October 2018 Minutes
Minutes of the Parish Council Meeting held in the Village Hall, Kettlethorpe, on Monday 8th October 2018 at 7.40 pm
Cllr Richard Elliott, Chairman,
Cllr Richard Barnard,
Cllr Tim O’Callaghan,
Cllr Tony Scawthon
Mr. Ron Gee, clerk.
Cllr David Byrne, Cllr Catherine Turner, PCSO Glenn Patchett, PC Martin Doherty.
The minutes of the September meeting had been circulated to all members and were proposed as a true record by Councillor Tim O’Callaghan, seconded by Councillor Tony Scawthon and approved by the meeting.
3.1 Local Policing issues – The September Crime Report listed 5 burglaries, 3 thefts, 2 vehicle crimes and one criminal damage. There were no reports of any incidents in Kettlethorpe Parish, but vehicles had been stolen from the nearby villages of Newton on Trent and Torksey Lock. During the last month, Neighbourhood Alert had reported burglaries in Saxilby and Sturton, suspicious vehicles and cold callers in Newton, and had warned of a scam involving fake refunds of TV licences.
3.2 Jubilee Park
i. Painting – fence panels, bus shelter & exit barriers. Richard advised that when he starts spraying the fence, he may need help to brush off any moss first and to shield some areas from the spray. The Chairman offered to lend a hand.
Richard is also to grind off the rusty patches on the exit barriers and repaint with One Coat black.
3.3 Highway Matters
i. Provision of chain barrier, on lane to Sewage Plant - The clerk had met two engineers from Severn Trent and the senior of the two, Mr Jon-Paul Blomley had said that although the fields either side of the lane belonged to a Laughterton resident, the verges are S.T.W. property and that any work carried out needs to be S.T.W. approved. This will require formal authorisation and a full comprehensive risk assessment etc. However, he offered to have signs erected, displaying ‘cctv operating in this area’ which may work as a visual deterrent to fly tippers and others in the interim.
ii. Blind ditch, Main Road bend – When checking the state of the ditch, the Chairman discovered that the bottom is only 3 inches below the gully pipes that drain the road, meaning that it is not surprising that the road and footpath floods very easily in inclement weather. To be referred to LCC Highways. The Chairman also pointed out that at least 12 ins of footpath could be gained if the grass verges were to be cut back, a job that could easily be carried out by the Council itself.
3.4 Data protection – Following a recent meeting with the Chairman and Catherine on this topic, the clerk had produced a statement of data policy for the Council, which had been circulated around all members and approved. To be placed on Parish website.
3.5 Npower problems – The compensation awarded by the Ombudsman against Npower had still not been paid and it was suggested that there could be a statutory 60 day waiting period. It was agreed to wait until the next meeting before referring the matter back to the Ombudsman.
3.6 Flower troughs – Tim had spoken with Mike Miles of Engineering & Hire who advised that it could prove quite expensive to make or purchase suitable metal inlay boxes and had suggested plastic trays instead. Tony mentioned that plastic storage boxes no deeper than 6”are readily available and would cost no more than £30 or so for 6. He suggested setting daffodil bulbs at the bottom and bedding plants above, so that when these die off, the daffodils may be ready to come through.
The Chairman wondered if ‘patrons’ will happy to continue paying £20, twice a year for the seasonal change of plants and mentioned that sponsors will be needed for the two Kettlethorpe Road troughs, if the present company is not interested. A number of businesses were suggested.
3.7 Parish Council Surgery – Catherine reported that plans were currently on hold because of the change of pub ownership, but everything is ready to go.
3.8 Slaughterhouse waste – Although the Pears’ vehicles had moved to pastures new for the moment, it was said that this does not mean that they have permanently left the area.
3.9 Planning for Christmas Switch-on – Using last year’s figures, Richard suggested that 75 each of finger rolls / buns, sausages and burgers are likely to be needed. Onions will be supplied by the Chairman, who is to check with Kevin and Guy to see if they are available to prepare the food again. Catherine, who was unable to attend this meeting, had dealt with the drinks, sauces etc. last year, consequently it was decided to finalise everything next month, including the role of Santa.
It was mooted at the last meeting that a quiz or a raffle could be held in conjunction with the switch on, but after discussion, it was realised that most members will already be fully occupied and perhaps those who are enthusiastic for speed control equipment could be prevailed upon to run these fund raising activities.
