November 2018 Minutes

Minutes of the Parish Council Meeting held in the Village Hall, Kettlethorpe, on Monday 5th November 2018 at 7.40 pm 


Cllr Richard Elliott, Chairman,
Cllr Richard Barnard, 
Cllr David Byrne,
Cllr Tim O’Callaghan,
Cllr Tony Scawthon,      
Cllr Catherine Turner,
Mr. Ron Gee, clerk.

Mrs Lauren Flinders, prospective Councillor.


PCSO Glenn Patchett, PC Martin Doherty.


The minutes of the October meeting had been circulated to all members and were proposed as a true record by Councillor Richard Barnard, seconded by Councillor Tim O’Callaghan and agreed by the meeting.


3.1 Local Policing issues – The October Crime Report listed 3 burglaries, 3 thefts, one vehicle crime and one criminal damage, with no reports of any offences in Kettlethorpe Parish.     

3.2 Jubilee Park – i.  Painting – fence panels, bus shelter & exit barriers.  To be started shortly after other work commitments have been completed and there is an improvement in the weather.

3.3 Highway Matters

i. Funding opportunity for Speed Control Equpt ? A reply is awaited to find if Tesco “Bags of  Help” is a charity that would support the purchase of Speed Control Equipment. (See Correspondence 4.6).

ii. Blind ditch – This matter had been referred to LCC Highways and it seemed that the ditch has been dug a little deeper.  It now appears to be coping with what little rain there has been so far, but a check will needed after a heavier rainfall. (Correspondence 4.9)

iii.    Dangerous Fence Post at public footpath –  Following a report to LCC, repairs have now been carried out.  The police were also advised, due to the possibility of injury to persons and of horses being released on to the main road.

iv.  Laughterton roadworks – The Chairman commented that the staff carrying out the roadworks had done an extremely good job of work and Tim agreed, saying that he had heard from a number of residents how appreciative they were of the Highways staff.  It was felt that it that it would be worthwhile sending a thank you message to LCC Highways and giving credit where it is due.

v.  Dead branch -  Richard mentioned a dead branch near to the Kettlethorpe bus shelter that required attention. 

3.4 Npower – The ‘Goodwill’ payment of £75 due from Npower has still not been paid, despite the Ombudsman’s decision on 17 September and Catherine offered to seek advice from the Ombudsman.  In answer to one member’s question, she said that we are contracted to Npower until November 2019.

3.5 Flower troughs – Many of the flowers appear to be dying back and the Chairman said he had been checking the prices of winter bedding plants such as heather, violas and pansies as replacements.  Tim wondered if the sponsors would be willing to pay another £20 to refresh the troughs or if they may want to change the plants themselves at their own expense.  The sponsorship of the troughs on Kettlethorpe Road, originally down to Easy Grass and Thurlby’s funeral directors, have yet to be resolved.  

Richard suggested that for next year the simplest method would be to charge £50 for the whole year, leaving the planting under the control of the Council and treat this year as a trial run. 

3.6 Parish Council Surgery - In answer Catherine’s enquiry, the Friendship had advised that any Monday after 4.00 pm was suitable to them and she suggested holding it two weeks before a meeting, which would leave time to follow up any queries prior to the meeting itself.  Richard recommended holding a ‘common’ notebook in which each Councillor could take simple minutes to be brought to the PC meeting for discussion.  Catherine is to e-mail the Friendship back, to explain the workings of the scheme, which is to start in January next year.

3.7 Christmas Switch-On – Sunday 2nd December, agreed as 5.30 for a 5.40 pm start.  It was suggested that the catering last year for 50 children was just about adequate, but it might be prudent to provide for 70 this year.  Food items are in hand with Richard, as listed last month and Catherine is to sort the drinks, sauces etc., and in addition, to check if the pub could supply ‘take out’ drinks in plastic glasses. Tim will order the chocolate coins as prizes for a Treasure Hunt to be organised by Richard.  Dave is to investigate making a barbecue from old metal barrels, but if this doesn’t work out, Richard has agreed the use of his own barbecue again, which will be operated by Guy, but assistance will be needed, as last year’s helper, Kevin is not available.  Dave is to look into the possibility of ‘borrowing’ a fire engine from his station to provide an exciting entrance for Santa, who will be played by Catherine’s husband.

Richard had looked into the possibility of using solar lights for the future but his contact advised that December is possibly the wrong time of year to keep the lights fully charged.  Tim wondered if a small wind powered turbine might be the answer, charging two batteries, one of which would be on standby. Dave asked why not just charge two batteries by normal means, as the LED type lights have a low power consumption.
3.8 Vacancy – Mrs Lauren Flinders had accepted an invitation to attend this meeting as a prospective councillor and to get a feel for how a Parish Council works.  She is to let the Chairman know her decision.

