May 2019 Minutes Annual Parish Meeting
Minutes of the Annual Parish Meeting held in the Village Hall, Kettlethorpe
Monday 06th May 2019 at 7.40 p.m.
Councillor Richard Elliott, Chairman,
Councillor Richard Barnard,
Councillor Lauren Flinders,
Councillor Tony Scawthon,
Councillor Catherine Turner,
Mr. Ron Gee, clerk.
1 Apologies
Cllr Tim O’Callaghan
2 Minutes of last Annual Parish Meeting
Acceptance of the minutes of the last Annual Parish Meeting which took place on Monday 30th April 2018, were proposed by Councillor Catherine Turner and seconded by Councillor Richard Elliott.
3. Matters arising
4. Financial statement
4.1 Annual Governance Statement - The clerk reported that the Annual Parish Accounts for 2018 / 2019 had been completed and submitted for internal inspection by the Parish auditor, Mr Derek Clark, FAAT. He had checked and vouched for their accuracy and confirmed that the Council had complied with the Annual Governance statement, taking all proper precautions on financial issues throughout the year.
The Chairman asked for a proposal to approve the Annual Governance Statement and acceptance was officially proposed by Councillor Richard Barnard, seconded by Councillor Catherine Turner, and agreed by the meeting.
4.2 Annual Accounts - The clerk reported that at the start of the financial year in April 2018 there was £9,284 in the bank and with the Precept of £9,000 plus other income, the total received to the year-end 31st March 2019 was £19,147, with an expenditure of £8,443,which left £10,704 in the bank, as confirmed by the bank statements and the accounts sheet.
The Chairman thanked the clerk for his Report and his dedication to the job throughout the year and asked, unless there are any questions, for a proposal to accept the Annual Accounts for the year 2018 / 2019. Acceptance was proposed by Councillor Lauren Flinders, seconded by Councillor Richard Barnard and in a further proposal, Councillor Catherine Turner, seconded by Councillor Tony Scawthon recommended that Mr Derek Clark should continue in the role of Parish Auditor. Both proposals were agreed by the meeting.
5. Chairman's Report
In his Report, the Chairman said that the attendance of police at meetings, when duties permitted was appreciated and referred to the attempts to limit the speed of traffic through Laughterton. He touched on the portable speed sign which is part owned by the Parish and listed the efforts made over the past 15 years to get improvements to the shocking state of the road surface. He thanked all members of the Council for giving up their time and in particular, Councillors David Byrne and Richard Barnard for their efforts in maintaining Jubilee Park.
6 Items for Discussion
6.1. Parish Reports - Reports from each of the Parish organisations have been compiled into a folder for circulation around the Council after which they will be made available for public view on the Parish website and kept on file for future reference.
As there was no further business, the meeting closed at 8.00 pm.