3.10 Council vacancy – Members agreed that a representative from Kettlethorpe, possibly female, would provide a better balance to the Council and names were mentioned that are to be followed up before the next meeting.
3.11 Parish Facebook – A new Council Facebook site has been set up with the help of Catherine’s husband, but it cannot be publicised yet as the old Facebook, which is still partially operational, was set up on former Councillor, Alex Thompson’s e-mail address. The clerk is to pursue the issue.
4.1 Police Crime Report for September
4.2 Npower issue - Ombudsman Response
4.3 Note to Police about next meeting and Smiley SID
4.4 Royal Mail – scam mail warning
4.5 Npower acceptance of Ombudsman decision, £75 to Parish – not yet received
4.6 Purchase order and invoice – Claim for £114.84, Amenity Grass cutting 2018 – not yet received
4.7 Terry Atkin
4.8 LCC – Notification of road improvements – A1133
4.9 Severn Trent - update
4.10 WLDC - Review of Polling Districts and Polling Places
4.11 Clerk – note to police re: traffic danger at Drinsey Nook traffic lights
4.a Clerks & Councils Direct - magazine
E-mailed items – see list
5.1 Planning Application 137400 – Appeal to Planning Inspectorate against refusal of application to erect up to 5 dwellings, East View Farm, Main Road, Laughterton - it was noted that this Council had already responded to the application and Tony hoped that the existing sewers had the capacity to cope, should permission be granted.
6.1 MKS Groundcare – grass cutting for September, verges £60, overgrown verges - £25, Churchyard and Play Area £100, each plus VAT - Invoice No 1189 - £222
It was proposed by Cllr Richard Barnard, seconded by Cllr Tim O’Callaghan and agreed by the meeting that payment should be made.
MKS Groundcare – trim hedge in Parish cemetery, incl VAT - Invoice No 1214 - £38.40
Payment of this invoice was proposed by Cllr Tony Scawthon, seconded by Cllr Tim O’Callaghan and approved by the meeting.
6.2 Cost of flowers for troughs – reimburse Chairman - £42.00
Agreement to refund this sum was proposed by Cllr Richard Barnard, seconded by Cllr Tony Scawthon and agreed by the meeting.
6.3 Fence preservative - Refund Cllr Richard Barnard - £41.96
Reimbursement of the cost of the preservative was proposed by Cllr Tim O’Callaghan, seconded by Cllr Tony Scawthon and approved by all.
6.4 Estimate for Parish Precept for 2019 /2020 – The clerk had produced a spreadsheet of income, expenditure and previous years’ figures, that was used by the meeting to decide the amount to be requested for the next financial year. During discussion, it was noted that there is still £189 to come from LCC and Npower. Cllr Tim O’Callaghan proposed and Cllr Richard Barnard seconded, that the estimated sum for next year should remain unchanged at £9,000. The final figure is to be submitted at a later meeting.
6.5 PAYE / Salary - for end September – Having been agreed in May that these items should be paid monthly, the meeting approved the payment.
6.6 Parish Accounts – for end September. The clerk advised that at the end of last month, the balance of the two accounts was £14,376 and the expenditure was £4,550, following which the Chairman and clerk were asked to sign the monthly accounts sheet.
7.1 Defibrillator problems - WLDC had advised that an issue has come to light with the Cabinet access keypad and lock not operating correctly. The manufacturers suggest that the cabinet needs to be opened weekly, to keep the buttons in good working order and sprayed with a silicon based oil monthly to ensure correct operation when emergency access is required. The information is to be passed to David who usually looks after the defibrillator and cabinet.
7.2 Grass cutting – Richard (B) suggested that it is time to assess the quality of grass cutting this year and the meeting agreed that MKS has done sufficiently well to be considered for next year and the clerk was asked to contact them.
7.3 Fence Post at public footpath - Referring back to the issue of the fence post, (first reported to LCC Highways on 17 July), Richard said that this matter had now become urgent and that the post could fall and possibly cause serious injury, with the additional problem that horses could be released on to the main road. Tony suggested that LCC should be reminded of the Health and Safety issue and that they had a duty of care. It was further stated that the police should be informed.
7.4 Planning Advice - The Chairman reported that a resident on Sallie Bank Lane had asked for information in case he ever wanted to build homes behind his property. It was not known if, or when an application is likely to be submitted.
This will take place in Kettlethorpe Village Hall on Monday 5th November 2018 at 7.40 pm
As there was no further business, the meeting closed at 9.25 pm