May 2023 Minutes Annual Parish Meeting

Kettlethorpe Parish Council

Minutes of the Annual Parish Meeting held in the Village Hall, Kettlethorpe

Tuesday 9th May 2023 at 7.00 p.m.


Cllr Richard Elliott, Chairman,    
Cllr.  Richard Barnard.
Cllr Catherine Turner         .          
Cllr Tim O’Callaghan,   
Mr Geoff Cleworth                  
1   Apologies

Cllr J Willis

2   Minutes of last Annual Parish Meeting

Acceptance of the minutes of the last Annual Parish Meeting which took place on Tuesday, 3rd May 2022 were proposed by Councillor Catherine Turner and seconded by Councillor Richard Barnard.

3.   Matters arising


4.   AGAR Exemption Certificate – The Council’s income and expenditure being below the minimum level for full audit, the Chairman and Clerk signed the external auditors’ exemption certificte.

Annual Governance Statement - The Annual Parish Accounts for 2022 to 2023 have now been completed and submitted for inspection to Mrs Fiona Simpson. She checked and vouched for their accuracy and confirmed that the Council had taken all proper precautions on financial issues throughout the year, thereby complying with the Annual Governance statement, The Chairman asked for a proposal to approve the Annual Governance Statement and acceptance was officially proposed by Councillor Tim O’Callaghan, seconded by Councillor Richard Barnard, and agreed by all.   
Annual Accounts –

The clerk had circulated the audited account to all Councillors. These were accepted by the meeting.  The total holdings at the bank for the Parish at the year end were £8,800.62, The Precept of £9750 plus other incomes brought the total income for the year to £17,482.19.Expenditure to 31st March 2023 was £20,021.78 which left £8,800.62 at the Bank as confirmed by the bank statements and accounts sheets.
5.    Chairman's Report -  the Chairman had circulated a transcript of his report to all Councillors and outlined the contents to the meeting. The transcript follows these Minutes.

Kettlethorpe United Charities had also submitted a report, which also follows these Minutes. A question arose as to why the Charity was giving assistance to bodies in Newton on Trent, when it is formed to specifically assist Kettlethorpe Parish. The Clerk will approach KUC to ascertain the reason for this and will report progress to the Parish Council.       

As there was no further business, the meeting closed at 7.30pm