March 2022 Minutes
Kettlethorpe Parish Council
Minutes of the Parish Council Meeting held on Tuesday, 15th March 2022 at 7.00 pm in
Kettlethorpe Village Hall
Cllr Richard Elliott, Chairman,
Cllr. Richard Barnard.
Cllr. Catherine Turner,
Mr Ron Gee, Clerk
Mr R Brownlow, Member of Public
When invited to address the meeting, Mr. Brownlow asked what progress had been made with the ‘Church Walk’. He was advised that quotes had been obtained for the trees, irrigation, belting and spiral guards, which at £120 per tree plus VAT would mean that this aspect alone would cost around £2,250. Timber would be needed to support the guards and it was said that perhaps Lister’s may wish to donate this. Mr Brownlow mentioned that he had seen metal tree guards and suggested that these may be worthy of consideration. Costs are to be investigated and it is hoped that a drawing of the intended walk could be created, which could help in persuading possible sponsors. To properly celebrate ‘Jubilee Year’, the Walk should really be completed before the year end.
Mr Brownlow asked if there were any plans to issue memento’s to Parish children, but as was explained, this is a problem yet to be resolved. There are always difficulties in identifying Parish children due to data protection. Some from the same family could go to different schools, whilst others in the same class could come from different Parishes.
Cllr Tim O’Callaghan, Cllr Jez Willis, District Councillor Jane Ellis.
The minutes of the February meeting had been circulated to all members and were proposed, seconded, and approved by the Meeting.
3.1 Local Policing issues
The February Police Report for Gainsborough Rural South listed 1 x burglary, 4 x thefts, 4 vehicle crimes, and 0 x criminal damages, but one item related to this Parish, in which a catalytic converter was stolen from a vehicle in Laughterton, following a collision .
3.2 Jubilee Park
i. New Springies and soft pour tarmac - the Chairman had received a quote from local builder ‘Easigrass’ of £1,050, (incl: VAT), which was to make good the shrinkage in the soft play tarmac and to install the above ground aspect of the Springies. He advised that the meetings of the Landfill Committee are every 3 months and unfortunately, we have just missed the March deadline to apply for a grant.
3.3 Highways – A response is awaited from LCC regarding the provision of footpaths / cycle paths, speed limits and the necessary road works to Kettlethorpe Road that were passed to C/Cllr Butroid. As D/Cllr Ellis was unable to attend tonight’s meeting, it was not known if any progress had been made. Repairs had been carried out to some potholes on Kettlethorpe Road, but several had been overlooked and the verges had not been cut back. As agreed by the meeting, it was a job not done well.
3.4 Solar Farms – Stage one of the consultation has now closed; residents’ opinions have been registered and the way forward is to be discussed. It was reported that the Council; had e-mailed D/Cllr Ellis to say that with the present crisis in Russia, there is every likelihood of a UK crop shortage, and we need to salvage every bit of arable land possible. There are plenty of coal yards, railway sidings or other barren land that could be used, rather than taking valuable greenfield sites.
3.10 Queen’s Platinum Jubilee event – A meeting of what will be known as the Jubilee Group will take place this week in the Friendship, and a Councillor will attend, to see if the PC can help. Balloons, bunting flags etc have been found at reasonable prices on Amazon, for when required.
ii. Avenue of limes – This item was discussed in some detail before the start of the meeting proper.
3.13 Annual Parish Dinner – It was agreed the food and service was quite good but could have been more enjoyable had the nearby band not been so loud. It was said that it will be worth considering the Ferryboat for next years’ dinner providing the band is not in attendance.
3.18 Christmas lights – It was suggested that lights connected to a 12 to 240-volt inverter costing £60 would provide the brilliance that had been missing in recent years and this was demonstrated to an impressed meeting by means of a set of fairy lights, a small battery, and an inverter. The Council are to investigate the possibility of a stand-alone light tree, mounted to a flag pole that doesn’t require anyone working at a dangerous height to install a net of lights. The growing tree could be decorated with baubles to provide daytime and reflective colour.
3.19 Grass cutting for 2022 / 2023 – Three companies responded and after taking their representatives round the Parish to demonstrate the areas to be cut, quotations were received, recommendations checked and as a result , ‘All Round Gardens’, from Sturton by Stow, managed by Mr Rick Marsh was selected. He agreed to start work late March / early April, dependent upon the weather.
A list of items circulated during February was distributed to members shortly after the month end.
5.1 Planning Application No 144120 – erect agricultural building off Kettlethorpe Road, LN1 2ER. It was felt that this application was 'odd' on several counts Why is the building in the middle of the plot, rather than at a boundary or a corner, particularly if the owner plans to set up a smallholding and plans to cultivate the ground?. Why a full application if this is for agricultural use?
