July 2022 Minutes

Kettlethorpe Parish Council

Minutes of the Parish Council Meeting held on Tuesday 5th July 2022 at 7.30 pm in

Kettlethorpe Village Hall



                            Cllr Richard Elliott, Chairman,          

                            Cllr  Richard Barnard. Guests                                                             Guests -

                            Cllr Paul Bussoopun                                                                                       Mr S. Nunn

                            Cllr Catherine Turner                                                                          Mrs. A.  Brownlow

                            Cllr Jez Willis                                                                                                 Mr R. Brownlow 

Mr                       Ron Gee, Clerk                                                                                               Mr C. Fowler



3.4       Tree Walk       Mr Chris Fowler reported that he and other members of the above team from Kettlethorpe had been exploring the possibilities of obtaining a grant to fund the Tree Walk that is also being investigated by this Council.  One opportunity was the Queen’s Green Canopy, but this had proved to be inappropriate.  Another was the National Heritage Lottery Fund which appeared to fit the bill, and an application had been completed and forwarded to the PC Chairman for approval.  If this is unsuitable, another fund, ‘Awards for All’ will be tried, but whichever is adopted, the application will need to be fast tracked if feasible, so that as much of the work as possible can be completed during the Queen’s Jubilee Year.

The application requires letters of support from local organisations and approaches have been made to the PCC, the WI, and Sarah Hogg, Viscountess Hailsham from Kettlethorpe Hall who said that it was an excellent idea and a fitting memorial for Jubilee Year.  The Chairman offered to get in touch with the PCs at Newton on Trent and Fenton to ask for their backing.  It was agreed that any monies received must come to the Parish Council, consequently the Parish bank details, and the official address of the PC were passed to Chris who is to process the on-line application form. 

Following technical problems with his computer he has forwarded version No 3, an updated copy of the bid via Mrs Brownlow.  The meeting agreed with Chris, when he asked, if the cash comes through, should the tree guards be obtained straightaway

See item 3.4 for further notes


1.         APOLOGIES

            D / Cllr Jane Ellis, Cllr Tim O’Callaghan, Mr G. Cleworth.


The minutes of the meeting on June 7th had been circulated to all members and were proposed, seconded, and approved by all Councillors.

3.         MATTERS ARISING         

            3.1       Local Policing issues 

The Police Crime Report for May listed 6 x burglaries, 6x thefts, 4 vehicle crimes, and 2 x criminal damages in the Gainsborough Rural South District, but there were no reports affecting this Parish.        

3.2       Jubilee Park 

i.   New Springies   ii    Soft pour tarmac   - The replacement Springies have been delivered to the Chairman who has stored them safely, awaiting installation.  See FINANCE item 6.4 for payment.  The installation contractor had been e-mailed, asking when he could start work, particularly in view of the expected visit by RoSPA in August.


3.3       Highways  

Park Farm – A resident of Park Farm had raised a grievance with the Chairman regarding HGVs using the private road outside of permitted hours.  District Cllr Ellis was contacted and referred the matter to County Cllr Butroid who, after speaking with a Highways colleague suggested that the matter was proper to WLDC Planning. Cllrs Ellis and Butroid are to take up the matter with Planning Enforcement.


3.4       Tree Walk – See opening paragraphs of these minutes

The prices of the trees, protection etc had been obtained as follows:-

Lime 8-10 with bare roots 15 no @ £38.50 = £577.50 plus VAT

Lime 14-16 with Bare Roots 15 no @ £110.00 = £1,650.00 plus VAT

Delivery 1 item @ £104.50 plus VAT

Spirals 15 no @ £0.44 = £6.60 plus VAT

Rubber belting 1 roll @ £19.8 plus VAT

Mona irrigation 15 no @ £7.70 = £115.50 plus VAT

Delivery 1 item @ £16.50 plus VAT


 3.5        Flower Troughs – The grass had been trimmed to make the logo more visible to passing vehicles with thanks to the Chairman and other members of the Council.   It was commented that the troughs could do with a coat of paint and agreed that a 21/2 l tin of Cuprinol would do the job.

3.18       Christmas lights – The Parish Christmas lights had arrived and were being tested in a bid to extend their duration. The account, expected to be about £300 will be presented shortly.       

3.20       Domain Addresses – Despite initial problems with connecting one Councillor, all members now have a Domain address.  See Finance, items 6.5 and 6. 6 for the F5 Computing invoices..

3.21     Best Kept Tree island  / Propeller Island – bollards have been replaced / reinstated on both islands.

4.0       Correspondence for June  – This was distributed to all Councillors at the month end.     


5.0       PLANNING

5.1       Application Reference No: 145016 - for the construction of a manufacture and storage building for organic fertiliser, together with associated parking and sustainable drainage scheme at Park Farm, Park Farm Road, Kettlethorpe.

It was decided by the meeting after consulting the plans, that it will be important to get the drainage right to protect the environment and the neighbouring properties

5.2       Application Reference 144120 amendment to earlier application - for erection of agricultural building off Kettlethorpe Road, LN1 2ER. This its resubmission caused further confusion, as it still intended for agricultural use. The building is hardly tall enough to house agricultural machinery, and has an  odd layout if animals are to be housed, with the doors on the side rather than central or on the end.   Repeating my Council’s comment from the first submission, it appears to be unsuitable for horses and the ground has not been cultivated since its’ purchase last year. There is a real concern over what this may become in the future - e.g., a toilet block for a campsite. What is the reason for printing the address on the gate at the entry to the field?


6.0.                  FINANCE

6.1       All Round Gardens, grass cut x 1 – Invoice No 108 - £230

6.2       Reimburse Cllr  - for purchase of Jubilee prizes - £33

6.3       Village Hall rental June 2021 to March 2022 – 9 meetings at £18 - £162.00

6.4       Sutcliffe Play – Springie Horse & Springie Parrot - £1,508.79 incl: VAT

6.5       F5 Computing –Domain addresses, monthly billing – Inv: 10571- £40.86 incl VAT

6.6       F5 Computing –Domain addresses, purchase & reg’n Inv: 10687 - £336 incl: VAT

6.7       PAYE and Salary – end June

            Each of the above bills was proposed, seconded, and agreed for payment by all members.

6.8       Parish Accounts - Balance to month ending 30th June 2022 was £17,912.33 with an expenditure of £3,746.81.  After these figures were confirmed with the bank  statements and the monthly accounts sheet, the Chairman and the clerk were invited to sign the monthly Parish Accounts.

7.0.                  ITEMS FOR DISCUSSION

7.1       Parish Notice board – Some of the paintwork is flaking away and it was asked if there would be any benefit in moving it into the bus shelter.

7.2       D/Cllr Ellis - The Chairman asked the clerk to check with D/Cllr Ellis to see if there would be any benefit in moving the PC meetings to the second Tuesday of each month to give more opportunity for her to attend.

8.0                  DATE OF NEXT MEETING –

This will take place in Kettlethorpe Village Hall at 7.00 pm on Tuesday 6th September 2022, as August is the holiday month for the Parish Council




The meeting closed at   8.35 pm