February 2022 Minutes

Kettlethorpe Parish Council

Minutes of the Parish Council Meeting held on Tuesday, 1st February 2022 at 7.00 pm in

Kettlethorpe Village Hall


Cllr. Richard Elliott, Chairman,

Cllr. Richard Barnard,              

Cllr. Catherine Turner,

Cllr Jez Willis,

Guest: Mr Paul Bussoopon

Mr Ron Gee, Clerk

District Councillor Jane Ellis

1.         APOLOGIES

Cllr Tim O’Callaghan


The minutes of the January meeting had been circulated to all members and were proposed, seconded, and approved by the Meeting.


3.1       Local Policing issues 

The Police Crime Report for January listed 4 x burglaries, 4 x thefts, 3 vehicle crimes, and 3 x criminal damages in the Gainsborough Rural South District, but there were no reports affecting this Parish.

3.2       Jubilee Park 

i.   New Springies – A grant is to be organised from the Community Action Fund (also known as the Landfill Fund) which meets in March. Quotes have been received from Abacus and Sutcliffe’s to replace the ‘above ground’ assembly of the Springies, as the buried fixings are in good order.

ii    Soft pour tarmac – an answer is awaited from a local builder who hopefully can deal with  this problem.

iii.   Trees – trimming work is almost completed

3.3       Highways

i.     Footpath / cycle path – There was some concern that it is almost 2 years since the request for a footpath and cycle path from Laughterton to Newton on Trent and to Torksey Lock had been referred to LCC Highways and yet nothing had been heard since.

ii. Other footpaths / speed limits - Questions were also asked about other Highway items for which C/Cllr Butroid had recently offered his support  i.e., the proposed Laughterton to Fenton 30 mph speed limit and footpath, plus the proposed limit for Kettlethorpe Lane,{leading to Kettlethorpe}.

In answer to items i. and ii. above, District Councillor Ellis said that she had sent an e-mail to County Councillor Richard Butroid, seeking a progress report.

iii.  Solar Farms –  D/Cllr Ellis pointed out that a community consultation event has been taking place at several locations nearby to ascertain public opinion on proposals for a new solar and energy park at Gate Burton and there are only a few days left.  See  Parish  Notice Board.  It was said that this proposal is massive, and that it is almost a criminal activity to take all this valuable, arable land out of use, when there is plenty of barren ground available, but the farmers appear to be only too happy to accept the money on the pretext that sheep can graze underneath the panels.  Solar farms do not produce the electricity when it is really needed i.e., dark mornings and dark nights in Winter months.  Cllr Ellis said that it is vital that everyone should check the information and put their point of view forward at a consultation.

iv.  Roadworks Kettlethorpe Road – these repairs were carried out recently and have been quite badly done, with potholes left unrepaired on the bends and as raised by the meeting, the verge edges have not been taken back.  Cllr Ellis remarked that the work was done by a new team and promised to take this up with LCC Cllr Butroid.

3.10     Queen’s Platinum Jubilee event – i. Street parties - It was suggested that a series of small street parties could take place on Sunday June 5th around lunch time throughout the Parish, which could help to bring neighbours and communities together.  These parties would be held in adjacent roads, grouped collectively, to create ‘safe’ areas, ruling out the need for any official road closures. A volunteer Co-ordinator for each neighbourhood group will be needed to liaise with the Parish Council and work with neighbours to put together an enjoyable event for all.

A flier has been created in the form of a letter to residents giving this information and the clerk is to provide the numbers required for each road in the Parish.  The Chairman suggested inserting a postscript to ask if anyone would be interested in becoming Parish Clerk, as the present officer is planning to retire, (see  Item 7.4), or to perhaps consider becoming a Parish Councillor and help their local community, as we are currently two members light.

Enquiries are still taking place for the bulk purchase of the best value party items, cups, bunting flags etc. for which Cllr Ellis offered to advise if WLDC would be organising anything.

ii.  Avenue of limes – It was suggested that to complete the avenue, fifteen, trees about 8ft to 12 ft tall will be required and quotes will be obtained shortly. 

In a bid to show how the avenue might appear, Trentside Links was asked if they had any old photographs of how the walkway originally appeared  They were unable to assist, although as suggested, if we could organise an artist’s impression instead, it might help in getting more sponsors, as one Kettlethorpe resident has already got interest from several local companies.  It was agreed that this project should be instigated soon after the Platinum Jubilee weekend to serve as a memorial for the future.

3.11     Village signs – The Chairman has still not been able to contact the resident concerned and it was suggested that  the item should be removed from the agenda until the resident contacts the Council

3.12     Community Speed watch – No report has been received from the organiser.  There are currently 6 volunteers, but as commented by members, more numbers will  be needed, i.e., for cover in the event of holidays or sickness.  It was mentioned that certain nearby villages that had enthusiastically started up with this scheme are never seen “on duty” now. The general feeling of the meeting was that the Lincs Road Safety vehicle, visits regularly, and was on duty on Newark Road today, (02 February 2022) gives a better overall service.  Remove item from agenda.

3.13     Annual Parish Dinner – it was agreed to hold this year’s event at the Ferryboat at Church Laneham on Friday 25th February for approximately 12 people at 7.00 pm.  The Chairman offered to book the tables and request copies of the menu for circulation.

3.18     Christmas lights

i. Christmas Lights’ Improvement - A neighbour came up with the idea of using a 9 or 12-volt alarm battery to run an inverter to provide mains power for the Christmas lights.  The 230 volts would obviously be a lot brighter than batteries.  It was also suggested that as the tree has grown so tall, a net of lights would be the safest and best method for next Christmas


A list of items circulated during January was distributed to members at the month end.

5.         PLANNING

5.1       Planning Application No. 144293 - for change of use of existing buildings from stables, workshop and stores to veterinary use and storage, Lodge Pines, Marsh Lane Laughterton LN1 2JX.  After some discussion it was decided by the meeting that no objections would be raised.

6.         FINANCE

6.1       Defibrillator -  charge pack and electrode pads. Reimburse Chairman £110 + £22 VAT

Payment was proposed,  seconded and agreed, by the meeting

6.2       PAYE and Salary - Payment was agreed in accordance with the proposal made at an earlier meeting this year.

6.3       Parish Accounts – The balance at the bank to month ending 31 January 2022 was £12,582.17 with an expenditure of £8,930.08


7.1       Parish grass cutting – quotations are being sought using past records and recommendations from LALC clerks.

7.2       Land heritage – Tree planting enquiry - The Chairman had been in touch with a local farmer who advised that the land in question belonged to a gentleman from South Clifton.  After checking with him to ask permission to pass on his phone No., the Chairman was advised that Land Heritage had already been in touch with him.

7.3       Kettlethorpe Rd - Part of the village had recently suffered power outages caused by people cutting the tops of conifers very close to overhead power cables in the field near to Propeller Island. Several people have commented to councillors about their concerns with the amateur methods being adopted, but the Parish Council have no control over the resultant power cuts, or the subsequent main road traffic problems.

7.4       Clerk – The clerk mentioned that having been in the post since late 1997 he had considered retiring from the Council.  He asked if enquiries could be made towards finding a suitable replacement

The next meeting will take place on Tuesday 1st March 2022 at 7.00 pm in Kettlethorpe Village Hall.

Meeting closed at 8.40 pm