If it is intended to house agricultural machinery, the height of the building is only 3m, which would hardly be large enough, and if this is the case, why does the layout have the doors on the side towards one end, rather than central or on the end? Plus, the 14 x 1m hardstanding is basically an apron across the front of the building and not an access lane from the main road.
There is concern that this may become something different in the future. It does not appear to be suitable for horses and the ground has not been cultivated since its’ purchase last year Unusually, the address is printed on the gate at the entry to the field.
5.2 Planning Application No144336 - Crofton House, Main Road - proposed double garage and pool annex. This was discussed in detail, but no objections were raised to the application.
6.1 LALC – Annual subscription - £148.69 no VAT.
Payment of the above item was proposed, seconded and agreed by the meeting
6.2 PAYE and Salary - Payment of these items was agreed in accordance with the proposal made earlier this year.
6.3 Parish Accounts – The balance at the bank to month ending 28th February 2022 was £11,965.53 with an expenditure of £9,546.83. After confirming this with the accounts sheet and the statements from HSBC, the Chairman and the clerk were invited to sign the monthly Parish Accounts.
7.1 Domain e-mail addresses – As discussed at an earlier meeting, members felt that e-mail addresses for Councillors and officers should not be personal, i.e., not but should relate to the professionalism of the Council in the manner of
Under the ‘personal’ system, some official e-mails may not get through or may not be recognised amidst all the private correspondence. In addition, if a Council member is missing for some reason, it unlikely that any other officer could access his/her e-mails and deal with the Council business therein, until that person returns. In addition, it simplifies the system when there is a change of personnel if for instance, when one clerk retires and a new one takes his place, e-mails will still be sent to the same domain address, even though the user may be a different person.
One Councillor had created her own Parish Council e-mail address, which only receives Parish Council e-mails. This does not cost anything and was found to be easier if all mail is separate. Some research has been carried out, and it was suggested that whilst a private system is free, a corporate system offers professionalism, security, and continuity.
i. F5 Computing – Local firm, based in Lincoln, used by Gainsborough Town Council, and will meet face to face to sort out problems – can offer appropriate system at more tailored prices.
ii. Cloudy IT - charge £225 to set up / charges £456 for 5 mailboxes for 2 years - total of £681.
iii. Cloudnext - £110 for 2 years’ membership and £39.99 for 25 mailboxes with a total of £150.
It was suggested that these figures for ii. and iii may be a little dated.
Other suppliers are available at similar prices e.g., 34SP, IONIS and Justin Williams
7.2 New Code of Conduct - Prior to the meeting, an e-mail had been received explaining that WLDC had adopted a new Code of Conduct and that all District Councils must similarly adopt the new Code by June 22. This e-mail was circulated to all Councillors and the acceptance proformas subsequently distributed for signature.
At this meeting on 15th March 2022 a formal resolution to adopt the new Code for Kettlethorpe Parish Council, was proposed by Cllr Richard Barnard, seconded by Cllr Catherine Turner, and approved by the meeting. Proformas to be returned to WLDC upon completion.
7.3 W.I. Platinum Celebration – A letter from a local resident invited the Council to set up a stall at the forthcoming Platinum Jubilee Gala to demonstrate the aims of a Parish Council, with staff bearing name badges to allow people to engage and become more aware of what a Council can and can’t do. It was suggested that rather than create an attended stall, a Notice Board could be set up, explaining the responsibilities and limitations of a Parish Council, complete with information, contact details, literature etc. The clerk offered to check what information is available.
7.4 Parish Clerk – two applicants had contacted the Chairman for the ‘soon to be vacant’ post of Clerk: and it was suggested that eventually each candidate should be invited to an appropriate meeting, for discussion and assessment, as the Council would be better able to judge on a face-to-face basis and formulate an opinion, rather than just relying on C.Vs.
The clerk suggested that the most suitable time for someone to take up office would be in September, when the Parish accounts have been assessed and returned from the internal and external auditors. He suggested that as August is usually the Parish holiday month, this period could be used to advise all authorities, various Councils, Inland Revenue etc of the intended change.
7.5 Mr Andrew Arden – had contacted the clerk regarding the need to site a caravan temporarily on his hatchery site in Laughterton, saying that the reason behind this is to avoid theft, which had already happened at a previous location. Permission had been cleared with West Lindsey planners, Messrs Russell Clarkson, George Backovic and District Cllr Jane Ellis.
7.6 Councillor applications – the Chairman advised that he had been contacted by a former Councillor who wished to be considered for co-option / re-selection as a Parish Councillor. A resident from Marsh Lane, Laughterton, had also expressed the wish to join. It was mentioned that Mr Paul Bussoopun, a resident who had attended an earlier meeting as a guest, was also considering an invitation to join.
The next meeting will take place on Tuesday 5th April 2022 at 7.00 pm in Kettlethorpe Village Hall.
Meeting closed at 9.15 pm