noxious smell in Laughterton
there had been no progress, although the issue seemed to have eased of late. The situation will be monitored.
Correspondence for April/May to date had been circulated to all councillors.
Clerks & Councils Direct magazine
Crime report for previous 12 months from Lincs Police - unreadable
nothing to report
The payment of our VAT claim of £253 had been received.
The payment of the following invoices for April/May were agreed by the Council:
already paid: F5 COMPUTING – domain maintenance £49.44; HSBC ,monthly charge £8.00; Cllr Barnard £13.37 re parts for Jubilee Park seesaw; All Round Gardens re first two cuts £476.00;
Mrs F Simpson re audit fee £50.00
Clerk – PAYE AND SALARY for April
end of April: income £11502.12; expenditure £1104.82; balance £20957.41
These were agreed and accepted by the meeting
The Clerk had received a quotation of £578 for the renewal of the council’s insurance. This was agreed by the meeting.
(a) LALC had provided a list of suggested links to various websites for inclusion on the council’s website. The meeting approved the addition of links to the Environment Agency re flooding, Lincolnshire Police Neighbourhood Newsletters, Call Connect, Tackling Hardship for Older People; Lincs Highways for fault reporting re street lighting and potholes, WLDC re fly tipping.
(b) D/Cllr Pilgrim had supplied a link to Lincolnshire Resilience forum regarding emergency planning. This will discussed at the next meeting and all councillors were asked to read the link in advance.
(c) We had received a request from an undergraduate (who is also a parish clerk) asking if we would participate in a survey in support of her dissertation. This was agreed.
(d) LCC had sent a report on hedgerow cutting. This was noted.
(e) D/Cllr Pilgrim had forwarded an email regarding speeding on the A156 and A1133 running into Laughterton. He will investigate further.
(f) The Clerk had received two comprehensive emails regarding prospective solar farms in the North/South Clifton area. Cllr Barnard had obtained a leaflet provided by Fields For Farming and centred around Sturton-le-Steeple. He will pass this on with an offer to deliver leaflets around our villages if the produce something similar.
(g) The Clerk was asked to approach LALC to ask if they could provide any guidelines on what we can circulate to minimise the nuisance of fireworks
(h) The Clerk was asked if minutes could be circulated when agendas are sent.
(i) Cllr Elliott had obtained a portrait of the King free of charge. He had offered this to the Church who had accepted.
(j) The Clerk had received an email requesting us to renew our domain name. This looked like it might be a scam, and he will check with F5 Computing.
The next meeting will take place in Kettlethorpe Village Hall on 11th June 2024 at 7pm.
The Chair closed the meeting at 9.05pm.