June 2022 Minutes

Kettlethorpe Parish Council

Minutes of the Parish Council Meeting held on Tuesday 7th June 2022 at 7.30 pm in

Kettlethorpe Village Hall


                            Cllr Richard Elliott, Chairman,          

                            Cllr  Richard Barnard.

                            Cllr Paul Bussoopun    

                            Cllr Catherine Turner                                                            

                            Cllr Tim O’Callaghan,                                                                         Mr G. Cleworth, potential Clerk.

                            Cllr Jez Willis                                                                                     Mr R. Brownlow – guest.

                            Mr Ron Gee, Clerk                                                                             


1.         APOLOGIES

            D / Cllr Jane Ellis.


The minutes of the May AGM had been circulated to all members and were proposed, seconded, and approved by all Councillors.

3.         MATTERS ARISING         

            3.1       Local Policing issues 

Report for May not received.

3.2       Jubilee Park 

New Springies and soft pour tarmac  - In an e-mail to the Chairman, Sutcliffe’s the suppliers of the Springies, reported that an issue has been raised with their powder coating.  The items are to be re-painted, and it is anticipated that the order will be ready on or around 14th June.  The installer has been advised of the problem, but as commented, there is no reason why he can’t get on with repairing the soft pour until the Springies arrive.

3.3       Highways  

i.    Reports to LCC – i. Footpath on Sallie Bank Lane is crumbling  ii gullies on the bend of the Main Road not draining flood water away, submerging the footpath, causing the surface to break up.  (Reports with photographs passed to LCC)

iii.  Overhanging Trees - trees hanging over the carriageway on Kettlethorpe Road were reported to LCC last month and have been dealt with by Highways staff.            


3.4       Tree Walk - Prior to the meeting the Clerk had raised concerns with the Chairman about the total anticipated expenditure for all the schemes being planned for the Parish.  At a very rough estimate the cost of such items as the Church Tree Walk, Christmas lights, Parish insurance, etc plus the regular items such as salary, PAYE and grass cutting, would be over £16,000.

A quote of £180 for each of the galvanised tree guards had been obtained from Designer Metal (Suffolk) Ltd., and the cost for 15 would be £2,700 plus VAT with £150 for delivery, giving a total of £3,420.  Suppliers had suggested that rust finish guards would be a cheaper option that would last a lifetime and look great in a country environment.  The total cost for 15 of these is £2,520, which includes delivery and VAT (or £140 each excluding VAT).  It was agreed by the meeting that rust finish was the preferred option.

 It was suggested that a circular should be distributed as soon as possible that would explain the project, setting out various options for sponsorship, and asking for pledges.  For example, people could sponsor a complete tree with guard and watering system, or just individual items e.g., a tree, a guard, a watering system, or simply offer a donation to  the project.  Collection boxes for replies will be put in the bus shelter, and outside the village hall.  On the assumption that there may be a shortfall, the idea was put forward to just providing one line of trees, and planting others later when funds permit.

It was asked if it is within the rules for Parish Council to collect sponsorship monies?  Would a separate bank account be needed ?  Could we use “Just Giving” ?  These questions are to be checked with Lincolnshire Association of Local Councils.  The Chairman asked about the source of water for the trees and was advised that it could be transported to site in containers.

It was also asked if our insurance would cover theft of tree guards and the clerk was to contact Gallagher’s the Parish insurance company, for the answer.


3.5         Flower Troughs – Trimming, weeding and generally tidying up of the troughs on Newark Road has been carried out by the Chairman with the help of another Councillor.  It was suggested that the troughs may need painting shortly.

3.6         Park Flagpole – a Union flag to be flown on “special days” and a flagpole, have been purchased (See Finance item 6.2).  and the flagpole was erected in the Park for the Platinum Jubilee.  Consideration is to be given to flying flags for other important days in the future e.g., Saint’s Days and Lincolnshire Day (1st October)..


3.7         Parish Council insurance – Until recently, the Parish insurance cover had been provided by Came and Co., but the company changed hands, to become Gallagher & Co. which unfortunately, entailed an increase of over £88 in the premium.  Recommendations / alternatives were  sought from members of LALC, and suggestions were tried, but as the renewal date was June 1st, it was felt that cover may be needed sooner, perhaps during the Jubilee Weekend.  Consequently, members agreed to ‘bite the bullet’ and accept the quote from Gallaghers for this year, (See Finance item 6.3) but commented that the Company should have given more than just 2 weeks in which to discuss this financial decision..  Next year consideration will be given to checking with other companies much earlier.