3.9 Parish Facebook –  The clerk reported that there had been no reply from Alex to his e-mails regarding de-activating the current Facebook account,  but Catherine felt that her husband may be able to help.  As recorded last month, the new Facebook will be known as Kettlethorpe Parish Council Facebook as opposed to Kettlethorpe & Laughterton P. C. Facebook, and the clerk has agreed to run it, once he becomes  familiar with its operation and the old Facebook page is de-activated.


4.1 Police Crime Report for November

4.2 LCC – Remittance advice for Amenity Grass cutting - £114.84 - banked

4.3 LCC Highways – Temporary road closure – Kettlethorpe Road, 6th Nov: to 11th Nov:

4.4 WLDC – Supply of Revised Register of Electors, issue due in December.

4.5  Closure of Laughterton post box

4.6 LALC – Tesco, bags of help – Tony agreed to look into the possibility of this fund being used to provide Speed Control equipment for Laughterton.

4.7 Lincs Police talk - scams, crime prevention etc at Nov 22nd 7.0 to 9.0 pm St Peters Church, Newton on Trent, 

4.8 LALC – Play Inspection training course, £170 – Cllr David Byrne nominated 

4.9 LCC Highways – response to blind ditch report

4.11 LCC - Emergency text alert system  - Chairman to look into this

4.12 LCC – Grit bin filling / request for new grit bins -  the clerk is to request provision of a bin adjacent to the Kettlethorpe bus shelter at Three Lane Ends. 

4.13 MKS / clerk – grass cutting for 2019, request for quotation

4.14 LCC – Winter self help – message Nos 1 & 2

Items received after agenda printed.

4.15 LCC – Consultation on schools admission programme

4.16 LALC – Safeguarding in the Community, Conference Wed: 28th Nov, Spalding

4.17 Royal Mail – Laughterton post box explanation

4.18 E-mails various – Speed indicator for sale

6.4 Npower electricity invoices No LGU9PBK7 & 8 see Finance

E-mailed  items – see list




6.1 Grass quotation, to extend existing contract ? – Following last month’s request from this Council, MKS had submitted a figure of £1,668 incl: VAT for 2019.  After  some discussion it was agreed to accept the quotation, following which Tim asked if would be worth contacting MKS about extending the contract to, for example, three years.  The meeting agreed and the clerk is to get in touch with Martyn Snell, MD of MKS.

6.2 Precept for 2019 / 2020 – Final submission.  An updated version of the budget spreadsheet was made available and after discussion on the expenditure and balance likely to be remaining at the end of the fiscal year, it was agreed by all to submit a Final Request for £9,000, as per estimate forwarded to WLDC last month. The Chairman and two members of the Council signed the application and it was said to be worth noting that the Precept has remained the same for three consecutive years.          

6.3 MKS Groundcare – grass cutting for 2nd and 30th October, Invoice No 1233 - £264.  Payment was proposed by Cllr Catherine Turner, seconded by Cllr Richard Barnard and agreed by the meeting.

6.4 Npower electricity  - invoices No LGU9PBK 7 & 8, £76.36 and £0.08  After noting that the £75 due from Npower to the Council was 2 months overdue, it was agreed nevertheless, that these two invoices should be paid, proposed Cllr Catherine Turner, seconded Cllr Richard Barnard and agreed by the meeting.

6.5 PAYE / Salary - for end October.  Having been approved for monthly payment at the start of the year, consent was given by the meeting for these items to be paid.

6.6 Parish Accounts – for end October.  The balance at the bank for the end of last month was shown to be £13,754.29 which agreed with the Parish Accounts’ sheet and the expenditure was £5,288.30. It was  recommended by the meeting that the Chairman and clerk should sign the monthly statement.


7.1  Parish Council Dinner – Catherine is to check if the Friendship will be available for a date yet to be agreed and if it would be a suitable venue

7.2 Load / Speed restriction – Tony commented on the possibility of providing a load / speed restriction for the Main Road between the hours of 7.00 pm and 7.00 am. He said that despite his home being more than 100 m away, vibrations from heavy lorries can be felt as late as 2.00 or 3.00 am.  It was suggested that checks could be made with other Main Road residents to find if they also have this problem and to refer the matter to LCC Highways.  

7.3 Apologies – Tim tendered his apologies for the next meeting as he will be away.

This will take place in Kettlethorpe Village Hall on Monday 3rd December 2018 at 7.40 pm 

As there was no further business, the meeting closed at  9.35 pm