3.10     Queen’s Jubilee event – resume’ –The events on Saturday 4th took place in particularly fine weather with crowds enjoying a number of entertaining events. A Jubilee Celebration took place at Kettlethorpe Hall, and  a swimming gala was held in in the pool at Newton on Trent School. In the afternoon there were craft stalls, tombola, outdoor games, barbecue, and strawberry teas.  There was a talk and display of robes in Kettlethorpe Church worn at the Queen's Coronation where funds were raised for the upkeep of the Church.  

However, despite an enthusiastic display of flags and Council supplied bunting, weather-wise, Sunday turned out to be a wet and gloomy day. This did not spoil the enjoyment under  hastily erected gazebos and marquees with fun, music and cheerful competitions taking place at three street parties in the Parish to celebrate our Queen’s 70 years on the throne.  A resident of Kettlethorpe organised live music in his garden with an open invitation, but due to the poor weather, it was moved to the Village Hall, where the show went ahead successfully.

A big thank you is offered to all organisers, helpers, and providers of facilities over the Jubilee weekend. 

3.18        Christmas lights – After initial problems the supplier of the Parish Christmas lights was eventually able to advise that an available set had been found which would cost in the region of £300.

3.20        Domain Addresses – David Clayton, the manager and assistant, Shaun Bridge will be setting up these addresses for the Parish over the next few days, starting with Cllr Barnard and will be in touch with each member as the conversion progresses.  Each user will be sent a guide and it is thought that the new addresses will be in the form of - Kettlethorpeparish@gov.uk               .

3.22        Geoff Cleworth – Geoff is to become the new Parish Clerk from September, following  retirement of the present Clerk. It was suggested at the last meeting that a new computer will be required as the existing PC is many years old and it was considered that it would be better to start afresh with all information as new. The purchase of a Lenovo laptop at a cost of £420, with Windows 365 was proposed by Cllr Turner, seconded by Cllr Willis, and agreed by the meeting.

                           A job description had been created for the post of Clerk and he is to be gradually introduced to each aspect of the role with help from councillors and the present clerk.  He asked about certain procedures and responsibilities, including processes concerning the Parish graveyard and was given the reasons behind its creation.

 4.0         Correspondence for May  – Distributed to all Councillors at month end.    


5.0          PLANNING - None                          


6.0.         FINANCE

/6.1      All Round Gardens, grass cut x 2 – Invoice No 103 - £460 (VAT not charged)

/6.2      One Stop – deluxe Flagpole and Union flag, Inv: 261268  - £330.54 (inc: VAT)

/6.3      Parish Council insurance – Invoice No 502323265 - £520.22 (VAT not charged)

6.4       Reimburse for - purchase of Home Farm Close prizes - £60

6.5       Reimburse for – purchase of bunting - £44.90 incl: VAT

/6.6      PAYE and Salary – to end May

            Payment of the above items was proposed,  seconded and agreed by the meeting

6.7       Parish Accounts - Balance to month ending 31st May 2022 was £19,744.24 with an expenditure of £1,914.40.  After confirming these figures with the accounts sheet and the HSBC statements, the Chairman and the clerk were invited to sign the monthly Parish Accounts

7.0.                  ITEMS FOR DISCUSSION

7.1       Bollards to reinstate – several bollards require reinstating on the Best Kept Tree island, and some are missing from Propeller Island following a car accident.  The Chairman had one or two in storage and if there is a shortfall for the island in Laughterton, it was thought a couple could be moved from Kettlethorpe. 

7.2       Grass cutting -  The quality of the grass cutting had been noted, but it appeared to be taking two cuts a month to keep it trim which was assumed to be because of the mixed weather and faster growth. Clerk to speak with All Round Gardens.

7.3       Kettlethorpe Village sign - The Chairman had spoken with the resident who had raised the problem and it was decided to move it to the back burner for the present.

7.4       Park Farm Road – A resident had complained to the Chairman about HGVs using Park Farm Road, outside of the permitted hours. He asked, considering that this is a private road, could Highways provide a road sign, explaining the limitations.  The clerk was asked to advise D / Cllr Ellis and the Chairman intends to raise the issue with Cllr Butroid

8.0                  8.1        DATE OF NEXT MEETING - The next meeting will take place at Kettlethorpe Village Hall at 7.00 pm on Tuesday, 5th July 2022                                                       


The meeting closed at  9.25 pm